
Arc 2 Ch6 The Ulquiorra Chapter Part 3


The ground was the first to get effected. My eyes widened as I immediately jumped to the air, Nel on my heels, her own surprised expression clear for all to see.

"Ulquiorra! Control your-" Josh Groban's words died off as the hollow himself promptly started floating.

"Nel," Ulquiorra's voice echoed out of every crevice, out of every which way except from the crouching body in front of me, his eyes narrowed, one hand on his zanpakuto. "Step aside,"

Somehow the Espada was still standing on the ground, even as it flowed around in waves. The walls themselves twisting and turning as reiatsu poured out of the pissed bat.

"Ulquiorra! I am ordering-"

"Lord Groban," Ulquiorra turned a single eye over towards his boss as his voice reverberated everywhere. "Aizen Sosuke must die-,"

I frowned. "Why does everyone want to kill me!? Sheesh!"

All of the Espada stared at me for that one, even Ulquiorra seemed to hesitate the slightest. Though his anger only seemed to escalate.

On that note, I took my sword out and aimed.

"Shatter! Kyoka Suigetsu!"

Ulquiorra's fist crashed into my face, pain filling me as I felt the force of the blow go through, breaking my nose on contact as it pushed me across the distance, my body crashing through wall after wall-

"Where in the-" My eyes widened as I stared out towards a freaking sea. As in yes, a large body of water. In Hueco Mundo! What the hell!? I quickly turned on the spot, eyeing the slowly closing hole in space.

Did... Did I get just get punched into another dimension?"

"It seems you were in fact lying, about controlling my fellow +Espada,"

I idly turned towards the source of the voice, in that I mean I snapped my head to and fro like a headless chicken. Though all I could see far and wide was an endless sea of water. Where the hell did all this water come from..?

"I resent those accusations, I've been completely honest since getting to this bloody timeline!" Funnily enough, my voice seemed to copy the Espada in it's echoey bullshit. Which was quite frankly disorienting as hell, hearing your own voice from every direction but your mouth was not a pleasant experience.

"Then explain to me-" Ulquiorra appeared behind me. "Why Nel isn't here to protect you now?"

I grinned, practically spinning as I switched to face him, "I hold no grudge against that espada,"

Ulquiorra's face, for whatever reason, seemed to twist for a second before a resolute expression took over.

"All who know my secret, must die. How unfortunate for you."

I raised my blade, grinning all the while.

"Does that include Josh Groban?"

Ulquiorra didn't answer, instead choosing to dash, his blade held out and glinting, before he swiped... At thin air. His expression immediately turning startled as his eyes snapped around. His head twisting as he made to look for me.

"How are you doing this!?"

I honestly didn't have a clue. I was standing still. Ulquiorra was currently looking in every direction except directly at me- He promptly stopped, the waves immediately calming down as he twitched.


I blinked. Did he just say...

"-stay out of this, this shinigami is mine to kill." Ulquiorra snapped, his teeth grinding as his eyes narrowed.

I turned to face my other side, temporarily ignoring him, watching as the blonde espada slowly copied Ulquiorra's teleporting trick as she appeared out of thin air. The missing mask a clear give away she was in her released state. Though this one seemed more modest, if the cloak covering most of her meant anything.

"Funny, I was going to say the exact same thing." She remarked, a glint forming in her eyes as she raised her sword-arm, pointing It at me. As if I didn't have enough on my plate already.

I blinked again, my retort dying out the moment I realised I was quite literally in the middle of the two, Ulquiorra and Harribel both covering one side.

"Question, can you hear the echo? 'cos I can hear an echo-,"

My words earned me a snarl from both sides. Ulquiorra immediately, his eyes widened the moment he realised I still wasn't lying, raised a hand, the beginning of a cero forming as Harribel narrowed her eyes.

"You are not taking this away from me Cuatro-" She snarled, raising her sword-free arm, her own cero forming.

Well. Nothing to it. "Ulquiorra's Resurrection is Enclose Murciélago!"

And honestly, I would've enjoyed Harribel's priceless face the moment she realised she wasn't beam clashing her Ulquiorra if not for the fact it meant she remembered.

Still, given the clear dread pooling in her eyes as she watched her beam collide and shatter against Ulquiorra's, his own expression filled with pure utter contempt, I immediately flung myself towards the blonde dumbass and promptly pulled her out of the way.

"So I know you just tried to kill me and really it's not the first time, but he clearly wants to kill you, want to team up on him first? You can have a go at me later!" I stated, absolutely serious.

Harribel blinked as she stared at me, completely caught off-guard, she turned to stare at my hand on her arm, a baffled expression filling her face, before she finally turned back towards me, an unreadable look-

The next thing I knew, I was flying across the sky in an arc, the never ending sea below me, my chest practically burning from pain at the sudden attack from the blonde shark. Eventually crashing into something with a grimace, the figure immediately plummeting to the sea below as most of the force behind the attack seemingly transferred, not to say it stopped my own sudden descent immediately. I'd just started floating, albeit upside down, in the air again. A myriad of swear words sudden came out from below. My smile returning the moment I realised the echo had finally disappeared-

"Aizen-" Shunsui's subdued voice broke me out of my musing as I quickly fixed my form in mid-air, twisting around in a 180, eyeing the captain I'd showed up with- And Neko-Gami- Soi-fon aswell!?

Well. We really have quite the group- Wait, who did I crash into?-

"Cool, so we really need to go-Oh for the- can anyone else hear that echo!?"

Shunsui blinked, his eyes trailing downwards before back up, and nodding. His hand stretched out, pointing towards the sea? I turned to follow the direction before forcibly holding in the urge to snort at the sight of the slowly rising and fuming shinigami.

I'd crashed into Kisuke.


Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget feedback!