

Tired of her rambling, Mark made tea for her and wrapped a blanket around her shoulder then went out to gather some wood to warm her up with.

Aeadia's gaze was fixed on the burning piece of wood and the blazing smoke that disappeared and sighed.

" He saw me. I almost died. I couldn't recognize him. His eyes were red and white at the same time. His aura reeked of imminent power. Mark, what if he's not what we think he is? Mark didn't look surprised or fearful like Aeadia expected.

" If he did this to you then only the Supernaturals can help him. Hector knows who he is. I know Michael. There's good in him" Aeadia sighed heavily then sipped the tea.

" He wasn't pleased about my invasion. He looked lost. I just wanted to help" Mark pulled her to his shoulder patting her arm then sighed looking at the heavens muttering a silent prayer for his son even though he didn't believe in any God.