
Newborn Star

In a distant and desolate galaxy, on a planet that neared the outer reaches of the cosmos, a man sat upon an exquisitely crafted obsidian throne. Clad in a suit that epitomized elegance and sophistication, it enveloped him flawlessly, as if it were an extension of his very being. The fabric, of unparalleled quality, possessed a velvety smoothness and a subtle luster that caught the light with an enchanting allure. The suit jacket boasted clean lines, accentuating his physique and bestowing upon him a refined silhouette. The lapels, sharp and meticulously defined, added a touch of refinement to his ensemble. The trousers, impeccably tailored, featured a precise cut and a graceful drape. Every element of the suit, from the immaculately pressed fabric to the impeccably aligned buttons and the intricately sewn stitching, showcased an unwavering commitment to detail. It was a suit that exuded unshakable confidence and unparalleled style, leaving an indelible impression wherever it graced.

He wore a smile both captivating and mischievous. It stretched across his face, revealing a row of perfect white teeth that glisten with an otherworldly glow. The corners of his lips curl upward, giving his smile an almost devilish charm. His blond red eyes sparkle with a playful glint, adding to the enigmatic allure of his expression. It's a smile that is both alluring and slightly unsettling.

As the man gracefully crossed his legs, seeking a more comfortable position, he delved into the memories of his youthful escapades, evoking a profound sense of nostalgia. Recalling both the triumphs and tribulations of the past, he resolved to indulge in an activity he had long neglected. Extending his right hand, he unveiled a grand obsidian ring adorned with mystical symbols that adorned its entire surface. With a mesmerizing ethereal glow, the symbols illuminated, growing more powerful, and projecting a captivating image before him.

Within the vast expanse of space, far removed from any planet, an awe-inspiring shooting star streaked across the endless void with unparalleled swiftness. A discerning eye might catch a glimpse of a comet hurtling toward the radiant star. Upon their convergence, a spectacle of cosmic brilliance unfolded, a light show destined never to be witnessed again. An explosion reminiscent of the Big Bang ensued, unleashing an array of magnificent rays that cascaded throughout the galaxy. Amidst this celestial symphony, a teenage boy emerged, wearing an ordinary pendant. As the comet drew near, the object transformed into a luminous orb of silver light, merging seamlessly with the boy.

"Host Acquired. Initiating Assimilation... Hostile entity detected. Assimilation halted. Processing... Processing... Processing... Solution found. Verification in progress... Verification approved. Overriding previous existence... Erasure underway... 15%... 27%... 54%... 73%... Error! Error! Error! Existence cannot be erased! Resistance against the system detected! Solution identified. Sealing existence... Sealing in progress... 9%... 21%... 43%... 64%... 88%... 100% Sealing complete. Initiating creation of new existence... Overriding process complete. Finalizing assimilation... Assimilation complete."

In a seamless fusion of silver light, the boy absorbed all the energy released by the collision. However, as swiftly as it had transpired, the energy was mysteriously drawn back into the boy. "Cosmic Sovereign Teleportation Technique Detected. Absorbing Technique. Additional energy required. Absorbing ambient energy. Absorption complete. Calibration in progress." Thirty seconds after the dissipation of the energy, the enigmatic teenager vanished without a trace, leaving behind a sense of intrigue and wonder.


In a remote corner of the cosmos, a young boy ventured through a familiar forest, his steps leading him back to his humble wooden shack after a successful day of hunting. Despite his outward appearance of delicate features and well-kept raven-black hair, there was an inner strength and resilience that belied his petite frame.

His plan was to visit the market to have the meat butchered. As he approached a stone gate, he noticed two guards standing watch, as was mandatory. The guards also noticed the boy.

"Hey, isn't that the punk who got exiled?" the first guard asked.

"Nah, he was only temporarily banished. After all, he's cursed," the second guard replied, scowling.

"Hey! What are you doing here, Ruffini?" the first guard shouted with obvious contempt.

"I need to get into the village for supplies," the boy explained.

"Why should we let a cursed person inside? It could kill us!" the first guard shouted again.

"Just let him in. He's technically allowed, and I don't want to deal with the consequences," the first guard said

After thinking it over for a few minutes, the first guard

came to a decision.

"Okay," the first guard finally said.

With permission to enter the village, the boy wasted no time and headed straight to the butcher shop to sell his spoils. As he approached the counter, a large, robust man emerged from behind it

"Well, well, if it isn't Devin! I haven't seen you here in a while. I thought you died!" the man said with a silly but caring grin on his face.

"Ha! I couldn't die just yet. I still have things I need to do," Devin replied, returning the friendly smile. "However, Matthew, today I will need your help in butchering this deer I caught," Devin said, presenting the deer carcass on the counter.

"Okay, if you sell this to me, I can give you 10 copper coins for it," Matthew said with his usual grin.

"Sure, just give me some back, Mat. I need dinner too," Devin joked.

"Of course! I'm not a heartless monster like others. Here," Matthew said, handing Devin the coins.

After about an hour, Matthew emerged from the back of the shop with a bundle of wrapped-up meat.

"Here is your meat. Have a nice day," Matthew said.

"Yeah, right! Like I can enjoy a day with people constantly cursing me," Devin replied sarcastically.

"Well, isn't that why you started living in your grandfather's old shack? Didn't they say you had an ancient curse on you or something?" Matthew questioned.

"Yeah, it's a load of bullshit, but it makes me wonder why you didn't start hating me," Devin said.

"Well, I'm too old to worry about the bullshit propaganda the church is spreading to gain new followers. Besides, you're like my nephew. How could I turn my back on you because of some silly curse?" Matthew said, reminiscing with a smile.

"Yeah... Thanks," Devin said, leaving in silence.

After leaving the butcher shop, Devin bought vegetables while under the constant scrutinizing gazes of everyone

Finally, he headed back into the forest. After a 20-minute walk, Devin arrived in front of a sheaf-sized, old, run-down shack. Despite the decades of wear and tear, it still stood strong, determined not to be knocked down.

He opened the worn-down door with a creaking sound, announcing his entrance. Devin walked over to the wooden stove, started a fire, and grabbed a pot to boil some vegetables. Then, he took the meat he had butchered at the market and began cutting it into smaller pieces to fit inside the pot. After several hours the boy ended up with a wonderful stew that gave off an very pleasant aroma

As the boy sat down to start eating he noticed something so breathtaking his jaw hung down wide open

Upon an uncharted forest, a majestic pillar of pure white radiance descended from the heavens, leaving behind a crater with an unconscious mysterious boy laying inside