
Forgotten Lilies

This is a collection of love stories between women that I wrote and forgot among my pc files. There are several types of stories that little by little I will translate and post. There are long, short, full of love and sweet moments between the characters or unpleasant moments that will make you hate the story. Anyway, give it a chance and have fun with the characters' different ways of loving. Love is an art.

All_J · LGBT+
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15 Chs

A Pirate of Love

In the vast expanse of the ocean, there roamed two female pirates - the notorious captain, Ariana, and her trusted first mate, Sofia. They were feared and respected by all who sailed the seas, their reputations preceding them. But beneath the rough exterior and fierce demeanor, lay a passion that burned brightly between the two women.

Ariana and Sofia had been inseparable since they met on a raiding mission years ago. Their chemistry was undeniable, and they were drawn to each other like magnets. They shared everything, from their loot to their darkest secrets. But as their feelings for each other deepened, they knew that their love could never be accepted by the world they lived in.

One starry night, as they lay on the deck of their ship, looking up at the twinkling sky, Ariana whispered, "I wish we could run away from all of this, Sofia. Just you and me, sailing the seas and living a life of freedom."

Sofia's heart swelled with love for her captain, and she replied, "I would follow you to the ends of the earth, my love. But we can never escape who we are, and what we do. We are pirates, Ariana, and we have a reputation to uphold."

Ariana sighed, knowing that Sofia was right. They were bound by their circumstances, and their love could never be free. But they vowed to make the most of the time they had together, and to love each other fiercely, despite the odds.

Their adventures took them to exotic locations, where they fought fierce battles and outwitted their enemies. They were a formidable team, and their love for each other only made them stronger. But as they sailed on, the shadow of death loomed over them, threatening to take them both away.

It was on a stormy night, as they battled the raging waters, that tragedy struck. The ship was hit by a giant wave, and Sofia was swept overboard. Ariana plunged into the water after her, but the currents were too strong, and she was dragged under.

As she struggled for air, Ariana's thoughts were filled with memories of her beloved Sofia. The way her hair fell in soft curls around her face, the way her eyes sparkled with mischief, and the way her lips felt against hers. In that moment, all she wanted was to hold her one last time, to tell her how much she loved her.

But it was not to be. As she sank deeper into the abyss, Ariana knew that they would never be together again. Their love had been a brief and beautiful flame, snuffed out too soon by the cruel hand of fate.

And so, the two female pirates, who had lived a life of adventure and passion, met their tragic end in the ocean they loved. But their love lived on, a testament to the power of passion and the strength of the human spirit.