

The attack was scheduled for noon giving Joseph enough time to prepare his new army for the siege. Affin was once his resident but not anymore. He was where he was meant to be.

In the king's army as a noble knight of the great kingdom of Verdes.

Barrels of explosives were loaded up in a cart by the knights while he watches.

" Where are you going? A female voice interrupt him as he turned around to find Shamira staring at him in curiosity.

" The King's orders " she scoffed snapping her fingers, two hefty guards stepped forward.

" Talk to me like that again Joseph and I will have you locked up somewhere he wouldn't find you. You may think you can escape with your animosity but that's what makes it interesting because I know how to harm werewolves" she threatened to let him know she'll gladly put it into action if he doesn't choose his next words carefully.