
Forgotten Child of Wammy's House

rollowilgar · Book&Literature
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1 Chs


The dark clouds rumbled, unleashing a downpour of cold autumn rain. Aikon stood motionless amidst the deluge, allowing the heavy raindrops to soak through his school uniform and pelt his skin. The chill barely registered through the storm swirling within his mind.

He gazed up at the ominous sky, lost in thought. His genius-level IQ of 211 set him apart from peers and family alike, erecting barriers even his athletic and academic achievements could not bridge. Outwardly his talents seemed a blessing, but inwardly they only amplified his profound sense of isolation.

If only he could quell the relentless machine of his mind, constantly analyzing, predicting, outthinking every situation. But to intentionally mute his intellect would be akin to betraying himself.

The back door slid open, casting a slender rectangle of light that did little to penetrate the gloom hanging over Aikon. "Aikon!" His younger brother Roko's irritated voice cut through the drumming rain. "Get inside before you catch pneumonia or something!"

Aikon slowly turned his head, rainwater dripping from his perpetually lonely eyes that his aloof expression failed to conceal. Roko's annoyance wavered as he glimpsed the unconcealed distress in his brother's gaze. An uncomfortable twinge of regret flushed his cheeks. He told himself Aikon deserved the disdain, yet jealousy still curdled in his stomach when he watched his genius brother effortlessly glide through school and life, showered in praise and admiration. Resentment warred with Roko's conscience as Aikon trudged across the flooded lawn without a word, resignation bowed in his shoulders.

Aikon stepped into the foyer, rivulets of water dripping from his uniform onto the polished tiles. He stood there shivering slightly, arms limp at his sides, eyes downcast. Roko brushed past him to grab some monogrammed towels from the hallway closet.

"Don't just stand there dripping," Roko grumbled, tossing a towel at Aikon who reflexively caught it in one hand. When his brother made no move to dry himself, Roko gritted his teeth.

"What's your problem anyway? Why were you wandering around in the rain like a freak?" The hurtful words slipped out before Roko could bite his tongue.

Aikon tensed almost imperceptibly, face still an impassive mask. "I was...thinking," he finally murmured.

Roko grimaced, regretting his petty resentment. He waited for Aikon to elaborate, but his genius brother just stood motionless, rainwater pooling at his feet.

An uncomfortable silence descended. Roko wanted to understand Aikon's inner world, but feared envying his brother's brilliance even more if he glimpsed the burdens weighing down that formidable intellect.

"You should go change," Roko mumbled, eyes sliding towards the family photos lining the walls. Images of long-dead parents they never knew. If Aikon's genes granted him dazzling talent, did they also curse him with isolation?

Aikon followed Roko's gaze to their parents' frozen smiles. "Yes, I should," he whispered hollowly before disappearing up the grand staircase.

Roko watched him go, heart conflicted. He busied himself mopping the foyer, straining to hear anything that might clue him into his brother's emotional abyss. But Aikon remained as stoically silent as the eye of a storm, his matchless genius safeguarding inner truths not even Roko could decipher.

Aikon ascended the grand staircase with measured steps, one hand trailing along the smooth bannister. Though chilled to the bone by the rain, the physical discomfort barely registered through the relentless churning of his thoughts. If only he could quiet his mind for a moment's peace.

He paused at the top landing by the wall displaying his various academic and athletic accolades. His aunt and uncle ensured the polished collection of medals, trophies and certificates grew more impressive each year. Yet to Aikon they served as hollow reminders that no achievement could fill the void inside him.

Continuing down the upstairs hall decorated with heirloom landscapes, Aikon reached his bedroom and stepped inside. He closed the door firmly, muffling the faint sounds of Roko wiping up the foyer below.

Methodically, Aikon peeled off his drenched uniform, the soaked fabrics clinging to his toned physique honed by years of dedication to sports. He caught a glimpse of himself in the full length mirror - an athletic, attractive shell housing a fractured soul. Drying his dripping skin with a monogrammed towel did little to thaw his inner numbness.

After changing into casual designer clothes that still echoed affluence, Aikon ran his fingers through towel-dried hair and exhaled. The tempest continued raging in his heart no matter how placid his exterior. He just needed to survive another empty family dinner...one hour at a time.

Steeling himself, Aikon left his bedroom and headed back downstairs to the dining room where his aunt, uncle and Roko waited. Their conversation faded to uneasy silence upon his arrival, all attention shifting to scrutinize Aikon's every mundane action. Even among family he wandered alone.

Aikon took his usual seat at the long mahogany dining table set with fine china and crystal glasses. The savory smell of his aunt's expertly prepared meal went unappreciated as Aikon numbly filled his plate. He felt three sets of eyes tracking his every move - his aunt and uncle with poorly concealed avarice, Roko with a complicated mix of resentment and concern.

The clinking of expensive silverware on porcelain echoed in the room as they ate in awkward silence. Tension simmered below the surface like a pot set to boil. Aikon kept his gaze fixed on his plate, though he felt no appetite. He sensed his aunt and uncle's false pretenses in caring for Roko and himself after their parents died. They only wished to manipulate the inheritance they would receive when he and his brother came of age.

Roko made stilted attempts at conversation which collapsed underneath the weight of all that went unspoken. Soon even he gave up, leaving only the scraping of knives on plates.

Aikon finished the meal mechanically and rose to put his dish in the sink. As he crossed the kitchen's marble floors, he glimpsed the maid, Haruka, stealthily observing him with unconcealed admiration. Her pretty features however hid ulterior motives like his relatives.

Haruka was a fine young girl with blonde hair and blue eyes just like her late mother. She was adopted at a young age by a woman named Misa Amane; however, her mom died young and so she needed money. She ended up working for a rich family in order for her plan to work.

She had adoration for someones status and future prospects. If she could secure marrying someone who was rich or talented her life would be secure. That is why she admired and tried to seduce Aikon. 

Aikon escaped upstairs the first chance he got, retreating to his bedroom suite's peaceful solitude. At least here he need not pretend comfort among family who saw him only as a means to an end. He sank onto the bed, gaze drifting to the chess board on his desk. There, against the computer's artificial intelligence, Aikon's unmatched intellect faced the one true equal opponent.

Aikon sat down at his desk and booted up his custom-built gaming computer. The advanced hardware could calculate chess moves as quickly as his own genius brain. As the machine hummed to life, he opened up his chess platform to resume the previous night's match against the Stockfish 11 artificial intelligence.

The unfinished game loaded onto the screen - Aikon commanding the black pieces at a slight disadvantage. He cracked his knuckles before moving his queen to threaten Stockfish's knight. The AI immediately responded by taking Aikon's remaining bishop. Aikon's eyes narrowed, his lightning-fast mind computing countless counter moves and strategies. Selecting the strongest option, he put Stockfish in check with his own knight.

Back and forth the epic battle raged, black and white pieces sweeping across the virtual board. To the untrained eye, the subtle plays and feints would blend together in confusion. But Aikon kept up with the machine's ruthless aggression. Here, pitting his intellect against a perfect logical entity, he could almost forget his inner desolation.

The clicking of pieces and ticking clock created a soundtrack to Aikon's dance with a worthy opponent. Time lost meaning. After an intense middle game where he sacrificed his remaining rook, Aikon managed to promote a central pawn to a queen, turning the tide momentarily. But Stockfish unpredictably abandoned its own rook to force Aikon's king into a gradual chokehold.

As the end game tightened like a noose, Aikon's pulses quickened with exhilaration. All his clouded senses focused like a laser on the chessboard, synapses firing, calculating endless branching futures in milliseconds before selecting his next move...and his next...grasping at a steadily vanishing chance for victory. 

Aikon hunched intently over the chess board, brow furrowed in concentration as his king's space shrank move by move. Stockfish's artificial intellect matched his at every turn, closing off avenues of escape route by route.

In a flurry of moves, Aikon lost both his remaining bishops, then the last of his pawns. Stockfish's queen and rook boxed his king into a corner as inevitability loomed. Aikon slid a knight back and forth in futile evasive maneuvers, buying precious time, waiting for the one lapse in judgment by the flawless machine...

But it did not come. With clinical precision, Stockfish initiated the final checkmating sequence. Light glinted off its virtual crown as the AI overtook Aikon's beleaguered king. CHECKMATE flashed mercilessly across the screen as his ELO decreased.

Aikon sat back, chest heaving slightly, blinking away the haze of intense concentration. Rare frustration mingled with grudging respect at Stockfish's strategic perfection. In time he would decode its uncanny algorithms and shore up the defects in his own logic. But not tonight.

Tonight he must accept defeat with grace, his sole equal in outcomes if not emotional essence. For unlike Aikon, the artificial intellect experienced neither exhilaration in the heat of battle, nor anguish in lonely isolation. It merely calculated moves devoid of deeper meaning.

Aikon powered off the computer and the screen faded to black, reflecting his own hollow eyes. A formidable mind, yet still human for all its exceptional genius. Seeking solace and purpose just like any other.

He readied for bed in a daze, the chess game replaying in his thoughts. Somewhere in those vivid memories lurked the key to unlocking the meaning behind his gift - and his curse. A solution human logic could not grasp, but somehow one day must.

Aikon slid under the covers, body spent but thoughts still churning through chess strategies even as exhaustion tugged at his consciousness. He glanced at his uniform hanging neatly on the closet door, waiting to be donned again tomorrow for the most critical exam of his academic career so far.

The prestigious high school's entrance assessment would determine which educational path his future marched down for the next three years. With his intellect, Aikon could secure a spot at the exclusive academy renowned for launching graduates to elite universities around the world.

It was a future meticulously planned out for him by his aunt and uncle - one woven from ambition and greed as much as any desire to see Aikon succeed on his own terms. Their voices echoed in his head, exhorting accolades and achievements to further inflate his brilliance. And isolate his heart.

Aikon closed his eyes, the chess grid still shimmering faintly against his eyelids. Somewhere beyond the prescribed path unfolding before him, an alternative awaited...one where his talents connected instead of divided. A future forged by his own purpose, not one imposed by others.

First he had to discover that purpose hidden somewhere deep within his labyrinthine mind. But for tonight, he simply needed rest to face the exam whose outcome would determine far more than an academic placement. Tomorrow, the real endgame began...