

Memory loss Nightmares That is the other of the day for Ruby. She thinks she has a daughter because that's what happens mostly in her nightmares which she feels is part of her forgotten past. Does she really have a daughter or it's just a night mare?

Leo_Ruby_24 · Urban
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   "Oh moon goddess, please save me and my babies" I thought as I kept running, heavily pregnant. Maybe it's the pressure or the thought of saving my kids that keeps driving me to move faster, I don't know. All I know is that he's gaining up on me.

  Will I be able to survive this?  I keep thinking as I strived to run faster, breathing heavily, with andrenaline pumping through. I hear my heart beating rapidly as I continued racing through the wood hoping to be save, so I can go back to get me daughter. I sure hope my daughter is save where I left her."


   I then wake up sweating profusely. Same old thing. Same old dream. Will I ever be able to get over this or even better will I ever dream further than this? I kept on thinking as I made my way to the kitchen to get some water to quench my thirst. I met Ashley there sitting on the slab fetching himself some orange juice.

     'Ash, please, pass me some too?' I said as I entered the kitchen, joining him on the slab.

    ' Had another nightmare?'

   ' Yeah'.


   ' Same old one'.

   ' Yeah'.

   ' Was it longer this time around?' he asked as he poured me some juice. Collecting it from him I answered

'You know the answer to that. It's tearing me up, I really feel that I have a daughter out there waiting for but when I don't even remember my name, how will I know what she looks like or even remember where I left her.'

  ' You wanna know what I feel?'

  ' You are just gonna tell me that the same old story. That I should believe in the goddess, that she gonna reunite me with my daughter blah blah blah.' I'm tired of hearing the same thing over and over again.

  ' You hurt my feeling. I've been working on this for a little while now and I wanted to tell you as a surprise on your birthday, seems you will get an early birthday gift.' Since I can't remember anything after Ash saved me, he decided that he found me will be my birthday. And it has been celebrated on the 20th of September ever since. It will be three years in one week. It's a sweet-sour day. It's the day my nightmare is the most intense. The day I lost my daughter and gave birth to my son.

'So, what's the surprise?' I asked hoping it will lift my mood.

' Guess. What can it be?' he said tapping his chin and looking up.

  ' Guy, I'm not in the mood for this. Besides, Mike may wake up any time soon'.

'Do you remember that when you first came to the pack we tried to find who you are but didn't really do an intense search because of the fiasco going on in the pack?' He started.

'Yeah, what about that?'

' Well, about six months ago, I thought about searching again.'

' And?'

  ' I found your family.' he said smiling.

  ' Really?'

  ' So, do you know my name?'

  ' Yes. Your name was Miley White and you moved out of your pack to live with your mate.'

   'Oh my gosh. Thank you very much.' I said hugging him. I'm really happy maybe very soon, I will find out if my dream is a memory or just a nightmare.

  ' Not only that, I requested for a six month leave from the Alpha so that we can travel to your pack and find out about your past' he added.

  ' Really, I'm so happy. What I've I done to deserve a friend like you?' I said hugging him again.

  ' So, when do we start our journey?' I asked.

   ' Whenever you want.'

   ' What about in three days time? If you don't mind.'

   ' Sure, anything for you.'

   ' Thank you for everything. Love you.' I said as I get down from the slab ready to go back to bed.

  ' I'm happy to be at your service, Ma'am.' He said saluting with two fingers. I smiled in return and made my way to my room.


' Stop running about and let's go home you two?' I said to Micheal and Gwen. We had come to the park to unwind after packing for the travel tomorrow. I also wanted Mike to visit the pack one more time before we travel because this is one of his favorite place. I had to bring Gwen along because her mom who has been my friend since I've here went on a date with her mate.

   The kids finally came over and I started packing the basket I used to bring some snacks for the kids. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my chest. Then my heart felt as if they were cutting, pounding and squeezing my heart at the same time. My eyes started to feel blurry as I went down clutching my chest with my hand. The last thing I did was to mind link Ashley to come to the park before everything blacked out.


I woke up to a severe headache and heartache. I felt like tearing my heart out. I started pulling my hair as I cried. I don't know why I'm crying or why this is happening to me but I feel so sad. It feels as if a part of me was torn off. As if I just lost the most important thing to me.

  Then I saw the door open. I hadn't even noticed that I was in the hospital till now.

  ' Hey, why are you crying? How are you feeling? Are you in any form of pain? Why are you crying?' Ashley asked continuously when he saw me crying. Instead of answering his question, I just kept on sobbing, louder than before. 

'What is wrong are you in pain?'

  I feel like I'm going crazy. I just kept crying, sobbing, shouting, wailing really loudly. And then I just passed out.

  The next time I woke up I was no more crying, but the pain is still there. I lost my voice due to all the wailing. Even if the my voice was not gone, I would still not have the ability to talk to anybody because I just felt so detached, so lost as if I've lost everything I've got in life.

The crying of Mike was what brought me out of the pit I was. What could be wrong with him. Surprisingly, he was in my arms. Due to the state of mind that I was, I did not know how or when he got there.

  'Oh baby, what wrong?' I said rocking him to and fro. I then started making baby face at him making him. I wanted to bring him toys and that was when I noticed it. I've gotten home. I'm no more in the hospital. How did this happen?

  'Ash' I called out and at the same time trying to sniff and listen to know if he was in the house. Luckily for me, he was and he came rushing the moment he heard his name.

  'What's wrong? Are you okay? Did something happen? I was so worried.' he said the last part in a shaking voice as if he was on the edge of breaking.

   ' I just wanted to know how come I'm here at home, I do not remember coming back from the hospital.' 

   ' You were so out of it, having stayed in the hospital for three days without changes, I had to bring you home with the hope that you will finally snap out of.'

  'So I've been out of it for up to three days, so who's been taking care of Mike? Oh my Goodness, I'm such a bad mother.'

  ' Actually it's been a week, this is the seventh day, I just said you got discharged after three days. So you've been here for four days. I thought you've gone crazy. I was so scared.'

   ' I don't even have any idea of what was going on with me. I'm still feeling the pain in my heart? I can't believe I ignored Mike for that long.'

  'I think I know what's wrong with you.' he said pulling me to the bed and sitting down.

  ' What?'

  ' You know I told you that you had a mate.'

  ' Yeah, what about that?'

   ' Well, I think he was dying when you felt that pain in the park, perhaps he was stabbed in the cheat?'

   ' So, that's the reason for the pain. But it's disturbing how I don't remember how he was and I felt the pain'. I said trying to remember how my mate looked like, did I love him? Did he search for me? Did he love me? Was he a good person? I had all these questions in my mind not knowing the answer to any of them and not knowing how to find out. That reminds me.

   ' Ash, since the trip to my pack was cancelled, when do you think we can reschedule it to?' I asked wishing to get all my answers and maybe my daughter.

   ' When that you feel in your chest is gone we can then think of when we can reschedule it to' he said glaring at me for even bringing it up. Well, sorry I can't help it.

    He then walked out leaving me to play with Mike.


So, what do you think? Do you think she is got a daughter or it's just a foolish assumption.

Pls vote, comment and share. This is the first novel I've had the balls to post.