Transporting the girl was an easy favour, the Quincy mused. He found it both odd that this Shinigami could pose enough of a threat to send both halve's of his lord to rage and yet at the same time be incapable of transporting a single reaper out of custody?
Incapable enough to ask a Quincy for help?
It didn't matter to him really, it was simple... curiosity. Curiosities seem to levitate towards this 'Aizen Sosuke'.
"What are you doing?" He questioned calmly as he stared at the Shinigami. The strange reaper was simply staring at the prison-clothed 'Kuchiki Rukia' in front of him. His hand on his chin.
"Arguing with myself for help," The reaper remarked with a shrug.
Gremmy blinked at the answer. What an odd Shinigami...
"That does not make much sense,"
"Much?" Aizen minutely turned his gaze towards him, a grin on his face before turned back to the unconscious girl.
Gremmy, near absentmindedly, watched as the Shinigami reached a hand inside his robe pockets to take out what looked like a small purple device?
"This one right?" Aizen questioned no one in particular.
"Who are you talking to?"
"I see,"
Gremmy briefly took a step back as he watched six green sharpened poles suddenly come out of the ground beneath them, all surrounding the prisoner before them. Aizen's hand had turned entirely green in colour as he slowly reached a hand out towards the girls chest, impaling it without care before, though he had instantly removed his hand. Quickly placing whatever it was he had just removed in his pocket.
Aizen briefly took a step back before nodding his way, urging him to return the girl.
"I suppose this makes it two favours then?" Gremmy questioned with the hint of a grin on his face.
Aizen simply shrugged, though he did release a sigh of relief when the girl was transported back to her tower. The green poles from earlier having disappeared entirely.
"Now, you will tell me-" Gremmy started to speak before he felt something fill the air. He couldn't tell where it came from but the energy in the air had started shifting. He narrowed his eyes at the Shinigami. "What are you doing?"
Aizen blinked, the amused expression on his face evident. "What on earth do you mean?" He questioned innocently.
With a swipe of his hand, Gremmy made said energy disappear as he focused his attention on clearing the air, temporarily removing any and all enchantments in it in the process.
To his own surprise, Aizen simply smiled at the action before he started to speak.
"I'll be completely honest with you," The Shinigami started. The Quincy's own interest rising. Idly wondering what kind of 'prank' could result in his lords rampage across the Wandenreich.
"I have absolutely no idea what happened," Aizen's answer quickly set the room in complete silence. The temperature rapidly dropping in the process.
Gremmy twitched once as he stared at the captain in front of him. "That prisoner..?"
"Just covering my bases, you've been a marvellous help,"
Gremmy stared at the Shinigami, his anger almost taking over before the serene sense of calm from earlier return. "You're lying,"
He paid no mind to his, oddly, fluctuating emotions.
The two words however had their intended effect with the way the Shinigami seemed to freeze up.
"Why are you lying? What are you hiding Aizen Sosuke?" Gremmy's tone quickly shifted, his words came out faster, with a certain edge to them as his eyes widened further.
Aizen quickly narrowed his eyes as he leapt a few steps back before to his own shock he found the wall behind him expand further away from him.
"You will not escape that easily, I have locked you in here with me, and until I choose to let you leave you will not go anywhere."
Aizen Sosuke stood still, one eye on the slowly distancing wall, the ground beneath them expanding with it. he could see the other walls follow in their footsteps as his previously small room suddenly grew one-hundred fold.
"I thought you were here to kill me?" Aizen questioned him lazily.
Gremmy twitched again, what on earth was wrong with this Shinigami? "Why are you still calm? You are locked in a dimension with me. Do you truly think you can beat me?" The questions refused to stop as his mind suddenly yearned for the secret. The secret he knew existed, the secret that threatened to send Jugram into insanity! HE sImPLy HaD TO KnOW! His mind briefly coloured itself as emotions he'd never felt before started swelling up in him...
Anger, hope, desperation, joy and to his own shock, even fear.
To think this one Shinigami could instigate such feelings... To think, he, Gremmy Thoumeuax could so easily lose control in his presence...
It only made him want to know all the more.
"Hmm..." Aizen idly hummed as he fingered the pommel of his sword, the lackadaisical smile on his. "Are you alright, Gremmy? You look a little overwhelmed..." He questioned lazily.
Gremmy blinked, his head shook as he focused his attention on Aizen again. He could feel the subtle way his feelings seemed to peak, sending too many signals to his brain in the process. He could practically feel the endless environment around them warp according to his minds whims. "Tell me the truth! What are you hiding!?" he called out, his anger enough to summon tendrils of darkness for a brief moment befor, once again unnaturally, dissipating.
"And what truth is that?" Aizen's voice came out almost hazily to the Quincy, preventing him from thinking too much on his anger. He briefly took another step back the moment the air around the Shinigami suddenly started shimmering with light. Light he couldn't recall creating..
Gremmy blinked once as he willed his power to effect, as he willed it to get rid of what power Aizen was currently trying to us-
-MMY! The sudden, unknown, sound broke his concentration as it forced itself into his mind. The small lights surrounding Aizen seemed to increase in intensity. Gremmy brought both hands to his head, almost protectively, his eyes widened marginally as he stared at the Shinigami.
"What are you doing to me!?" Gremmy suddenly roared, his hands now clasping both sides of his as he willed his power to cleanse anything that might be affecting his body.
When the lights failed to disappear, the fear inside his heart grew, and with it the unknown voice from earlier returned in full force, Though his sole gaze stayed focused on Aizen Sosuke.
Gremmy! Get out! It's a tra- The voice seemed to cut itself off towards the end. But he'd heard enough to get the picture.
It was then he noticed the small smirk on Aizen Sosuke's face.
Gremmy didn't waste a single second as he quickly raised both of his arms towards the Shinigami, his entire focus set on destroying the body in front of him in its entirety. It earned him a look of surprise from him in return though he ignored it as he fired off a point blank blast of pure reishi. Enveloping said Shinigami entirely.
Though he knew he didn't need to breath, he'd instinctively found himself panting for his breath as he stared at the dark mark crowning the floor the previous Shinigami had been on. He felt the tug off satisfaction at the job well done, his excitement rising as he realised he was likely to get a great reward for his endeavour.
And as he made to leave the dead captains chambers, his hands minutes away from opening the portal back to his world, a strange feeling in the back of his mind... Stilled him, causing him to momentarily turn towards the black mark on the floor before he narrowed his eyes at the style of execution...
Entirely unlike him...
So, he cleared his mind, the walls around them fixing themselves back as his powers touch quickly disappeared, and then he focused clearing any and all potential enchantments away.
When the veil lifted, Gremmy found only one single emotion left in it's place. The only true emotion to have come from him...
Pure unadulterated rage.
And as he stared at the impeccably clean, and thoroughly empty room, he felt tempted to scream.
That bastard had disappeared the moment he'd gotten what he'd wanted...
And as he considered the implications of giving the one man, whom Jugram had thrown a literal kill on sight order for, exactly what he'd wanted...
The very air around him turned electrical at the thought...
The Tenth Division Barracks
Hitsugaya abruptly turned on the spot as he heard the sudden explosion go off in the distance. With a quick nod to his lieutenant, the both of them promptly leapt into the sky. Their gazes snapping towards the direction of the sound.
Hitsugaya narrowed his eyes when he realised the explosion had come from one of the captains barracks... Aizen's at that... He narrowed his eyes further when he caught sight of a humanoid figure floating high above Aizen's burning chambers.
Straining his ears, Hitsugaya managed to make out the words the intruder was saying.
"-You've pissed on my good graces for the first and last time Aizen Sosuke! You! And-" The humanoid figure stretched his arms to the side.
Hitsugaya quickly decided his course as he set off the air towards the, clearly insane,enemy.
"-The rest of this pile of trash are going to burn! You dare try that with me! You dare mock me! Who the hell do you think you are!?" The intruder suddenly raised his hands to the sky, his face coming into view. Hitsugaya could make out an expression of absolute anger.
"I am Gremmy Thoumeaux! Do I look like fucking Bazz B to you!? I am The Fucking Visionary!" The deranged madman roared his voice catching the attention of each and every Shinigami within Sereitei.
Just what did captain Aizen do to him? To practically turn him mad! Hitsugaya couldn't help but wonder as he got closer to the potentially dangerous individual, the man didn't seem to be paying him any mind, his sole focus to the sky?
That was when Hitsugaya saw the meteorite.
Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to leave feedback!