
Forget me not Hana x Yeol

wake up, Hana almost forget everything. why? checked the story as her journey begin.

QueenMelody · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

6. the truth

4 pm

Min suk leave me at the class alone,I sat on my chair,I open my drawer and put together with the flower in my desk,I close my eyes,min suk words replay in my head

"Forget me not was your favourite flower, sung yeol give it to you when he confessed his love"min suk said

"After a year together,you involved in accident,that happen after you and sungyeol fight.You lose consciousness over 3 months,after you wake and out from your ward,you just walk past sungyeol who visiting you. he think you hate him.But Then sungyeol realized you were lost memory.sungyeol came to your dad office and said he will help to bring back your memory by bring you into place that have many memories, our school. But it's not as easy as said. Everyone at school know you, a president school with an excellent grade and known as top student.Not easy to shut everyone mouth,that's why many student avoiding you,they were afraid if their mouth slip.We must take many of your photos,which is make us exhausted.But aside of that sungyeol never give up,although he is an empty headed, clumsy and ignorant but he well known as a good friends and always help others. He has soft heart. So many friends help him with the plan"

I can feel a pain on my chest, I am crying

I can remember sungyeol smile to me and sit beside me

I take the flower and walk out from the class,the memory about sungyeol appeared as I walking through the corridor, he must be hurt too,

"Sungyeol I am sorry"

I run from school

Min suk gave me sung yeol address. he wasn't home

I look around,where I must go

Memory about you just about happiness, you waited for me,but I forget you

Then I remembered something coming like a flash,i remembered sunyeol words

"Do you know this is good place,the view is beauty"

I try to remembered more,it was a Park,there's a city view.

I run again try to find him,but which Park there's many park

Think Hana,think


I run to the park,but the park was big.I look around and see little pathway.I walk through the bushes

"I found him"