
Forgotten Archive

The search for the archive that hold something that can the change The World

IzCry · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Wake up

"Wake up... please wake up young master please wake up." the soft caring voice tries to wake Williem up,

He replies, "Ten more minute, please let me sleep for ten more minute."

the soft voice turns into a loud stern voice "Master Williem Corvuscore wake up your father will be arriving in the mater of second, so please get up from this bed and get ready!"

Hearing that Williem jolt from his bed awake and replies while smiling "Morning Maria".

After waking up, Maria then starts preparing Williem's outfit while Williem takes a bath. After took a bath, Williem then get ready he wears a dark blue shirt with black and silver accent decorating his outfit. While getting ready the sound of foot marching and horse clopping can be heard coming from the gate. Hearing that Williem rushes outside and see a tall, blacked hair man wearing a black armour riding a black war horse. The man gets off from his horse and walk toward Williem.

Williem bow his head and says, "Welcome back father."

The man replies while hugging Williem "I left you for 3 month and now you talk to me like that."

"I miss you so much, father." Williem replies

"Williem, I miss you too son, I'm so grateful that I came back to you after those battle" while placing his head onto Williem's head, he then turns and look toward his men and said "I'm grateful that we can came back to our family, our home, and we came back safe, alive and victorious... I'm grateful for that. I'm want to thank everyone, every man that fight beside me and those who laid their life fighting beside us, I thank you all and may peace be upon those who fall and glory for us all!!!"

The man in the black armour is Fredrick Corvuscore, the baron of Eastcliff and lord of house Corvuscore. Fredrick is known for his feat in many battles. In the battle of Brandock hill, He held a hundred men by his own or in the battle of Fourwinds he led a charge that turn the tide of the battle. After those battles, some said He is one of best knight in the kingdom, known for his courage and leadership.

After dismissing his men, Fredrick comes inside followed by Williem. Inside Fredrick stand looking at a portrait of a beautiful lady with a black hair wearing a silver dress. He said, "I still keep my promise to you, my love."

That portrait is Elara's portrait, His late wife and Williem's mother, Elara is a loving and caring woman with a great sense of justice, she teaches Williem to be humble and caring for each other and she personally teaches Williem etiquette of the noblemen. She is known to teaches her maids to write, read, sew, and many more and she always helps her people, when winter arrives, she always seen giving people food, water, and blanket she even let some of homeless kids that she found to life at the house of Corvuscore, she was love by the people of Eastcliff. She died seven years after giving birth to Williem, her last word to Williem is "Be strong and kind son, the world is harsh, unforgiving but you can change it by helping those around you."

At diner, Williem and Fredrick eat they're in silent, both seem enjoying their diner. Suddenly Fredrick call Williem and asks "Son, this year you turn 15 what will you do?"

"I think, I'll join the rank of the Corvuscore men, and I'll serve and protect this land of our and all these people father." Williem answers

"That is the answer I hope you give me, but you won't join the rank of our men."

"BUT WHY father?? I thought, my answer is the one you want to hear, and I have trained every day so that I can fight beside you, fight to protect our home and help our men fight those battle." Williem confused

"After the last battle, our enemies are grown stronger, even stronger than before and right now we barely won that battle. We must become stronger if we want to protect our people. So, I decide that I will send you to Akilenhart in 6 month to learn about the world and train your mind, body and heart, so that you may prepare to face the world."

Williem look confused after the news that he will go to Akilenhart.