
Forget me not Hana x Yeol

wake up, Hana almost forget everything. why? checked the story as her journey begin.

QueenMelody · Fantasy
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15 Chs

12. Lovely

Sungyeol stand and reach my hand

"Stand up, we need to work"

I hold his hand, I stand up and look at him

"I'm park Hana, you can call me Hana. I'm class 1-1"

Sungyeol laugh

"Why you laugh?, you make me feel embarrassing " I let go of his hand

I'm annoyed

"Wait" sungyeol reach my hand

"I don't understand , why girl easily get angry. Okay let's rewind and start a proper introduction "

"I'm lee sungyeol, call me sungyeol. I'm class 1 - 3. Nice too meet and know you"

He smile at my beautifully, I get blushing. How can I stay with him all day

"Are you...?"


"Haha, looks like you are..."


He teased me and we just laugh after that

At break time there were many students come to read or make some tasks. Both if us keep busy, we eat at the library restroom

Finally the school dismiss,it almost 5 pm

We cleaning the library and restore the book to the bookshelf according to the category

I want to put the book but the place were too high, so I call sungyeol

"Sungyeol can you help me"


Sungyeol put the book and I see some good book

"Can you take that book for me?"

"Which book?"

"The one with black cover and golden writing"

Sungyeol take the book, but the book is stuck cause so tight, sungyeol try strongly and brak...the book fall from the shelf, sungyeol cover my head with his hands

We were so close,I can smell his scent, his body was so big and tall, I looked up and see his face, he close his eyes while endure the pain from the book that fall to his head, he open his eyes and caught me looking at him

The book stop fallen

"Are you okay?"


"Are you okay?"


"Just sit there, I will get back this book to the shelf"

I sit in the chair and hold my cheeks, it feel warm

We walk out from school together

"Do you want to going home together" sungyeol asks me



"Hana- ya" dad wave from his car

"That is your dad?"


"Okay,go ahead.See you tomorrow " sungyeol walk away

I slowly walk to dad car

"Who is he?"

"My friend,we work on the library today"

"What a relief "dad smile and move the car

The car past sungyeol,see him from the window,but then I see sungyeol hold a paper

"Call me 0xx-xxx-xxx"

I took my phone and capture it


I keep walk back and forth in my bedroom,

I hold my phone put it down and take it again, I'm hesitating. I look at the clock its 7 pm,is that a good time to call him?

I take a deep breath and call



"Bro,someone call" daeyeol shout from living room

"Don't you dare to pick up!" sungyeol yell from bathroom


"Hello, I'm hana"

"Who is Hana?"

I feel afraid, am I call wrong number

"I'm Hana, sungyeol friend "

"Really? Mom! a girl call brother" a boy yelled

There's a crowd noise at the phone

"Hey, give my phone back" I can hear sungyeol yelled and there's a laughing voice

"Hello? Hana, This is sungyeol"


"I'm sorry that was my brother and mom"

"Oh I'm sorry. I'll put down the phone, see you to.."



"Don't shut the phone"


"What are you doing now"

"Nothing, I just finished dinner, and you?"

"I... er..nothing too. Hehehe"

"..." I'm quite

"..." sungyeol quite

"..." my brain is so empty

Sungyeol brother and his mother peek from the door


"Yes" his voice really pleased my ear

"Are you still there?"


"Your father will drive you tomorrow?"

"Yes,he just comeback from overseas And he will drop of and pick up me everyday"

"So,will see you at school tomorrow"

"Yes,but we were in different class"

"I'll go to your class,let's eat together tomorrow"

"Is that okay?"


"I just think maybe you will feel awkward"

"Hahaha...then I'll come with many guard"

"Uh are you serious?"

"Yeah,if it will make you uncomfortable,I'll come with some friends "


"Promise me you'll eat with me tomorrow,okay"

"I promise"

"Then, see you tomorrow. My mom call for dinner "


I hug the phone and jump to my bed, grab the pillow and kick my bed. I'm so happy like I want to yell like a crazy


Sungyeol clenched his fist to the air and jump happily,he open his door

Daeyeol and his mom were surprised

"Mom,did you eavesdropped me?"

"Nope"mom run away

"You rascal,you are the cause of this" sungyeol ready to hit daeyeol head, but daeyeol run to his mom back

"Stop both of you" dad command

Sungyeol family begin to eat

"So who is Hana, is it your girlfriend?" sungyeol dad suddenly ask

Sungyeol spill his dish and coughing

Everyone look him with naughty and teasing eyes