
Forging Empires and the Utopia

After looking at suggestions of viewers it's acomplete rewrite better story and plot without any system. "I find myself at a crossroads in my writing journey. The pacing in the current storyline feels rushed, leaving little room for a proper introduction of the main character. Additionally, the timeline is disarrayed, prompting me to consider scrapping the existing concept and starting afresh in the 1970s. The new narrative would involve substantial plot development, transcending the current shitty Hollywood and the world as whole and exploring deeper themes. Making much better wish fulfillment story. Introduction of older actresses (females) without the system in place, I envision a tale featuring fundamental superpowers like longevity and super genius. ***Synopsis... "Have you ever wondered what a person will do when he finds himself on alternate earth?" In a realm teetering on the edge of chaos, our protagonist is bestowed with an extraordinary opportunity. Armed with the intellect and experiences of Norman Osborn from Earth-616, they embark on an ambitious journey to build not just an empire but a utopia. As the architect of his destiny, He navigates the intricate web of power, ambition, and innovation. However, with great potential comes great responsibility, and the choices made in the pursuit of this grand vision will shape not only his destiny but the fate of the world. Can he transcend the shadows of his past, break the shackles of ordinary existence, and truly forge a legacy that stands the test of time? Join our visionary protagonist as he navigates the challenges of building an empire and strives to create a better world against the backdrop of intrigue, ambition, and the relentless march of time people of dark kind. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Harem, Pretty Big Harem, and world-hopping with a twist, no ntr, yes stealing girls, very lustful and pretty aggressive MC. Not really his fault though. He's not dumb either. I am doing this for fun, and it's fantasy just all books on this platform but it's going to be filled with realism. Love all the reader's thanks for your support And if you are very good at English I need an editor but no payment because even I don't earn A single penny from this thanks love you all

GodOfGreedAs · Anime & Comics
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CH : 30 Back to Harvard

30 Back to Harvard

Henry explains the detail of what company Apple should be and the general direction of it. Henry explains this to Steve Jobs so he can be saved from many detours. As for the rest, he left it to Steve to improvise based on his plan.

Steve just listened to what Henry said with great concentration as Henry's explanation is very detailed as if he knew the specific future. Not only does he describe what the future computer will be like, even regarding company management, what type of new technology Apple would be working on.

Henry also has great insight. Steve was truly shocked as Henry's plan for Apple was basically foolproof.

Apple development will be as fast as lightning if Henry's plan was implemented well. So for the first time of his life, Steve was truly excited as he was really curious what the future of Apple would be.

Henry ended his lecture for Jobs after 2 hours of tireless explanation. With just this 2 hours, Henry believes the future of Apple is already set in stone.

"It's all well and good, Henry, but take a look around. Don't you think it's a bit too empty to get anything done?" Steve remarked, gesturing towards the Apple office, which now resembled nothing more than a hollow ghost building, inhabited solely by service staff. "If we truly want to kickstart Apple, now is the time to start recruiting our formal employees."

"I'm aware of that, my friend. That's precisely why I called in a special acquaintance. Right now, he's sitting in my office. Come on, let's go. I'll introduce you, for the time being you'll be working with him."

While they walked towards Henry's office, Henry broached the subject. "By the way, Jobs, do you have any contacts or friends who possess skills or talents in computer science or technology? You see, Apple is currently just an empty shell, so if you know anyone who fits the bill, feel free to invite them in. I trust you won't recommend anyone who isn't capable," Henry asked casually as they strolled along.

Steve was silent for a split second before he replied, "Actually, there is one of my friends that has talent for the computer. He is my childhood friend and he has been really interested in computers since he saw it for the first time."

Henry's lips curved upward as his plan success, so he asked, "Oh really? Where's he now?"

"Well, the last time I met with him, he was already an employee at Hewlett & Packard. If nothing happens, he must still be working there." Steve answered while following Henry.

"Hmmm, can you convince him to work at Apple? Tell him if he agrees, I will double the salary he gets from Hewlett & Packard. If he still does not agree, then triple it, I don't believe he won't be tempted with that amount of money." Henry quickly told Steve. As that man is important for Apple's future.

Steve immediately lit up and replied, "I can guarantee he will come to our company in less than 1 week, you just need to wait."

"Well, that's great," Henry remarked as he opened the door to his office, revealing a young man seated in front of the boss's chair, sipping on a cup of coffee.

"Great to see you, Ballmer. I hope you haven't been kept waiting," Henry greeted warmly as he stepped into his office, with Steve trailing behind.

"Of course not, Boss. I just got here," Steve Ballmer replied promptly as he rose from his seat and shook Henry's hand. Henry's eyebrow lifted slightly at being called "boss."

"Excellent," Henry exclaimed as Steve Jobs and Steve Ballmer locked eyes. "Jobs, I'd like you to meet Steve Ballmer, a close friend of mine and another brilliant mind in the industry. And Ballmer, meet Steve Jobs, much like us—eccentric, but with an incredible intellect." As Henry introduced them, the two men shook hands, their gazes holding a silent acknowledgment of each other's stature just from Henry's introduction.

As both men were well aware, Henry was not one to offer praise lightly, and his commendation of each other's capabilities spoke volumes.

Soon all three men sat down while Henry ordered three cups of coffee. "So Ballmer you must be wondering why I called you here."

"Yes, I do have some thoughts on that," Steve Jobs replied thoughtfully. "As I was coming here, I noticed that the entire building was nearly empty. And considering the pace of Microsoft's development, could it be related to a lack of employees who are well-versed in technology?"

"Yes, precisely," Henry affirmed. "And it doesn't stop there. We not only need employees for Microsoft, but also for this company, Apple, and the Atari company I recently acquired. Additionally, there are other companies I plan to establish. So, indeed, I am in dire need of talented individuals, and that's why you're here, my friend."

Both men nodded in understanding, fully grasping the importance of talent in steering the companies on the right path of development.

"Well, if you've called me here, I'm confident you already have a solution in mind," Ballmer remarked, his gaze fixed on Henry. Hearing Ballmer's words, Henry smiled knowingly.

"Yes, I do, Ballmer," Henry replied with a knowing smile. "Do you happen to know of a place where we could find true genius gathered in one location?"

"Yes I do know some," Ballmer responded, nodding in understanding. "Well, if we're on the same page, then let's not beat around the bush. I'll get straight to the point."

"Haha, always on point," Henry chuckled. "Well then, we want both of you to visit MIT. I believe if we offer enough incentives, they'll come running here. Hiring fresh graduates from MIT might take more time than simply offering a competitive salary to a bunch of geniuses. All we have to do is entice the students with a high salary, and they'll flock to our companies," Henry explained with conviction.

"Mmm, it's a brilliant strategy, and I can't spot any flaws in it. MIT is undoubtedly a hotbed of tech talent, far more than Harvard," Steve Ballmer responded, his expression thoughtful as he pondered deeply, his hand resting contemplatively against his chin.

"Yes, while engaging with MIT, I propose a more enduring solution. Instead of sporadic visits, I suggest establishing a formal arrangement with the MIT administration. We can offer a mutually beneficial deal wherein graduates in Science and Technology receive priority consideration for employment opportunities within Umbrella Corporation. Given the prestige associated with our organization, I anticipate a receptive response from the MIT administrators, the old fools would love to add one more company that gives their students priority"

"Great, would you mind if I reach out to Harvard as it would complement our efforts. While MIT specializes in technology, Harvard offers a broader range of disciplines, including management, law, and marketing. By establishing a similar arrangement with Harvard, we can ensure a diverse pool of talent across various fields, fulfilling the comprehensive staffing needs of various corporations under you. It's a strategic move to tap into Harvard's prestigious alumni network and academic resources."

"Absolutely splendid. As long as we're acquiring the right talent for the right roles, I have full confidence in your approach. Feel free to proceed as you see fit, and I'll trust your judgment implicitly. Your dedication to securing top-tier talent is invaluable to our company's success." Henry and this was the reason why he called him Ballmer here. Recognizing Ballmer's prowess in foreign relations and his genuine approach to people so he will choose the right people.

"Excellent. I'll proceed accordingly, ensuring we secure the best talent for our company's needs. Your trust in my judgment is greatly appreciated, and I'll ensure that our recruitment efforts align with our strategic goals. Thank you for your confidence in me." Ballmer replied with a grateful smile as he understood his friend and boss had granted trust in him.

""Well then, you both should plan accordingly. I must leave for a business trip, so take your time to strategize. I'll be back in 5 days. Steve, if your friend arrives before I return, please ensure he's briefed on everything he needs to know about Apple." With that, Henry rose from his seat.

Henry wasted no time, rising swiftly from his seat. With a plane ticket booked and boarding scheduled in just two hours, he had no moment to spare. Alongside catching his flight, he needed to visit the bank to finalize the deal with Nolan, ensuring the smooth transfer of funds. Time was of the essence, and Henry was determined to make every minute count.

<Harvard University>

Henry once again came back to Harvard as he has much business to be done here. But before all of that business, Henry wanted to do something. He then makes his way into the girl's dormitory, he already knows the way here as he already goes to this place many times.

The study at Harvard has already started since the Holiday is already over. Especially now it is the afternoon, so many students are going out of the class for lunch. Many students quickly notice Henry as he is just too 'different' compared to the rest of them.

As Henry comes from the future, his aesthetic and fashion style is very different from this era. Now is 1974, the popular style for young people is that Hippie. Long hair, beard, khaki, and exotic clothes, so Henry fashion style is completely different. Coupled with his outstanding face and temperament that he exudes, Henry basically just too shiny to be ignored.

"Oh my god, who is he? Why he is so handsome~~" A girl said while her eyes seem shaped into a heart. She is a transfer student that just come in New Year, so basically she is a freshman.

"Isn't that the Prince of Harvard Henry William? Why is he going back to Harvard? I heard from my professor that he can already graduate last year." Another girl quickly reveals who that handsome man is.

In less than 10 minutes, the entire Harvard already knows their 'prince' already back. Henry was quickly surrounded by many girls and now he is struggling to get out. Henry already begins to regret why he is not wearing at least a cover today so this situation doesn't happen.

He did not expect this would happen as his mind is too focused on Susan today. But as this already happened, Henry still smiled at the girls as he quite liked being surrounded by a bunch of hot chicks. Henry was quickly invited by many girls to the cafeteria. Henry just politely declined as his goal today was Susan, not them.

Many of the girls that are already familiar with Henry know he would like to be not too restrained. So with Henry decline, they quickly backed off.

"Thank you all, I have a business to be done today so maybe another time." Henry explained his reason as he quickly left the crowd.

Henry quickly fastened his step toward the girl dormitory as he already learns from before. Soon he arrived at the girl dormitory, he doesn't inform Susan about this visit as he wants to surprise her. From his knowledge of her, basically, she would be in the dormitory in the afternoon as her class was all done that time.

He was already familiar with the gatekeeper as he often goes there many times, so he allowed in. If Henry is just a normal male student, he won't be allowed to even approach the girl's dormitory. Originally Henry wants to buy a house for Susan that is not far from Harvard.

But she declined as she wants to fully experience her college year and her dormmate is nice too. So Henry just let her be, but he usually gives $100,00 per month for her to spend. But she hardly spends any money.

Then Henry quickly approached Susan's room and knocked on its door. After a while, the door opened. It was Susan who opened the door and Henry can see her face is very surprised.

"Surprise." Henry quickly hugs Susan and kiss her. Susan is confused right now as she didn't expect Henry would come today.

But quickly she quickly tries freeing herself and timidly said, "Not now dear, my dormmate is inside."

Henry, of course, would not force Susan so he quickly released the hug and said, "You don't know how much I miss you since our trip to Europe. Well, tonight you can't go anywhere~~"

Susan just timidly nodded as she knows what would happen tonight. Then she quickly invited Henry in as Henry never truly saw her dorm mate. Henry too curious as he hears from Susan that her dorm mate is was another he felt he had seen before.

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