
Forged in Exile: Naruto's Path to Power

Naruto, abandoned by his family, is a prodigy with both qi and shinjitsu. Raised by his grandfather Madara, he trains in the art of war and cultivates his abilities. As he journeys to become stronger, Naruto confronts enemies such as The Exiled Ones, powerful aliens seeking to conquer the galaxy, and The Shadow Syndicate, a group of powerful shinobi and samurai seeking control. With the help of allies like Gaara and Killer Bee, Naruto also finds love in Temari.

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The Neglected Child

chapter 2: The Demon Child


Timeskip 5 years later ~

Minato and Kushina sat at the dinner table, a sense of disappointment palpable in the air. Naruto, their son, sat across from them, oblivious to the tension in the room. Minato cleared his throat, trying to find the words to express his concerns.

"Hey Kushina," he began, his voice laced with worry. "Have you noticed that Naruto isn't displaying the power he used to have?"

Kushina's eyes flickered towards Naruto before turning back to Minato. "Yeah, I have," she replied, a hint of sadness in her voice.

Minato sighed, his gaze fixed on Naruto. "I don't understand. When he was a baby, he showed such immense potential. But now, it's like he's hit a plateau."

Kushina nodded in agreement, her eyes never leaving Naruto. "Maybe we were just seeing things. Maybe he never had the potential we thought he did."

Naruto's ears perked up at the mention of his name, sensing that his parents were talking about him. "What are you talking about?" he asked, a hint of confusion in his voice.

Minato and Kushina exchanged a glance before Minato spoke up. "We're just worried about your training, Naruto. We want to make sure you're able to protect yourself and the village."

Naruto's face fell, sensing that something was off. "But I've been training hard," he protested. "I've been working on my jutsu every day!"

Kushina placed a comforting hand on Naruto's shoulder. "We know you have, sweetie. But we just want to make sure you're getting the most out of your training."

Naruto slumped in his seat, feeling defeated. He had always looked up to his parents, but now he felt like he was letting them down.

As the years passed, Minato and Kushina became increasingly focused on the other children in the village. Mito, Narumi, Menma, and Tao were viewed as prodigies, hailed as heroes for their role in sealing the Nine-Tailed Fox. They were showered with attention and praise, while Naruto was left feeling like an afterthought.

On their birthdays, the four children would receive special training sessions with Minato and Jiraiya, as well as gifts from the village. Naruto would watch from the sidelines, feeling like he wasn't good enough to be included.

One day, after yet another training session with his father, Naruto mustered up the courage to confront him. "Dad, why am I never included in the special training sessions?" he asked, his voice tinged with frustration.

Minato's smile faltered, replaced by a frown. "Naruto, you know we love you," he began, his voice gentle. "But we just don't think you have the same potential as the other children."

Naruto's heart sank at his father's words, feeling like he had been kicked in the gut. "But I've been training so hard!" he protested. "I want to be a hero too!"

Minato placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder, his expression softening. "I know you do, son. And I'm proud of you for working so hard. But we have to be realistic."

Naruto's eyes welled up with tears as he stormed out of the room, feeling like he had been abandoned by his parents.

Jiraiya, who had been watching the exchange from the sidelines, approached Minato with a worried expression on his face. "Minato, I just received a prophecy," he said, his voice low. "It's about the four children. It says that they will bring about peace to the world or destroy it."

Minato's eyes widened in alarm. "What does that mean?"

"I'm not sure," Jiraiya admitted, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "But I think it's safe to say that we need to pay close attention to those kids. They might be the key to saving the world or unleashing destruction upon it."

Minato nodded gravely. "I'll make sure to keep an eye on them," he said. "But what about Naruto?"

Jiraiya looked over towards the young boy' room ,"What about him?" he asked.

"What does the prophecy say about him?" Minato clarified.

Jiraiya shook his head. "Nothing," he said. "Naruto wasn't mentioned in the prophecy at all."

Minato felt a twinge of sadness in his heart. He knew that Naruto had always felt like an outsider, and now it seemed like he truly was one. He didn't want to believe that his son was insignificant, but he couldn't deny the evidence in front of him.

As the years went on, Minato and Kushina focused more and more on training and supporting the four children. They enrolled them in the best schools, hired the best tutors, and gave them all the resources they needed to reach their full potential.

Naruto, on the other hand, was largely left to his own devices. He went to school like the other kids, but he didn't receive any special attention or training. He tried to keep up with his peers, but he always fell behind. His chakra reserves were lower than the other children's, and he struggled to perform even basic jutsu.

As time passed, Naruto began to feel more and more isolated. He saw how much attention and praise the other children received, and he couldn't help but feel bitter and resentful. He wanted to be recognized too, to be seen as something more than just the container for the Nine-Tailed Fox.

But every time he brought it up with his parents, they brushed him off or told him to stop complaining. "You don't need special training," they would say. "You're already powerful enough."

But Naruto didn't feel powerful. He felt weak and useless, like he was just taking up space. He began to withdraw into himself, spending more time alone and less time with his family.

On his ninth birthday, Naruto watched as his siblings and their friends received gifts and congratulations from the village. He waited for someone to acknowledge him, but no one did. He felt like he was invisible, like he didn't matter to anyone.

Later that day, he tried to talk to his father about it. "Why don't I get special training like the others?" he asked, his voice trembling with emotion.

Minato sighed heavily. "Naruto, you know we love you," he said. "But you're just not as gifted as the other children. We can't make you into something you're not."

Naruto felt a surge of anger rise up in him. "I could be as good as them if you just gave me a chance!" he shouted.

Minato's expression hardened. "That's enough, Naruto," he said sternly. "You're being disrespectful."

Naruto felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes. He couldn't understand why his father didn't see how much he was hurting. He turned and ran from the room, his heart heavy with sadness and frustration.

From that day on, Naruto stopped trying to impress his parents. He stopped asking for special training or attention. He resigned himself to the fact that he was never going to be as good as the other kids.

2 hour later~

The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow over the forest as Naruto stood atop his father's monument. The breeze rustled through the leaves, carrying with it the scent of fresh pine and the sounds of wildlife. It was a peaceful moment, but it was short-lived.

Suddenly, Naruto heard a whooshing sound behind him and turned to see four figures appearing out of thin air. It was Mito, Narumi, Menma, and Tao, and they all had sickly grins on their faces. Before Naruto could even react, they had already begun attacking him.

"You're so useless, Naruto!" Mito cackled as she landed a punch to his gut.

"You're nothing but a burden to us," Narumi sneered as she kicked him in the ribs.

Menma and Tao joined in, using their unique chakras to make constructs and attacks to restrain Naruto, making it impossible for him to defend himself. Naruto tried to fight back, but it was no use. They were too strong.

Mito stepped forward, her eyes glowing with a sickly green aura. "We're going to beat you until you're dead, Naruto. You deserve it for being such a disappointment."

Suddenly, Tao stepped back, his eyes glinting with a strange purple light. He began to concentrate his chakra, and soon a dark and arcane energy began to pulse from him. Naruto watched in horror as Tao summoned a massive construct made of black energy, its tendrils snaking out to wrap around him tightly.

Naruto struggled to break free, but the construct was too strong. He could feel his energy being sapped away by the arcane chakra as it held him in place. Mito took a step forward, her hands glowing with a sickly green light.

"I'm going to use my Soul Chakra to tear your soul apart, Naruto," she cackled.

Naruto screamed in pain as the Soul Chakra attacked him. The pain was indescribable, and he felt as though his very being was being ripped apart. He begged for mercy, but they continued to torture him relentlessly.

The torture lasted until nightfall, and by then Naruto was barely conscious. He had never felt such pain in his life. But just as he thought he was about to die, he felt himself being pushed off the cliff. He fell to his death, the last thing he saw was the sickly grins of his siblings as they ran away.

As he fell, Naruto felt lifeless, his body battered and broken. He questioned his existence and wondered if he was even worth anything. But as he fell, his eyes began to change, and he felt a strange energy coursing through him.

In his last moments, Naruto awakened his Sharingan to its full maturity. And as he fell to his death, he felt as though something was calling out to him, drawing him towards a different plane of existence.

When Naruto woke up, he found himself in a strange world, surrounded by darkness. A shadowy figure loomed over him, its form impossible to make out.

"Why am I here?" Naruto asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

The figure turned towards him, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. "You were brought here because it's too early for you to die, Naruto. Your original body was destroyed, and so we need to create a new one for you."

Naruto stared at the figure in confusion. "Who are you?"

"I am a being of great power," the figure replied. "And I have created for you a Void Heavenly Body, the strongest body one can attain in cultivation."

Naruto looked at the body the figure had created for him, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was the perfect body, with immense strength, agility, and speed.

"This was your original body," the figure explained. "But your parents were human, and their bodies were not capable of giving birth to such a phenomenon. If you accept this gift, Naruto, you will no longer be human. Are you prepared to make that sacrifice?"

Naruto paused, his mind racing with thoughts and emotions. He had always felt like an outcast among his family, but now he was being given a chance to become something more. He looked up at the shadowy figure, determination in his eyes.

"I accept," he said firmly.

The figure nodded in approval and placed a hand on Naruto's chest. Suddenly, Naruto felt a surge of power coursing through his body, his senses becoming heightened and his strength increasing exponentially. He felt like he could take on the world.

But the figure warned him, "Be careful, Naruto. You are now a Chaos Human, and your power can be both a blessing and a curse. You must learn to control it and use it wisely."

Naruto nodded, feeling grateful for the warning. The figure then handed him two scrolls, one containing the Void Body cultivation method and the other containing Body Refining Techniques.

"These scrolls will help you refine yourself from the beginning," the figure explained. "Learn to control your Qi and store it in your Dantian. It is the key to unlocking your true power."

Naruto was about to ask how to make Qi, but before he could, he was forced back to reality. He opened his eyes, realizing that he was back on the ground where he had fallen, with the blood still around him. He looked down at his body and was surprised to see that he was no longer human. His eyes widened as he saw that his body had transformed into a heavenly body, with black hair and golden eyes.

He stood up, feeling a sense of strength and power coursing through his veins. He looked at the two scrolls in his hand and knew that he had a lot to learn. But for the first time in his life, he felt like he had a purpose, a reason to live.

Naruto closed his eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the Qi flowing through his body. He opened his eyes and looked out at the horizon, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. He was no longer the weak and helpless child that his siblings had tormented. He was Naruto Uzumaki, the Chaos Human, and he was ready to take on the world.

Location: village by the monument

Naruto looked around as everyone stared at him with disgust, fear, and anger. He heard a random villager say in a shaky voice, "He's a demon!" and soon, a conversation started among the crowd of people. "I saw him fall to his death, then his body disintegrated, and a new one formed from thin air," one villager exclaimed.

Naruto's heart sank as he realized that the villagers truly believed he was a monster. He had always known that he was different from others, but he never expected this level of hatred and fear directed towards him.

The crowd grew louder and more hostile, and Naruto felt like he was suffocating under their judgmental stares. He could see the disgust and anger in their eyes, and it made him feel sick to his stomach. He tried to ignore their hateful comments, but their words cut him like a knife.

"He should be locked up!" a woman shouted.

"Or worse," a man added.

Naruto felt a stone hit his head, and he stumbled back in pain. Then, more stones started raining down on him, hitting him in the back, the arms, the legs, and the head. He tried to shield himself from the attack, but there were too many stones, and he was too weak to fight back.

He felt his consciousness slipping away as he was pelted with stones, but just before he lost all sense of self, he managed to summon the last of his strength and teleport himself away from the mob.

He appeared in the Forty-Fourth Training Ground, known as the Forest of Death. His head was bleeding profusely, and his body was racked with pain. He knew he had to do something to heal himself, so he closed his eyes and focused on his chakra.

He felt his chakra flowing through his body, and he used it to create a healing jutsu. It wasn't the greatest technique, but it should be enough to get him out of danger.

As he began to heal, he felt a surge of power coursing through his body. He realized that he was gaining qi through all his pores at an insane speed. He had never felt anything like it before, and he wondered if it had something to do with the strange phenomenon that had occurred earlier.

He knew he had to stabilize his energy flow, or else he could risk losing control of his newfound power. He racked his brain for a solution and realized that the best way to make the qi flow in his body was to put it in his heart. However, doing so would limit the dao paths he could choose from. He decided to keep his options open and distribute the qi evenly throughout his body.

He sat there in the forest, his eyes closed, and his mind racing. He realized that he had a lot to learn about this world, about his abilities, and about himself. He had always felt like an outcast, but now he was starting to see that his differences were what made him special.

He opened his eyes and looked out at the horizon, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. He was no longer the weak and helpless child that his siblings had tormented. He was Naruto Uzumaki, the Chaos Human, and he was ready to take on the world.

But first, he needed to figure out what the hell was going on.

He stood up and began to walk through the forest, taking in his surroundings. The trees were tall and dense, casting deep shadows across the forest floor. He could hear the sound of animals in the distance, and he wondered if he was alone out here.

As he walked, he stumbled upon a clearing in the forest. In the center of the clearing was a large stone monument, covered in ancient markings. Naruto approached the monument, feeling drawn to it for some reason.

He reached out and touched the surface of the stone, and suddenly, he was overwhelmed with a flood of information. He saw images of battles, of powerful warriors, of great beasts, and of ancient gods.

He felt a surge of energy coursing through his body, and he knew that he had unlocked some kind of power

Naruto closed his eyes, feeling the flood of information filling his mind. It was overwhelming at first, but he focused and let the images and knowledge come to him. He saw a timeline of his universe, from the beginning of creation to the present day. He saw the gods and goddesses that had shaped the world, the wars that had been fought, and the powerful beings that had risen to greatness.

He also saw the origin of chakra, and how it was derived from Shinjitsu. Shinjitsu was the essence of all things, the energy that flowed through the universe and gave life to everything. Chakra was merely a small fraction of Shinjitsu, but it was the power that ninjas used to perform jutsus.

Naruto felt a strange sensation in his head, like something was pushing against his mind. He

remembered something from when he was a baby, a memory he had long forgotten. He had saved his father from the Nine-Tailed Fox by using some kind of power, but he couldn't remember what it was.

As he focused on the memory, his head began to ache, and he saw a golden light emanating

from his body. His eyes turned black, and he saw the world in a new perspective. He could see the red and blue chakra, as well as the nature energy flowing around him.

He turned his attention to the spear, sword, and nun chucks that lay before him. He could feel the godly energy emanating from them, and he knew that they were more than mere weapons. They were legacies left behind by unknown gods, imbued with their power.


Time Skip 30 mins later~

As he walked through the forest of death, he could feel the power coursing through his body. He remembered the cultivation method that he had seen in the stone, the Dao of Space. He knew that it was a powerful technique, and he was determined to master it.

He continued to walk through the forest, feeling the nature energy flowing through him. He remembered the battles he had seen in his vision, and he knew that he needed to gain the experience of those warriors if he was going to survive.

Suddenly, he felt a surge of power, and he saw an image of a great beast in his mind. It was the Nine-Tailed Fox, the demon that had nearly destroyed his village. He could feel the chakra flowing from the beast.

He closed his eyes and focused on the chakra, feeling it flowing through his body. He could feel the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox coursing through him, and he knew that he was becoming stronger.

He continued to walk through the forest, gaining the experience of the warriors that had come before him. He could feel his power growing with each step, and he knew that he was becoming something greater.