
Forging an Empire with technical knowledge : oliver path to prosperity

In this medieval tale, we follow the journey of Oliver, a reincarnated soul in the body of a young nobleman. With his newfound knowledge of modern technology and a desire to bring progress to his medieval world, Oliver embarks on a mission to revolutionize his barony. After reuniting with his family and exploring his surroundings, Oliver presents his blueprints for the production of steel and the harnessing of water power to his father, Lord Harold. Impressed by his son's ingenuity, Lord Harold praises Oliver's efforts and recognizes the importance of steel for warfare. Meanwhile, Oliver's brother, Edmund, engages in romantic affairs with a commoner lover. Unbeknownst to Oliver, Edmund stumbles upon a secretive weapon exchange in the forest, prompting him to alert the guards and seek his father's assistance. While Edmund deals with the impending threat, Oliver focuses on his own endeavor of soap-making. With the help of his loyal servant, Thomas, Oliver purchases the necessary ingredients, including animal fat and iye (alkali substance), to create a luxurious soap called Eliza Soap. They meticulously follow the soap-making process, infusing scents of rose and lavender and packaging the soap in exquisite boxes. Excitement and anticipation fill the air as Oliver's inventions and entrepreneurial spirit bring hope for progress and prosperity to his medieval world. With the production of steel and the creation of Eliza Soap, Oliver envisions economic growth and the rise of a thriving industrial hub within his barony. As the stage is set for economic expansion, Oliver also senses the stirring of exciting times ahead. The looming threat of war and conflicts in the realm present opportunities for Oliver's barony to play a significant role in the unfolding events. With the combination of technological advancements and his strategic vision, Oliver seeks to position his family's fief as a key player in the wars to come. With dreams of economic success, thrilling battles, and the potential for growth and influence, Oliver eagerly awaits the future, ready to navigate the challenges and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead.

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Chapter 48: Shifted focus towards City Wall

/* Thank to all of you, for your love and support. Your comment, power stone contributions gave me boost to continue my work. special thanks for contributing power stones to #kickdelmO, #beersoup, #mohamed_sadiq, #Raka31, #crypto_chaser, #cyniade, #Red_panther and to everyone who are supporting me in my journey. Thanks you guys. */

As Oliver entered his father's study, he respectfully greeted the occupants of the room. His father, Lord Cedric, sat at his desk, engrossed in some documents, while General Philip, a trusted military leader, stood nearby, clad in his distinguished armor. Advisor Mike, a wise and experienced counselor, sat on a nearby chair, his gaze focused and attentive.

"Good day, Father," Oliver said with a warm smile. "General Philip, Advisor Mike, it is a pleasure to see you both here as well."

Lord Cedric looked up from his papers and returned the smile. "Ah, Oliver, come in. I was just going over some reports. Please, have a seat. So, what brings you here today?"

Oliver took out sword from behind him and presented his newly forged sword to his father, Lord Cedric. With great pride, he handed over the weapon for his father to observe and evaluate its caliber.

By looking at the sharp sword fully made from steel, lord Cedric stood from his seat, he took the sword in his hands, carefully examining the craftsmanship and the blade's sharpness. His experienced eyes studied the intricate details, noting the balance and quality of the weapon. The room fell silent as Lord Cedric assessed the sword, his expression thoughtful.

After a moment, Lord Cedric spoke, his voice filled with a mixture of admiration and fatherly pride. "Oliver, this sword is piece of an art. The blade is finely crafted, and the balance feels perfect in my hand. I can see the passion and craftsmanship that went into forging it. Where did you get this?. also it must have cost huge fortune to forge this. " As steel is rare commodity it's price is always high and upon looking at the weapon in front of him he can tell it is made from high quality steel material. It is light and sharp. Lord Cedric hand over sword to General Philip for further inspection.

"It is gift from me to you father for your unwavering support to my ideas." Oliver said it with excited voice.

" A gift you say. Hahahahaha, very well I liked it very much. I also need this weapon in near future, I guess. Your weapon is too timely Oliver. "

As he said this, he started describing the sudden arrival of messenger from imperial court, and news about the upcoming army. After listening to his father explanation Oliver's heart sunk. He was about start his developmental project tomorrow and now this threat has come to there door.

"How much time do we have father."

"About 1 and half month. or maybe less. I think Ravenspire kingdom army will reach our coast side in 20 day and from there if nobody obstruct them then they can come to Carroway city in 5 days even with large army. My fear is that they will harm the innocent villages on there way. we are discussing about taking precaution ahead of time to avoid unneccesary casualties. "

Oliver mind starts racing with time. He has lot to do, He just started working on road construction and now he will have to divert his focus on upcoming army.

"How is our condition father, can we defend against the enemy. if you need weapons I can create sharp weapon like this sword for whole army within no time. "

upon hearing this his father again got shocked, " Oliver I know that your blast furnace start working, but how much output can we get in one month and also weapon has to be crafted within that time. knight need time to adjust to new weapons."

"father I can produce 10000 ton of steel in a day. I guess It will sufficient to make armor and weapon. "

"That a wonderful news to here Oliver. You really are son of God, sent to help in this dire time." His father said.

" But we still have major pressing concert, my lord. We need to think about solving city wall problem. Without the protection of wall out newbie army won't have a chance to stand against enemy. " Advisor Mike said it with concern voice.

" Yes, your word are true. We need to solve that part first." Lord Cedric.

" You are concern about building wall around the city right father. May I suggest one solution to that." Oliver ask.

"Oh, You have solution, tell me quickly."

" Father as you know I have built one material called cement, It has high binding property. It can create wall of 20 feet in single night. I wanted to show you by building merchant union building and Academy building but now that the situation is really critical I can abandon that plan. With resources I have collected upto this point. We can starts construction of city wall from tomorrow. " Oliver said this in single breath.

"Really Oliver, can it really built wall 20 feet height in a single night . If this is true then we can have fighting chance against our enemy."

"I am telling you the truth father, I have tested the cement in our old soap father there I have built the 3 feet wall in just 3 hour. Although that wall is made by using stone. it is still sturdy. I can show you if you are free."

" Okay, lets see you new invention." lord Cedric, Mike, Philip, and Oliver started walking towards old soap factory. Because of the rise in demand for soap Oliver has to transfer soap factory to southern area. but still the old infrastructure is used for perfume making. They arrive at the side and saw the three feet tall wall. General Philip struck the wall to see it sturdiness, They were totally impressed with this marvel. Because in there opinion wall building is costly as well as time consuming business. usually it take 3 to 5 years to built one square km of wall around city. But now Oliver has said that they can built that in month .

"Okay, Oliver. I am completely convince by your offer. What can I provide you to speed up the process." Lord Cedric said.

"father we will have to recruit lot of worker nearly 10000 . we also need masons and construction expert. Although money wont be a problem. I still have money with me. You have to pass down order far to recruit worker for new wall construction. Our population is merely 200 thousand. We have to find construction expert from other region quickly. Maybe Thornwood barony can help. To create wall of fifteen meter high around 2 km area. It will take time so. We can only reduce that time by employing more worker."

They discuss all the detail of this until the evening. General Philip, " I will recruit and train newbie my lord. If you can give me weapon early young master then that will be beneficial."

"I will clear the area around the wall and spread the news about new construction project in city. Also if you need any help from me young master, you can come to me anytime. " Mike said this and hurriedly left to complete the task.

"Lets take rest for today Oliver, Good night." His father said this and went towards his rest room.

Oliver was still thinking about how to complete this huge responsibility. Although he has all the information on advance wall creation because of his AI chip. But still its a taxing business to built wall around city.