

It was instant, the speed Yamamoto could manage to move at was almost mind-boggling.

He was faster then me!

I don't really know how I knew but it came to me almost instinctively. As if the fact was never in contention. I blinked as I took in our destination. Yamamoto released my hand immediately, and then almost faster then I could see, took a few steps back.

His posture was straight and frankly he looked ready to kill.

So the amicable atmosphere earlier was an act?

Damn. And I thought he had a sense of humour...

Still, he didn't do anything, no he simply stood there waiting for my reaction. Both his of hands were crossed. Though I knew, if I did anything remotely wrong, I was likely going to be introduced to his Zanpakutō. I wonder if he even heard me mention the fact I was a time traveler.

He probably did all things considered.

Naturally, that meant I could only do one thing.

I slacked my shoulders, plastered a smile on my face and whistled as I took in the place.

His reaction was priceless.

His long white eyebrow twitched, wriggling towards the end as he closed his eyes.

"This place really is as big as I remember... I always wondered why you had such a huge room set up as your office,"

Mine could barely fit in all of Aizen's books.

No wonder he went rogue and created his own empire.

I crossed my own arms as I turned around on the spot wondering if I could actually read Japanese. I could've sworn the room had long white sheet of, what I assumed was, calligraphy written at the centre, just behind where Yamamoto sat during captain meetings. To my surprise I found I could actually understand the words.

Neat. I wonder how many languages Aizen knows...

"It gives me more room to punish unruly brats," I suddenly turned my neck as I heard him speak, giving Yamamoto an amused look at the words.

"Am I one of them?" I questioned cheekily.

He gave me a stony look.

"Oh," the rest of my body quickly turned on the spot, my legs crossing themselves, and to my own shock, I started levitating, once again, my body automatically acquired to my need, no... Something tells me it was going above and beyond... Almost as if it was trying to predict my needs? But why it was doing this now instead of earlier, when I'd literally blown canon to hell... I wasn't sure. Maybe it had something to do with Yamamoto flaring his reiatsu at me. Who knows.

Remember earlier when I said I was going to do something stupid.

I think that's going to be happening quite a few times.

Because I just had the most brilliant idea. I just figured out how to win.

I could almost feel the fear that filled the air.

Was someone reading my mind? I think someone's reading my mind.

Either that or I am grinning way too much.

Yamamoto seemed to tense, his reiatsu surprisingly enough shrinking. Almost concentrating-

Ah shit, I quickly put my hands up, though the grin never left my face. "I told you I'd explain right?"

He blinked once, his expression utterly blank.

"You show up in the middle of Soul Society, following the sighting of your own dead body, with a reiatsu level at the very least twice what it was. You show absolutely no reaction to the speed which we moved at," His eyes seemed to narrow at this point, almost as if it somehow hurt him that I wasn't surprised. "And though your Zanpakutō has not changed, it's abilities seem to. Getting rid of any evidence-" He stopped speaking. His reiatsu once again flaring, his earlier expression of exasperation plain.

I'd held my finger up.

"Someone changed it for me,"

My words, surprisingly caught him off guard.

"As I told my lieutenant, I am from the future, I had to have it change. I released it in order to fix any temporal anomalies. I will need to do that with every person I come into contact with, and before you ask, my bankai is my ticket back home," I said, almost rapidly, in a single breath. My mind slowly drifted off wondering if I even needed to breath...

Yamamoto blinked once before he simply copied my earlier stance and started levitating as he crossed his legs and arms.

Why this gesture seemed to make my body scream at me to run, I wasn't sure. I think he was taking me seriously... But for some reason I felt like I was taking a test.

A test that could very well end in my dea-

Oh, yeah I can see why now.

He blinked again, and spoke.

"Someone changed it for you?"

I nodded and quickly opened my mouth. "Don't ask me who," I forgot her name, "They warned me it'd be a bad idea to say their names," I am one hundred percent sure Aizen's ability to lie is working overtime. Because, damn that is a hard glare to take.

"You willingly changed your blade?"

Thank god? Me? Him? He accepted that.

"It was either that, or fight him," I emphasised the last word as I stared at him, eye to eye.

It was then and there I caught it. His first true and utterly genuine reaction. A reaction that seemed to cut the tension that had filled my body completely.

Absolute shock filled the Captain-commander's face for a single second. Though it felt like an entire lifetime.

"What happened?" He questioned passively. His eyes grim as he took me in completely.

I gave him a toothy smile, my body almost recoiling at the action, evidently not agreeing.

"You're not going to like that answer,"

Something flashed in his eyes before, to my own confusion, he nodded stiffly and did something that made the air around us feel heavy.

"None will hear, now tell me what happened?" He almost seemed to growl, the tension from earlier reappearing. I think I need to be a little more serious... All things considered. It's not exactly pretty picture.

So someone was listening in? Really hope it wasn't Gin but knowing my luck...

Still wonder what he thought of everything. Probably a little confused. Though I doubt he'll take any of these plans in a bad light. Probably thinks I am someone else anyway. Aizen can't possibly be this reckless- Who am I kidding. This stupid.

Whatever I had an advantage no one else did.


The word took me out of my thoughts, bringing my gaze back on a- Wow he's showing a lot of emotion. The man was outright glaring at me.

I sighed, a withdrawn look on my face. "I wasn't kidding, you're really not going to like it,"


I palmed the fabric of my cloak, grasping my captains badge, somewhat surprisingly, easily tearing it and only it off, before momentarily willing, rather hoping, it set itself on fire. Showcasing the burning badge, surprised at the lack of pain from my hand, to the captain-commander.

"Like I said earlier, it's best not to say anything dangerous, but this?" I looked over towards the, surprisingly enough, still burning badge. Evidently my body, or rather more likely my Zanpakutō, understood what I'd wanted.

Kid was really smart. Though he/she was centuries older...

"Is basically the least problematic thing to happen,"

And with that, Yamamoto evidently declared I passed.

I think he was using some kind of skill to make me tell the truth, or attest urge me too? As it felt like a veil had been lifted with the way the reiatsu had disappeared.

No wonder Aizen's body was shitting itself.

"Do you know what to do? Or did you come back empty-handed? We'll get to the case on your past selves death and why you seem to be wearing the exact same cloak I saw on him earlier," Definitely didn't consider that... Wow... I can't believe I almost died because of a cloak... "'But for now I want you to bring up every time sensitive threat in the future that you can declare safely," He finished, the word safely definitely referring to more then future threats... And to my own mounting surprise, flashed a smile, a smile that didn't even last a second, having almost missed it myself.

For some reason, I don't feel like I am out of the woods...

"In the mean time... It seems a couple- Someone is waiting for you outside," He declared breaking the sudden calm. "Perhaps you ought to hide your progress next time, I will be holding a captains meeting within the hour, you have until then to prepare adequately,"

So, evidently, the potential of a screwed up future was enough to give me this much of a chance?


I was just about to head off outside before I suddenly remembered a rather pressing fact...

"For the foreseeable future, I would rather not use any abilities, time-travel comes with it's own risks,"

His eyes seemed to narrow at that, "And when do you think you'll be capable again?"

I blinked, "I'll let you know,"

He twitched again.

I felt proud.

Then he smiled. And I felt like hell froze over.

"I wish you luck then,"

I blinked. What was he talking about.

"It seems he's gotten tired of waiting..." The commander seemed to delight at the words as he spoke.

I turned around on the spot, towards the entrance of the chamber as Yamamoto graciously returned to his feet, his ability to levitate deactivating as he started walking towards the entrance himself.

"If either of you break anything..."

It was then I finally got a good enough look at my visitor, though I am fairly certain Yamamoto had something to do with that too as I gulped at the sight of the last person I wanted to be within a fifty foot radius off.

"Oh... And here I'd thought I'd finally found a match in that Ryoka brat... You've been holding back on me, Aizen!" Kenpachi Zaraki grinned from his position as he braced himself before leaping towards me, his sword raised high.

I was fairly certain he was supposed to be fighting Ichigo right about now... Did I accidentally catch his attention earlier?

I wonder what that means for Ichigo... Still...

Frankly. I am just surprised he even knew Aizen's name.


Author Notes: Hope you enjoyed and don't forget to leave feedback!

Edit: Added a few lines to the end and one following Not-A-Aizens epiphany/idea.