

And so it came to pass at the stroke of ten that day, a feast was prepared for Joseph who ate as he has never eaten before and drank until he was drunk.

Realizing he had the power of a hundred soldiers. He sought Michael after the feast.

He wanted to prove himself worthy. He has never won against Michael not even in a hand wrestle. Winning was something he was eager to do for he was stronger, bigger, and fierce.

Michael was at the arena practicing his sword stance. His nose flared up to sniff the air and frowned. He didn't recognize the scent. So he stopped training to find out who it was.

" Joseph!! He called ecstatically running towards Him and envelope him in a hug.

" Where have you been? Joseph break away from the hug and rolled his eyes going for a sword.

" It doesn't matter. I'm back in flesh. Enough talking let's sweat it out" he suggested walking around him in circles while Michael nodded. He needed it.