
Chapter 28 Storage Spirit Pendant, Join the Team_1

Translator: 549690339

"Senior Brother Liu, do you recognize the disciple on the third demonstration stage?"

At this moment, a purple-robed inner academy member asked from atop a massive stone column. His voice, restrained by mana, was only audible to those in the inner academy.

"Of course, this is Junior Brother Zhang Jing."

Senior Brother Liu replied without hesitation.

"Brothers, have you noticed the spell cast by Junior Brother Zhang Jing just now? It seemed quite strange. The extremely ordinary Ice Condensation Technique, in his hands, has surpassed his current cultivation level. Also, there seems to be an issue with the Glacial Light Curse he used."

"In addition, Junior Brother Zhang Jing's casting speed is astoundingly fast. The various techniques he has shown are not ones he should possess at his current stage."

Another Inner Academy member supplemented.