
Forget me not Hana x Yeol

wake up, Hana almost forget everything. why? checked the story as her journey begin.

QueenMelody · Fantasy
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15 Chs

4 a plan that not as planned

"Hana!" Dad run and hug me,mom too

"Are you okay honey, your face turning red, do you had a fever" mom said while touching my face

"Hey, what are you done to my precious, cute, good and pretty girl!" Dad grab sung yeol shirt

"Dad stop it,he did nothing!"

My dad spontaneously take his hands off and fix his tie

"How a clumsy boy like you ended here with my daughter, WHY?"

Mom anger are in higher level

"Mom!" I yelled

"I'm a well mannered woman" my mom take deep breath

"Hey, tall boy, let's talk outside"

"Mom, please stop dad. Let me explain okay"

"Don't worry honey, your dad is back to normal level now"


I get a little worry cause dad can be a crazy person if it's related to my safety.


"What happen?"

"Some of our friend accidentally throw a ball and hit Hana's head"

Hana's dad hand shaking

"What? Don't you promise me to protect her? It's just 1st day and there's a problem already"

"I'm sorry sir, I truly sorry"

"Although this is a small accident,I think it will be better if all end.I'll take Hana.She better not meet you anymore.I don't understand why Hana like you, how a clumsy and average person like you liked by my perfect daughter,Get off now!"

Sung yeol leaving with sad face

Hana's dad enter the nurse room

"Dad? Where's sung yeol?"

"He's going home"

"You didn't say bad things right"

"Oh of course not"

"Hana don't say like that to your father, it'll hurt him"

"Yes, my princess, dad heart is hurt. Let's go home okay"

Hana go home with her parent's

Meanwhile at the class sung yeol sit and holds forgetme not flower. Sung yeol kiss the flower and leave at Hana's desk.

Sung yeol grab his bag

"Hey,sungyeol where are you going?"

"The plan isn't going well,maybe I was too reckless and ignorant,I think I can get her back,but the fact is I can't. Thank you for you and all friends for doing my stupid idea"

"Why you say like that, we all love Hana,we want to help her too, not just for you but all of us want her back. You know Hana's parents was always like that,you are the person who knows the most about it?"

"I think I'll skip next classes"

"Hey, we have a night class too. Don't go.Okay" min suk try to persuade sungyeol

"I'm tired, I'll go home"

"hey, you super idiot, we make this plan together, it's a big plan and you give up because one small accident. you waited for 3 months for her to wake up and now you give up. is this a joke for you? it's a shit"

but sungyeol still walk away sadly