
Forged in Exile: Naruto's Path to Power

Naruto, abandoned by his family, is a prodigy with both qi and shinjitsu. Raised by his grandfather Madara, he trains in the art of war and cultivates his abilities. As he journeys to become stronger, Naruto confronts enemies such as The Exiled Ones, powerful aliens seeking to conquer the galaxy, and The Shadow Syndicate, a group of powerful shinobi and samurai seeking control. With the help of allies like Gaara and Killer Bee, Naruto also finds love in Temari.

zkrbandit · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

The Shattered Bonds

As the midday sun illuminated the cave library, Naruto's training came to an end. With a wide smile on his face, he approached his grandfather, proud of his accomplishments. "I'm finished, Grandpa!" Naruto exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Madara, wearing a mischievous grin, looked at Naruto and said, "Well done, Naruto. You've made remarkable progress." Naruto's curiosity piqued as he eagerly asked, "What's next, Madara? What more can I learn?"

Madara's eyes twinkled with anticipation as he replied, "Ah, Naruto, there's another challenge awaiting you. But this time, it's going to be even more demanding." Naruto's expression turned puzzled as he tried to comprehend the magnitude of the upcoming training.

Madara signaled for Naruto to stay still and, with a swift motion, sent a Zetsu clone to cover Naruto's eye. Naruto's confusion grew as he questioned the purpose of this action. Before he could voice his confusion, Madara interrupted, wearing a mischievous smirk. "Naruto, you're going to undergo the same training you did with the Zetsu, but this time, there will be 40,000 of them. You won't be able to see, hear, or even smell."

Naruto's eyes widened in disbelief. "Are you joking? Not even the greatest warriors have undergone such a challenging training!" he exclaimed, unable to fathom the difficulty ahead. Madara's expression remained stern as he replied, "No, Naruto. This is not a joke. This is the kind of training that pushes the limits of your abilities. I want you to develop a skill I would call 'total concentration.' Without relying on your senses, you will have to harness your inner strength and focus solely on your instincts."

Naruto's frustration began to bubble up, and he retorted, "No way! This is beyond torture, old man!" Madara, undeterred, snapped at Naruto, "Enough! Quit complaining and listen! This training is crucial for the development of your sword techniques. It will teach you to rely on your instincts and become one with your weapon. Now, let's proceed."

Without giving Naruto a chance to protest further, Madara's eyes gleamed with sadistic delight as he signaled the Zetsu clones to cover Naruto's ears and nose. The Zetsu closed in, their pale, slimy appendages forcefully plugging Naruto's senses. Naruto struggled desperately, his muffled screams of protest drowned by the vile touch of the clones.

He felt an overwhelming sense of isolation as darkness and silence engulfed him, suffocating his very soul. Suddenly, Naruto felt a searing pain pierce his gut, ripping through his flesh with a sickening squelch. Agony coursed through his veins, threatening to consume him. But his battle-hardened instincts kicked in, suppressing his scream of anguish. The excruciating torment served only to fuel the fire of his determination.

With a surge of adrenaline, Naruto's body moved on pure instinct. He found himself lifted off the ground, suspended in mid-air, held captive by an unseen force. His vision blurred from the searing pain, but he knew he had to fight back. Drawing upon his chakra reserves, he summoned his sword from the spatial ring, the sheer velocity of his summoning surpassing the speed of thought.

The weapon materialized in his trembling hand just in the nick of time, barely allowing him to dodge a colossal tendril that lunged toward him, its gnarled appendage dripping with oozing, black ichor. Naruto's heart raced as he swung his sword with lightning-quick precision, forcefully diverting the onslaught of tendrils in a frenzy of blood and severed flesh. The air around him thickened with the stench of death and decay.

Yet, before he could catch his breath, a jolting pain erupted in his back, like searing hot blades tearing through his spine. The sheer force sent him hurtling toward the ground, his body crashing with bone-shattering impact. A deafening crack echoed through the battlefield as Naruto's ribs splintered under the force of the impact.

Blood gushed from his mouth as he gasped for air, the taste of metallic iron filling his senses. In the midst of his anguish, Naruto's mind sharpened. His will to survive burned with an intensity that eclipsed the searing pain. He summoned the remnants of his strength, pushing through the haze of agony. With sheer determination, he rolled to the left, narrowly evading a lightning-fast foot slam that would have crushed him into a mangled heap of broken bones and torn flesh.

Blood-soaked and broken, Naruto's eyes glimmered with an unhinged resolve. The darkness that enveloped him only served to amplify his unyielding spirit. His battered body trembled as he tapped into the depths of his chakra reserves, desperately weaving intricate hand seals with trembling fingers. Through sheer force of will, he invoked a forbidden jutsu known as the "Forest's Embrace" or "Mori no Kōun."

A surge of malevolent energy emanated from the depths of the earth, responding to Naruto's call. Twisted, thorny vines erupted from the ground, snaking their way around his broken form. The vines constricted, piercing his flesh with merciless thorns that mingled with his own blood. Naruto's body became a grotesque fusion of flesh and foliage, his pain transforming into a grotesque dance of suffering and power.

Protected by this unholy armor of living wood, Naruto's resilience and regenerative powers surged to horrifying levels. The grotesque sight of his blood-soaked form standing amidst the chaos sent shivers down the spines of even the hardiest of onlookers. His eyes, bloodshot and filled with madness, glowed with an insatiable hunger for revenge against the Zetsu's.

Five days had passed since the battle had begun, yet Naruto's relentless torment at the hands of the Zetsu clones showed no signs of abating. Each passing moment only served to deepen the wounds that marred his blood-soaked body, turning his skin into a grotesque canvas of agony. The once vibrant shinobi was now a haunting figure, a testament to the horrors he had endured. Amidst the unending chaos, a faint glimmer of consciousness struggled to resurface within

Naruto's battered mind. It whispered fragments of forgotten wisdom, urging him to tap into a hidden wellspring of power. Searing pain surged through his body with each movement, fueling his determination to break free from the cycle of suffering."S-waves and P-waves," the cryptic words echoed through Naruto's fractured psyche, mingling with the screams of anguish that filled his ears.

They held the promise of salvation, a means to transcend his current state of torment. With the little strength he had left, Naruto grasped onto this sliver of hope, desperately seeking solace in the depths of his anguish. Summoning every ounce of willpower, Naruto focused his chakra, meticulously controlling its flow to emulate the elusive nature of seismic waves. He manipulated the vibrational frequencies, amplitudes, and wavelengths of his chakra, attempting to recreate the essence of these enigmatic forces of nature within himself.

Naruto delved deeper into the realm of seismic energy. He pushed beyond the threshold of pain, his mind and body intertwining with the very essence of the earth. In this symbiotic dance of suffering and enlightenment, he discovered a new way of perceiving the world. As his mastery over the principles of seismic waves deepened, Naruto's connection to the earth intensified.

The ground beneath him quivered in response to his chakra-infused vibrations, becoming an extension of his own being. He could sense the hidden structures, densities, and movements of his surroundings, even in the absence of his impaired senses. This seismic awareness became his guiding light amidst the relentless onslaught.

The Zetsu clones, cloaked in their malevolent presence, were reduced to mere pawns in Naruto's seismic symphony of vengeance. He could anticipate their every move, their intentions reverberating through the earth itself. With an eerie calmness enveloping him, Naruto struck back with calculated precision. Each swing of his bloodstained blade became a devastating tremor, shattering the bodies of the Zetsu clones with bone-crushing force.

Their limbs scattered like broken branches, their grotesque forms collapsing under the weight of Naruto's wrath. But even as the Zetsu clones fell, new waves of adversaries emerged from the shadows, their numbers swelling with each passing moment. Naruto's body, already ravaged by days of ceaseless combat, strained against the relentless assault. The pain intensified, threatening to tear him asunder.

Yet, amidst the torment, Naruto's resolve remained unyielding. His bloodshot eyes burned with a fervent determination, his blood-soaked lips forming a haunting smile. The dark path he had embarked upon would not end until every last Zetsu clone lay broken and defeated.

Naruto's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the sea of Zetsu clones before him. They had been relentless in their pursuit of him, hunting him down like a pack of wild beasts. But Naruto was no prey; he was a predator, and he had a new technique up his sleeve. "Earth Blade Techniques: Doton: Tsuchiken no Tsubushi," he muttered, striking the ground with a fierce blow.

The impact sent a massive shockwave rippling through the earth, disorienting and destabilizing the Zetsu clones. Using the moment he created his new offensive jutsu, he unknowingly tapped into the power of Explosion Release. He infused his arms with chakra and brought them to his face before dropping them to his sides.

The air currents manipulated by his Wind Release jutsu generated a powerful inward suction, creating a vacuum effect that pulled all the Zetsu clones towards the center of the explosion, rendering them immobile and helpless. The clones found themselves trapped within the vortex, their movements restricted and their freedom stripped away. As they were pulled towards the epicenter of the explosion, their options for evading the impending blast vanished.

With the opponents trapped in close proximity, Naruto capitalized on the dire situation. He channeled even more chakra into the explosive release, intensifying the power of the impending explosion. The chakra ignited with blinding brilliance, engulfing the area in searing heat and unforgiving destruction. At point-blank range, the explosion erupted with a deafening roar, obliterating everything in its path.

The force of the blast reverberated through the vacuum, magnifying its destructive potential. The victims, caught in the midst of the explosion, were subject to its devastating impact without any chance to evade or escape. But Naruto wasn't done yet. As the explosion subsided, he used a precise release of chakra to repel the survivors outward, casting them away from the epicenter of destruction.

The sudden force propelled them with great speed, disorienting and further destabilizing them. Naruto's eyes glinted with a cruel satisfaction as he surveyed the aftermath of his devastating attack. The once proud and fierce Zetsu clones lay broken and defeated, their bodies mangled and torn apart by the sheer force of the explosion.

Naruto stood at the epicenter of a colossal crater, a testament to the destructive power he had unleashed. Dust and debris swirled around him, carried by the aftermath of the explosive force. With a sense of triumph, he removed the earplugs, nose plugs, and blindfolds that had shielded him from the chaos.

As his senses adjusted to the scene of devastation, Naruto's eyes widened in shock. The extent of the damage he had caused was staggering, far beyond what he had anticipated. His hands trembled uncontrollably, adrenaline coursing through his veins, as he struggled to comprehend the magnitude of his actions.

Overwhelmed by a mix of exhilaration and disbelief, Naruto collapsed onto the ground, his laughter echoing in the desolate surroundings. "Hahaha... HAHAHAHAHAHA!" His voice reverberated through the air, a manic expression painted across his face. The sheer absurdity of the situation brought forth a release of emotions he had bottled up for far too long.

"Kurama, are you seeing this?" Naruto exclaimed, addressing his inner demon. The fox spirit, ever present within him, responded, "Yes, I can see it, you brat. What the hell have you done?" Kurama's voice carried a mixture of awe and concern, a rare display of vulnerability.

Looking up from the depths of the crater, Naruto spotted his grandfather, Madara, standing atop the rim. With an exuberant smile, he called out, "Oi, Grandpaaa!" The joy in his eyes was unmistakable as he bounded out of the crater and landed gracefully beside Madara. Naruto enveloped his grandfather in a tight embrace, a surge of pride emanating from him.

"I did it, Grandpa. I finally..." Naruto's words trailed off as exhaustion took hold of him. His body succumbed to the strain, and he fell unconscious in his grandfather's embrace, the weight of his accomplishment and the toll it had taken on him finally catching up.

Madara caught Naruto as he fell unconscious, holding him gently in his arms. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at the young man's accomplishment. "Well done, Naruto," he said softly, a rare smile on his face.

As he held Naruto, Madara's mind wandered back to his own youth, to a time when he too had been driven by a fierce determination to become stronger. He remembered the battles he had fought, the sacrifices he had made, and the power he had gained as a result.

But he also remembered the toll it had taken on him, the emptiness that had crept into his heart as he pushed himself to ever greater heights. He didn't want Naruto to follow the same path, to become a slave to his own strength.

Madara gently laid Naruto down on the ground and knelt beside him. He placed a hand on the young man's forehead and closed his eyes, focusing his chakra.

As he did so, he sent a gentle wave of energy flowing through Naruto's body, soothing his wounds and easing his pain. He also sent a message to Kurama, asking the Nine-Tails to watch over Naruto and protect him from harm.

When he was done, Madara stood up and looked down at Naruto. "Rest now, my boy," he said. "You've earned it. But remember, power is a double-edged sword. It can bring great strength, but it can also bring great suffering. You must find balance if you wish to truly master it." He sent a Zetsu to put Naruto on his bed to sleep then made his towards the storage to gather tools for his next training

The next day, Naruto woke up to his usual breakfast. Still feeling tired, he sluggishly ate his meal. As he finished, he noticed his grandfather, Madara, entering the room carrying a boulder, a rope, and a bell.

"Morning, Grandpa," Naruto greeted, his voice laced with fatigue. "What are you doing?"

Madara replied, "I'm setting up something for your next training, Naruto."

Naruto let out a small groan. "Can't I have a break today, Gramps? I'm still tired from yesterday." He pleaded with his eyes, hoping to convince his grandfather to give him a day off.

Madara paused for a moment, considering Naruto's request. "Alright," he said finally, "I'll give you a break. But first, I need to put this on you. It's important for what's coming next."

Naruto's confusion grew as Madara tied a rope around his hand, preparing for the training. Naruto couldn't help but wonder what his grandfather had in store for him.

With the rope securely tied around Naruto's hand, Madara proceeded to set up the training apparatus. He skillfully attached the bell to the end of the rope, creating a makeshift alarm system.

Naruto watched his grandfather's every move, his curiosity piqued. "What's this training all about, Grandpa?" he asked, his voice tinged with anticipation.

Madara wore a serious expression as he finished the setup. "This training will test your awareness and reflexes, Naruto," he explained. "The bell attached to the rope will serve as a warning. If you make any sudden movements, it will jingle, alerting me."

Naruto furrowed his brow, trying to grasp the purpose of the training. "So, what do I have to do?"

Madara's gaze met Naruto's, his eyes filled with wisdom. "You must remain perfectly still, Naruto. If you move even the slightest bit, the bell will ring, and I will throw a small rock at you."

Naruto's eyes widened at the realization. "Wait, you're going to throw rocks at me?"

Madara nodded. "Yes, but don't worry. The rocks will be small, just enough to startle you and reinforce the importance of staying still. It will help sharpen your focus and control."

Naruto took a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenge. He knew that his grandfather had his best interests at heart and that this training would push him to new heights. "Alright, Grandpa," Naruto said with determination. "I'm ready. Let's see what I can do."

Madara smiled, proud of Naruto's resolve. "Remember, Naruto, this training will test your ability to maintain composure even in the face of unexpected obstacles. Stay calm and focused, and you'll emerge stronger from this experience."

With their preparations complete, Naruto braced himself for the training, ready to prove his mettle under the watchful eye of his grandfather, Naruto ate and went to sleep.

An hour passed, and Naruto's head started to tilt, his meditation posture faltering. Just as he teetered on the edge of falling, the sound of the bell abruptly shattered the tranquility. Naruto's eyes shot open, instinctively sensing danger.

In an instant, Madara, seated in his chair, awoke from his own meditation. Without hesitation, he swiftly discarded the smaller rocks, grasping a hefty stone infused with chakra. He launched it towards Naruto, unleashing a formidable force.

Caught off guard, Naruto's eyes widened in alarm as the massive stone hurtled toward his face. Reacting with lightning speed, he shifted his head at the last moment, narrowly evading a direct impact. The stone collided with the wall, its impact causing cracks to spiderweb across the surface. Naruto's breath hitched, a mixture of fear and realization coursing through him.

"Hey, old man! Are you trying to kill me?" Naruto's voice trembled with a mix of shock and disbelief. "You said they were just little stones!"

Madara, unfazed by Naruto's outburst, maintained a calm demeanor. "Naruto, this training is not about comfort or safety. To grow stronger, you must be prepared to face risks and unexpected challenges. "I get it, Grandpa," Naruto said, his voice steadier now. "I know that becoming stronger means pushing myself beyond my limits and facing whatever comes my way."

You are right. If you're going to become strong, then you need to test yourself against your fears. And if you can't do anything else, at least try to find the strength inside yourself to keep fighting. With courage like yours, I have no doubt that you will become a great ninja."

"Thanks, Old Man! That was very inspirational!" Naruto fist bumped Madara in thanks. "Now we just need to get through today's training session without any more big arguments..."

Naruto carefully arranged himself on the bed and resumed slumbering in a meditative pose naruto After half an hour had passed, another large rock came hurtling towards him. He keenly sensed it and ducked to avoid being hit. Once the threat had passed, he slowly resumed his stance and awaited the next onslaught. This continued for three days with no end in sight until eventually, he managed to survive The stone training.

He knew his only chance of survival was to remain completely still and relax every muscle in his body. He willed himself to become completely motionless, like a boulder sitting at the bottom of the lake.

"Well done, Naruto," Madara praised, his eyes filled with pride. "It's time to move on to the next phase of your training." Naruto beamed back at his grandfather, excitement bubbling within him as he eagerly followed Madara toward the exit of the training cave.

As they stepped outside, the fresh air filled Naruto's lungs, invigorating him for the challenges that lay ahead. The sky stretched above them, painted with vibrant hues of orange and purple as the sun began its descent. Naruto couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and wonder for what awaited him.

"Grandpa, what are we going to do today?" Naruto asked, his eyes shining with curiosity.

Madara's voice carried a hint of mystery as he replied, "Today, I will teach you how to become a sage, Naruto."

Naruto's face lit up with excitement, but a hint of confusion lingered in his eyes. "Wait, Grandpa, what exactly is a sage?" he asked, eager to grasp the concept fully.

Madara's gaze softened as he realized Naruto's lack of knowledge. "Ah, I apologize for assuming you already knew," he replied, his voice gentle and patient. "In the world of shinobi, a sage is someone who has achieved a profound connection with nature and has mastered the art of harnessing its energy."

Naruto's brows furrowed as he tried to comprehend. "So, it's like being in tune with the natural world and using its power?" he ventured.

Madara nodded approvingly. "Exactly, Naruto. Sages possess a deep understanding of the flow of energy in the environment, and they can tap into that energy to enhance their own abilities. By attuning themselves to nature, sages can gain incredible strength, heightened senses, and even unlock unique techniques."

"But, Grandpa, I already have Nature chakra," Naruto explained, slightly confused. "I know, Naruto," Madara replied, his tone patient. "Just having Nature chakra doesn't guarantee that you are utilizing its power to its fullest potential. What I want to teach you is a specific form of sage mode known as Mokuton Sage Mode."

Naruto's curiosity piqued. "Mokuton Sage Mode? But, Gramps, I already have wood in my nature chakra," he said, referring to his Mokuton abilities. Madara nodded, acknowledging Naruto's observation. "Yes, Naruto, you do possess Mokuton, the Wood Release. However, there's a deeper reason why I want you to learn this particular sage mode."

He continued, "Our lineage is tied to the Otsutsuki clan, from which both the Uchiha and Senju clans originated. By combining the powers and teachings of these two clans, you have the potential to awaken one of the most formidable dojutsu known to shinobi."

Curiosity burned in Naruto's eyes as he asked, "What is this dojutsu, Gramps? What powers does it hold?" Madara smiled knowingly. "I'm afraid I cannot reveal its name just yet, Naruto. It is a secret that will be unveiled to you when the time is right. But trust me, it is a dojutsu of immense power, granting you abilities that surpass even your wildest imagination."

Madara spoke, announcing their arrival. Naruto surveyed the area and noticed

The mountain's jagged rocks soar upward toward the sky. A river streams down its side on the other side of a bridge.

The falls, wide and tropical in style, crashes against the rocks, and an occasional fish jumps out of it, only to get chased back in by the large piranha. A small waterfall trickles down to the pool, and at the base of the rock you see, sit three large toads.

. He turned to Madara and asked what they were doing there. The elder pointed to a large boulder in the distance and instructed Naruto to go meditate while he attended to something else. Naruto made his way to the rock using The Water Walking Technique , and got comfortable before beginning his meditation

Madara burst out of the bushes with nine vials filled with blood and shouted to get Naruto's attention. Naruto jumped up, startled, and looked over to see his grandfather walking towards him with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"What's that, gigi?" Naruto asked, eyeing the vials suspiciously.

"This, my boy, is Hashirama cells," Madara said, holding up the vials. "It'll help you awaken those eyes of yours at some point in your life."

Naruto nodded in understanding, but he couldn't help but wonder how his grandfather managed to get his hands on such a rare substance. He decided not to ask, knowing it was probably a touchy subject for Madara.

"I'm going to inject a tiny bit of his DNA into your muscles," Madara said, brandishing a whip. "But beware, I'll slap you silly if you turn into wood on me."

Naruto's comical eye twitched at the thought of getting whipped, but he knew Madara wasn't joking. He was confused about why his grandfather would hit him, so he asked, "Why would you want to hit me?"

Madara chuckled. "It's better to demonstrate than to talk. Zetsu!"

A Zetsu popped up out of nowhere, looking confused. "Yes, master?" he asked.

"Stand still," Madara commanded. "And watch what happens when I inject Naruto with this."

Madara injected a tiny bit of the Hashirama cells into The Zetsu's arm, and the Zetsu started screaming in agony before swelling up and turning into wood. Naruto gulped after seeing this because he didn't know if he would turn into something like that.

"Don't worry," Madara reassured him. "I'll slap you silly before you can transform."

Naruto nodded, trying not to think about getting hit, as Madara instructed him to absorb the cells and feel for the nature energy. "You've got to be still as a rock and become one with nature," he said.

Naruto now understood why he had to do all that training on steadiness, so he agreed to begin. Madara injected a tiny bit more of the cells into Naruto while he meditated, and it seemed to be working at first. But five minutes later, Naruto started to transform.

"WOOOSH!" Madara swung the whip at Naruto, who fell sideways with a bump on his head.

"Thank you," Naruto said, getting up and thanking Madara for the hit.

"Whip again! Whip again! Whip again!" Madara shouted, and this continued for six months straight before Naruto finally achieved sage mode.

Madara then brought him up the mountain to continue his training and showed him a high set of tendrils with two planks, one for Naruto and one for him.

"Ok, Naruto, you've achieved sage mode in the first half," Madara said. "Now let's move on to the second part."

Without warning, Madara grabbed Naruto and jumped up to the top of the tendrils, putting him on one of the planks. Naruto tried not to panic, but he was scared he was going to fall to his death.

"Infuse chakra on your butt and watch me," Madara said, going into a sage position and sitting down.

Naruto watched in amazement as his grandfather sat there without any chakra infused to the tendrils. "How the hell am I supposed to stay steady on a single point of tendrils without chakra?" he shouted.

Madara grew a tick mark. "Are you that blind? Don't you see me here without any chakra infused to the tendrils? Hm, anyway, I want you to do this. Release your chakra control and control your body weight through balance," Madara commanded, his voice filled with authority.

Naruto scratched his head, a mix of frustration and determination in his eyes. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart. "Alright, Gramps, I'll give it a shot. But if I fall, I hope you've got a soft landing planned!"

Naruto then released his chakra control, and he started to lose balance as he began to fall. FUCK!

Madara threw a rope and caught Naruto just in time, preventing him from face-planting onto the ground. However, he couldn't help but burst into laughter, his deep chuckles echoing through the training area.

"Why are you laughing at me?" Naruto protested, a mixture of annoyance and amusement in his voice. "I think you're very sadistic, ya know!"

Madara's laughter subsided, and he wiped away a tear from his eye. "Oh, Naruto, my laughter is not born out of sadism but out of genuine delight. Watching you struggle and overcome challenges is a source of immense joy for me. It's a testament to your growth and resilience."

Naruto rolled his eyes playfully. "Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that, Gramps. But okay, okay, let's settle down and give it another try."

3 year later~

Naruto had been training with Madara for a Three years now, and he had accomplished so much. He had mastered the Sage Mode, and upon completion, Madara gifted him with a scroll from the forbidden taijutsu section. It was the Eight Gates!

Naruto was ecstatic, but he knew that this was no ordinary technique. The Eight Gates were dangerous and could potentially kill the user if they overused them. However, Naruto was determined to learn them, and with Madara's guidance, he mastered them one by one.

He pushed his body beyond its limits and reached the last gate known as the Gate of Death. Naruto had a special advantage because of his Chaos Body, the representation of death. He could access the Gate of Death without dying, making him one of the most formidable fighters out there.

But Naruto's training didn't stop there. He also cultivated the full legacy skills and the Dao of Space, combining it with his body flicker technique. And throughout his training, Naruto confided in Madara about the shadowy figure he saw when he died, and Madara realized that his grandson was special from the start.

Thursday evenly 1:30pm~

Naruto was alone in his room when a Zetsu suddenly appeared and asked him to go and see his grandfather. With a mix of excitement and unease, Naruto agreed and followed the Zetsu to a far-flung clearing. As he arrived, he could spot his grandpa sitting on a throne, but something seemed off. Madara looked frail and lifeless, darkening the atmosphere.

"Naruto... you're here," Madara spoke in a feeble voice, tinged with sorrow. This shook Naruto to the core, tears forming in his eyes. "Grandpa, what's happening? What's wrong?" He stuttered, scared and nervous. But before he could finish speaking, blood started dripping from Madara's mouth, swallowing up his brilliant robes in red. He collapsed from the throne, and Naruto rushed to him, attempting to heal him.

But Madara stopped him from trying; he sounded resigned as he said: "No, Naruto... It's too late for me. Please, just stay by my side until the end." Naruto felt like his world had crumbled beneath his feet - his tears streaming as he realized what was happening - but despite the grief Madara mustered the strength to pass on one last mission. "The reason I called you here... There are two groups I've been tracking... The Akatsuki... They have overtaken the original Zetsu clones... Watch out for someone named Obito... He's being manipulated by an even worse group, The Shadow Syndicate..." His words were broken up by fits of coughing and sprays of blood, emphasizing how critical this situation was.

Naruto was alone in his room when a Zetsu suddenly appeared and asked him to go and see his grandfather. With a mix of excitement and unease, Naruto agreed and followed the Zetsu to a far-flung clearing. As he arrived, he could spot his grandpa sitting on a throne, but something seemed off.

Madara looked frail and lifeless, darkening the atmosphere.

"Naruto... you're here," Madara spoke in a feeble voice, tinged with sorrow. This shook Naruto to the core, tears forming in his eyes. "Grandpa, what's happening? What's wrong?" He stuttered, scared and nervous. But before he could finish speaking, blood started dripping from Madara's mouth, swallowing up his brilliant robes in red.

He collapsed from the throne, and Naruto rushed to him, attempting to heal him.

But Madara stopped him from trying; he sounded resigned as he said: "No, Naruto... It's too late for me. Please, just stay by my side until the end." Naruto felt like his world had crumbled beneath his feet - his tears streaming as he realized what was happening - but despite the grief Madara mustered the strength to pass on one last mission.

"The reason I called you here... There are two groups I've been tracking... The Akatsuki... They have overtaken the original Zetsu clones... Watch out for someone named Obito... He's being manipulated by an even worse group, The Shadow Syndicate..." His words were broken up by fits of coughing and sprays of blood, emphasizing how critical this situation was.

"The Shadow Syndicate must be defeated. They are after the God Tree, the source of all chakra in this world," Madara told Naruto with a hint of sadness in his voice. The young shinobi's eyes were filled sorrow as he hung his head."I possess not only chakra, but shinjutsu, too," he revealed with a tinge of regret.

Although gloom and despair had settled upon them, Madara offered some hope. "Do not lose faith, Naruto. You possess the power needed to defeat this organization. But first, you must return to Konoha," he said evidence of conviction in his words as they echoed through Naruto's grief-stricken soul.

Confused, yet upset, Naruto was not inclined to obey without question. "Why should I go back to the place that has caused me such pain? My own family abandoned me there!" He asked through tears flowing freely down his face.

Madara attempted to reason with him, his tone softening. "I'm not saying you can never seek vengeance; however, do not let it consume your life like mine has been taken by endless warfare. Use the gifts you gain to guard those close to you and find someone special... I want to meet your child someday," he added mischievously before his energy suddenly drained away in a spray of blood.

"My fate is sealed by their leader's curse," denied Madara weakly, unable to console Naruto whose heart broke further at hearing that news. His breath caught in his throat and tears blurred his vision as it turned red and formed a new pattern."The Shadow Syndicate... They must be stopped... They seek to obtain the God Tree, the very source of chakra".

in this world," Madara continued, his voice fading with each word. Naruto, his eyes filled with a mix of determination and sadness, looked down with a heavy heart. "It's not just chakra within me... It's shinjutsu, the original form of chakra," Naruto confessed, his voice tinged with melancholy.

Madara offered a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.

"Naruto, don't lose hope. You hold the key to stopping these organizations. But before that, return to Konoha," he advised, his words piercing through Naruto's grief. Confused and hurt, Naruto questioned his grandfather's request.

"Why should I go back to the place that has caused me so much pain? My own family abandoned me there!" Naruto exclaimed, his tears flowing freely down his face.

Madara's voice softened as he explained, "I'm not saying you can't seek revenge, but don't let it consume your life. I don't want you to become like me, living a life of endless warfare.

Use the power you gain to protect your loved ones. And, Naruto, find someone special... I want to see your child." A mischievous grin formed on Madara's face, but before Naruto could react, blood splattered between them.

"No matter what you try, I'll always be with you... I've been cursed by their leader," Madara revealed, his words piercing Naruto's already shattered heart. Naruto wailed in anguish as Madara's life slipped away in his hands. Trembling with grief, his breath hitched, and his eyes spun, turning red and forming a new pattern

authors: Hey I am not good at describing Any Mangekyou Sharingan at all I try 5 times and they all sucked or sound like crap so I am going to put he image down below for Wattpad and the link down in the comments for Webnovel I really like the design for this Mangekyou Sharingan Here it is and it also not mine it's someone else's drawing by the name of fluffyxai


Well it looks cool to me ~~~

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