
Forgotten - Part One

Deku slowly sunk down what felt like an endless sea of darkness. His eyes were shut, but he felt his body fall. He couldn't beat the Nomu, and despite being excited, it still hurt to loose.

"I wasn't powerful enough." Deku knew what it meant to loose, he felt like he was quirkless again after the Nomu so easily changed the pace of the fight. He wanted to be powerful, he needed more power. It wasn't enough for him.

"Deku." A menacing voice came from the darkness. Deku's feet landed on the ground, a large hand lightly grabbed the top of his head. It was a familiar feel, the feel of Shigaraki, the one who had given him the power. Deku felt like he had failed his master, he became irritated and had the need to punch something.

Deku attacked the air with a straight punch with his eyes closed as much as he could, but when he felt the feeling of a liquid drip from his hands, those eyes opened.

"Izuku." Inko, Deku's mom, was standing in front of him with a fist through her heart. She wore a warm smile as she put her hand on Deku's cheek. A tear came down from the other cheek, revealing emotions that Deku didn't know he still had.

"Why do I feel this way?" The answer was simple, she was still his mother. He didn't cry before as he was so desperate for power. He didn't care before as he had finally found his light at the end of the tunnel.

He pulled his hand out from his mothers chest, her body fell and sunk into the floor. Deku's heart began pounding and his breathing became heavy.

Deku was scared, but that fear turned into excitement as the motionless bodies of his classmates painted the floor red. He laughed, he laughed so hard that it was uncontrollable. The bloody knife was in his hand.

Then, the touch of the hand had disappeared and was replaced with the feeling of a hug. Deku felt warm in its embrace as Toga's face sat on his right shoulder. He laughed even more, his smile maniacal.

Toga unwrapped her arms and ran in front of Deku, his eyes followed her until he looked directly in front as she stood next to All For One.

"You have done well." Despite feeling like he had failed his master, All For One still congratulated Deku for his good work, "Now they will rely on you more, and we can break them from the inside." Deku had not thought of that. It was obvious that they would try to rely on him more after seeing how he held his own against the Nomu.

However, as sense of emptiness came over Deku and his smile faded.

"I'm not powerful enough." Not being able to defeat the Nomu took a harder hit than Deku had thought. The fight was fun, being taken down was fun, but the feeling of loss afterwards was not.

"Are you asking to gain more power?" The deep voice echoed through the darkness, and the question piqued Deku's interest. His eyes now looked directly at All For Ones mask with hope and a joyful smile.

"Very well." Those were the last words Deku heard before he woke up in the hospital bed.

The dusk sun slipped through the curtains of the room. Deku's bed was next to the window. When Deku sat up, he felt a pressure keeping the left side of his bed down. Just by looking through the corner of his eyes, he could already see why.

"Hey, Toga." Toga was softly sleeping with her head rested on her arms that created the pressure. Though Deku only spoke quietly, it still managed to wake Toga up.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes, but her tiredness vanished as she noticed that Deku was awake.

"Izuku!" Her eyes widened and a bright smile came over her face, "You know, you look cute when you're beat up." Deku wasn't surprised, he expected her to love the sight of Deku's injuries.

They both chuckled to each other. It was only the night before that they had met, but they already felt like really close friends. Deku was really happy to see her, but a question did come to his head that he had to ask.

"How did you even know I was here anyways?" Deku hadn't told Toga their plans, or even the fact that he was with the League of Villains.

"A big scary dude with a mask covering his head and neck told me you were here, he also did some crazy thing that sent his soul or something into your head. Did you talk to him?" Toga wasn't really one for the details, but she always gave enough for people to know what she was talking about.

"All For One. That's the person who gave me my quirk, and he's my master." Deku spoke with pride since he was proud to be All For Ones student.

Deku and Toga both smiled at each other until they heard the sound of the door sliding open. They looked over to see Aizawa, fully recovered, walking towards the bed.

"I'll see you later." Toga got up and left, Deku watched her walk all the way to the door until he turned his attention over to Aizawa, who was covered in bandages.

"I already know what you're going to say. I'm sorry." Deku quickly apologized before he could get lectured about how dangerous his actions were. He expected to be murdered by words, but he instead received the least expected.

"Thank you." His tiresome voice seemed like it took a lot to say that, but it was clear to Deku that he was serious, "What you did was dangerous, but it doesn't change the fact that you played a crucial role in not only keeping your classmates safe, but me as well."

Deku smiled and accepted Aizawa's gratitude. Since Deku had fully recovered, the nurses and doctors let him leave and return home.


"Hey, hey!" Deku shouted as he aggressively opened the door. Tomura and Kurogiri both looked in Deku's direction as he had expected, but what he had not expected was to see Toga sitting on the stall.

Deku walked further in and sat down next to Toga with a confused expression. Toga had a secretive smile when Tomura explained the situation.

"If we are going to take those pesky hero's down, we're going to need a team we can actually rely on instead of gathering a bunch of amateurs." Deku had an idea of where this was going, and got his hopes up that he would be right, "So we started with your dear friend here."

Deku's face lit up and he celebrated Toga's arrival with a high five.

"I was going to tell you when we were at the hospital, but I though it would be best as a surprise for when you came home!" Toga was excited and happy that she had joined, now they can be together more often.

Tomura sighed as they continuously jumped in the air and gave each other high fives.

"Our next target will be the hero killer known as Stain. I'm sure you two will find him interesting." Tomura put a sheet of paper onto the counter that contained all of the information about Stain that they could find.

Deku and Toga returned to their stalls and looked over the information. Stains quirk, Bloodcurdle, was what caught their attention. It allowed the hero killer to paralyze a target for a limited amount of time by using his tongue to lick the blood of that person no matter when or where it was found.

"He will make a great friend, let's just hope he doesn't disappoint." They had not met the "hero killer" yet, so to judge him early was a call for a mistake. They had high hopes, but they did not put their faith in Stain being a reliable ally.

For a few minutes, they all just drank and relaxed in celebration for their success.

Deku was about to leave with Toga until he was told some news that he had not expected to ever come from Tomura.

"Before you go, you need to know that Toga will be living with you from today." Toga already knew this, and got overly excited when it was revealed to Deku was dumbfounded to hear that, but it wasn't anything that he thought was a bad idea.

"I guess I'll take the couch then?" Deku looked over at Toga to confirm who would be sleeping where they would be sleeping. Toga nodded her head in agreement, because who wouldn't want to take the comfy bed?

Deku sighed and started to close the door, and exchanged the same words as he said the night before with Tomura.

"Don't go too crazy." Were Tomura's words. Deku smirked.

"I'll try."

----Season 1 End----

[Season 2: September 5th 2020]