
Forest Burning Blue

The night sky was dark, with just the moon giving it light. It had been days since Deku last did anything fun.

With all the commotion Deku had created after his previous attacks, some people were desperately waiting to see what he would do next. Since Deku was a villain like they had never seen before, too many people became fans of Deku as if he were just a part of a comic.

So there he was, standing on top of a cliff by himself with an emotionless expression as he looked over the forest that held his old classmates. Of course, he was in his villains suit with all the new upgrades as well.

He was excited for the reunion, but he was told to only join the battle when he is needed.

Due to Deku's power, he had become the member that only joined the battle when things go wrong of if there was something that he needed to do. This made being a villain a lot less fun, but everything was planned to change after that night.

It wasn't long until the forest began to burn. The blue flames made a beautiful sight, and the smoke was like fog, making it hard for the first year students to see in the forest.

The plan had already started, but Deku still had nothing to do despite what he had hoped he could have done. Hearing the screams acted as his only entertainment until the tired voice of a man Deku recognized came from behind.

"So you're a villain now, Midoriya?" Deku turned with an excited smile and murderous eyes and looked at the man dressed in black, with his iconic scarf wrapped around his neck.

"Mr Aizawa! It's so good to see you!" Now completely facing his own teacher, Deku put his fingers together as if he were an innocent high school girl.

"Just because you were my student doesn't mean I'll hold back on you." Just as he finished his sentence, Aizawa's scarf began floating and he threw one end over towards Deku to wrap it around him.

Deku jumped into the air, avoiding the long ranged attack.

It was hard for Deku to tell how Aizawa's quirk would work against Deku's two quirks. Which one would it cancel out? Or would it cancel whatever one is being used?

As a test, Deku first used is telekinesis to pull up some small rocks to be used as a surface as he fell from the air. After taking just a few steps in an attempt to make his distance, Deku's quirk failed on him, causing him to fall back down.

When Deku used his super strength quirk to soften his landing, that made his test useful as it confirmed that Aizawa can only cancel one of Deku's quirks at a time, meaning combat will become easier.

"Damn, I forgot you had two quirks." Aizawa thought out loud as Deku dashed forward to punch his teacher in the face, but Aizawa leaped back just in time to not get hit.

"This is gonna be fun!" With a psychotic smile, Deku powered up his whole body and began his chain of attacks, not letting a single opening for Aizawa to counter attack.

Punch, kick, punch kick and repeat. Some hit, but Aizawa blocked most. Deku had no intention of severely hurting Aizawa, so he only used five percent of his super strength quirk compared to his usual thirty.

"Are you trying to insult me, Midoriya?" Aizawa made the time to make a funny remark, "I was your teacher, I know how strong you are. You're not holding back, are you?"

"I may be." Deku went along with the joke as Aizawa appeared from behind, restraining Deku with his arms and legs.

Deku turned his head to face Aizawa with an eccentric smile that was befitting of a murderer. Despite making a joke whilst fighting, Aizawa's expression was serious and showed no intention of letting Deku go.

Unaware of Deku's new equipment besides his mask, Aizawa was dumbfounded to see Deku pull a machete out from his blazer after quickly releasing his right hand by using his super strength.

Deku released himself from Aizawa's restraint and twisted his body to swing the machete, aiming for Aizawa's throat. Deku had not intention of letting the attack hit, he just wanted Aizawa to jump back and create distance between them.

"I never thought one of my students would become a villain so easily." Deku was confused by what Aizawa meant, but chose to disregard the meaning and give his thoughts.

Deku stood himself up, creating a tension in the air with his psychotic smile as his green eyes glowed and his face, other than the mouth and eyes, were blacked out as the murderous intent overflowed from him.

"Me becoming a villain has been building up for years." Deku's voice sounded insane and even made Aizawa uncomfortable,"Its only natural you're surprised though, you weren't there for the pain and torture I had to enjoy just for being a quirkless child."

Not even a second after he finished his sentence, Deku dashed to appear in front of Aizawa and punched him in the face, sending the so called "pro hero" into a tree on the edges of the small forest on top of the cliff.

Without hesitation, Deku grabbed Aizawa's face and smashed it into the trunk of the tree. Deku knelt down to look in the eyes of the bloody Aizawa.

"This scarf seems to get in the way of so many people." Deku lifted up his machete and twisted the blade so it would be wrapped in the scarf, "I hate it." With one quick motion, Deku cut the scarf and then pulled it off Aizawa's neck and held it in his hand. Aizawa didn't say a word, he stayed silent. Deku stood up and dropped the scarf on the dirt floor as he looked over at the burning forest far below.

"Its a pretty sight, isn't it." Aizawa could only see the light and the smoke that travelled the edges of the cliff as he sat on the ground, almost completely unconscious.

It was then that Deku got a message. He pulled his phone out and was shocked by what the message read. Deku gripped the machete in his hands and looked over at Aizawa as he came to a realization.

"You guys must have a plan." He spoke to Aizawa in a serious tone, but that quickly faded into excitement of a psychopath, "But that won't matter once we're done. I'll make sure we deliver him in tiny pieces!"

In such a short time, Mr Compress had already captured Katsuki Bakugo before Deku could ever move onto the main part of his fun.

Deku was a little disappointed to end it so early, but the idea that the hero's had a plan made it much more exciting.

Ditching Aizawa, Deku used his super strength quirk to jump high into the night sky and above the flames of the forest. However, before he would reach the place they decided to regroup, Deku wanted to have a little fun for him to be satisfied with the night.

On the pathway that was just under him, Deku noticed one of the top people on his kill list: Mineta.

Deku didn't like Mineta. How he was only in U.A to be a pervert and watch the girls, imagining him doing such a thing to Toga was infuriating to Deku. So he landed in the bushes next to the group that was running away from the fight that Spinner and Magne had started and waited for the right moment to attack.

His smile was wide, and showed his psychotic impatience as he held a machete in his right hand and up against his chest with murder in his eyes. In the group was Mineta, Iida and Koda. A small group, and a perfect target.

As Mineta ran behind Iida and Koda, Deku took the chance and jumped out from the bushes, dashing straight towards Mineta's small figure. Iida heard the sound of the bushes rustling and turned back to see Deku slitting the throat of Mineta with a smile on his face.

It was a disgusting sight for him to see.

Thick blood ran down Mineta's throat as he fell to the ground, Deku standing behind him. Iida stopped running and turned his whole body around to run back to Mineta as Koda stood still, looking at the scene in shock.

Iida took Mineta into his arms as he tried to contain his rage and not let his fear take over. Mineta struggled to breath, grasping what little air he could. Deku just stood and watched their suffering just a few metres away, still holding his machete in his hand as it dripped with blood.

"Iida..." Mineta quietly called out Iida's voice.

"Don't talk, Mineta. You're going to be okay." There was no chance that Mineta would be able to survive, but Iida's hope created a false vision.

"I'm... sorry." Mineta knew that this was his last moment, "I'm so... pathetic. I couldn't even get a girlfriend." He laughed at his own comment, but it sounded forced and only hurt him more.

Mineta turned his head to face the sky after looking at Iida's suffering eyes. They weren't far from the fight that Tiger and Mandalay from the Wild, Wild Pussycats were in, but the pro hero's couldn't do anything as they were fighting Spinner and Magne.

"I think the color red suits you, Mineta." A tear came down the side of Mineta's face as his eyes lost its color.

"Curse you." Iida's voice was filled with anger, the anger he tried to contain.

Iida didn't want to believe that the person who killed Mineta was Midoriya, he refused to believe that. No, to him, the person who killed Mineta was the villain known as Deku, not Izuku Midoriya.

Deku laughed for a short second and gripped his machete even tighter as he prepared for another attack, but that was quickly stopped when the sound of ice came from Deku's right side, bursting out from the trees and towards Deku.

At the last moment, Deku jumped in the air to avoid being hit by the ice as Todoroki made his appearance.

"Oh hey, Todoroki!" Deku seemed excited to see Todoroki as they hadn't seen each other since Endeavour was knocked out on live TV.

Deku landed on the ground and instantly began running towards Todoroki with a smile on his face and the machete to his side. Todoroki prepared to defend himself whilst thinking of how to counterattack when Deku suddenly stopped running and a blue glow appeared around him.

"Wha- whoa!" Deku was confused at first, but instantly figured out that Magne had stopped the fight as multiple portals created from Kurogiri formed. With her quick, Magne pulled everyone from the League into the portal except from two who were nowhere to be seen.

"Its time to go! Lets not go started any unnecessary fights." Just as everyone was pulled into the portals, Magne gave her last words and joined the League.

The portals disappeared and the League of Villains had returned to their hideout bar where the restraints had already been set up by Kurogiri to make sure Bakugo didn't try to attack them like anyone else would in his situation.

Mr Compress released Bakugo, who was unconscious, making it easy to put him in the restraints.

Seeing Bakugo made Deku happy as he walked to sit on the stool next to Toga and look over at his old friend with a slight blush on his face. Even Toga was confused by Deku's expression, but before she could question it, Bakugo had woken up. Straight away he knew what situation he was in, but he was too calm for Deku to just let it slide.

"Wakey, wakey." Deku spoke to Bakugo like he was a child.

---End Of Chapter---