
Forged in Exile: Naruto's Path to Power

Naruto, abandoned by his family, is a prodigy with both qi and shinjitsu. Raised by his grandfather Madara, he trains in the art of war and cultivates his abilities. As he journeys to become stronger, Naruto confronts enemies such as The Exiled Ones, powerful aliens seeking to conquer the galaxy, and The Shadow Syndicate, a group of powerful shinobi and samurai seeking control. With the help of allies like Gaara and Killer Bee, Naruto also finds love in Temari.

zkrbandit · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Fusion of the Unyielding Spirit

Naruto walked through the familiar streets of Konoha, but everything felt different. The stares of the villagers seemed to pierce him, making him feel more alone than ever. He was lost in his thoughts, trying to make sense of what had happened with his family.

He finally arrived at his family's compound, a grand estate that made him feel out of place. Naruto hesitated before approaching the door, unsure of what to expect. When he finally stepped inside, his heart sank. His family was there, laughing and joking as if nothing had happened.

As soon as they saw him, the atmosphere changed. Minato, Kushina, and his siblings all turned to him with surprise and concern. They asked him what was wrong, but Naruto couldn't bring himself to answer. His mind was clouded with anger and betrayal.

"Why?" he finally managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Why what?" Kushina asked, confused.

Naruto looked up at them, tears welling in his eyes. "Why didn't you even know what happened to me? You just let your precious and talented kids torture me for hours, and it ended up with me getting pushed off a cliff!"

Minato and Kushina were both taken aback, and their expressions turned to anger. They demanded to know who had hurt Naruto and why they hadn't been told. Naruto's siblings all looked at him with fake shock and disbelief.

"That's not true," Mito, the eldest, said firmly. "We would never hurt our brother."

Naruto's anger boiled over, and he couldn't take it anymore. "You're all lying!" he shouted. "You never cared about me. You let them hurt me, and you didn't even notice when I was gone. I hate you all!"

Minato stepped forward, his expression fierce. "Watch your mouth, Naruto," he warned. "We are your family, and you will show us respect."

hn family? I don't think so

Naruto winced as his father's Shunshin sent him flying into the air, but he couldn't help but start chuckling when his mother slammed her frying pan into his gut and his father stomped on his belly. "Hahaha, that was a good one," he said through coughs and spits.

Kushina and Minato exchanged a confused look, but their confusion turned into shock when Naruto's laughter turned into a full-blown one. "What's so funny, Naruto?" Kushina asked with concern in her voice.

Naruto wiped a tear from his eye and looked at his parents with a mixture of amusement and bitterness. "You guys are funny. You really think hitting me will make me change my mind? You really think I'll forgive you for treating me like crap all these years?"

Minato's eyes widened in realization. "Is that what this is about, Naruto? You think we don't love you?"

Naruto snorted. "Love? What kind of love ignores your child, lets them be treated like a monster by the whole village, and even frames them for things they didn't do? I don't need that kind of love, and I sure as hell don't need you as my parents."

Menma and the other kids looked at Naruto with a mix of confusion and anger, but Narumi stepped forward, her eyes blazing with fury. "How could you hurt your brother like that? What kind of person are you?"

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Brother? What brother? Last time I checked, I don't have a family. I'm just a freak to everyone, remember?"

Kushina's eyes filled with tears. "Naruto, we're sorry. We didn't know things were so bad for you."

Naruto shook his head. "Save it. It's too late for apologies now. I'm leaving, and you're not gonna stop me."

Menma stepped forward and tried to grab Naruto's shoulder, but Naruto grabbed his arm and twisted it until he heard a sickening crack. Menma cried out in pain as Narumi teleported to his side and healed his broken arm with her celestial chakra.

Minato's eyes widened in shock. "Naruto, what the hell? You can't just hurt your brother like that!"

Naruto glared at him. "He's not my brother, and you're not my father. I don't owe you anything."

As Naruto prepared to Shunshin away, Minato gritted his teeth and shouted, "ANBU, catch Naruto at all costs! Don't let him leave the village!"

Dozens of ANBU appeared out of nowhere and started chasing Naruto, but they were stopped by a sudden appearance of a Zetsu clone that rose from the ground. Another Zetsu appeared before Naruto and said, "Come with me, Naruto."

Naruto hesitated for a moment, but then shrugged. "Why not? It's not like I have anything to lose now."

Minato caught up with Naruto just as he was sinking into the ground with the Zetsu clone. He tried to attack the clone with his flying Raijin, but it just phased through it, and both Naruto and the Zetsu disappeared.

Minato shouted out in anger as the ANBU reported that Naruto had escaped. "Damn it! Keep searching for him, he can't have gone far!"

Minato couldn't help but feel a sense of overwhelming guilt and shame. He knew that he and Kushina had failed as parents and as Hokage. They had ignored Naruto's pain for too long and now it seemed like it was too late to make it right.

As he stood there in silence, he could hear the whispers and murmurs of the ANBU around him. Some were blaming him and Kushina for Naruto's actions, while others were expressing sympathy for the young boy. Minato couldn't blame them for their opinions, as he knew that he and Kushina had made grave mistakes in raising Naruto.

He knew that he needed to do something, to make things right for Naruto and to ensure that no other child would suffer like he had. With a heavy heart, Minato made the decision to step down as Hokage, to focus on making amends for his failures as a parent and a leader.

Kushina was beside him, tears streaming down her face as she watched her husband make this difficult decision. She knew that it was the right thing to do, but it still hurt to see him step away from his duties as Hokage.As they walked away from the scene, Minato turned to Kushina and said, "I'm sorry, Kushina. I'm sorry for ignoring Naruto's pain and for not being the parent he needed. I'm sorry for failing as Hokage and for not creating a village where all children are loved and valued."Kushina took his hand and squeezed it tightly. "We'll make it right, Minato. We'll find Naruto and we'll make it right. We'll show him that we love him and that he is important to us."Minato nodded, determination in his eyes. "Yes, we will. We'll do whatever it takes to make things right for him."And so, Minato and Kushina began their journey to make amends for their mistakes, to find Naruto and show him that he was loved and valued. It would be a long and difficult journey, but they were determined to make it right.

Scene change ~

Naruto appeared in a dark location, similar to the one Madara and Obito stayed in canon, with an old figure sitting in a chair, with two Sharingan staring at him. Naruto could feel the intense power emanating from the figure, causing him to feel uneasy and on guard.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked cautiously, eyeing the figure warily.

The figure chuckled, a deep, booming laugh that echoed through the chamber. "My name is Madara Uchiha," he said, his Sharingan glowing brightly. "And I must say, I'm impressed with what you've done so far, Naruto Uzumaki."

Naruto tensed, unsure of how this man knew his name, let alone what he had done. "What do you mean?" he asked, his hand drifting towards the hilt of his kunai.

"You've broken your own brother's arm and defied your own parents," Madara said, his voice laced with amusement. "It takes quite a bit of courage to do what you did."

Naruto's eyes widened in shock. "How do you know about that?" he asked, his grip on his kunai tightening.

Madera's Sharingan glinted in the dim light. "I know many things, Naruto. And I have been watching you for some time now."

Naruto's unease grew as he realized just how much this man knew about him. "What do you want from me?" he asked, his voice low and cautious.

Madara leaned back in his chair and studied Naruto for a moment. "I want to help you unlock your true potential, Naruto. You possess the Sharingan, a rare and powerful kekkei genkai that has been passed down in my clan for generations. With proper training, you could become one of the strongest shinobi in the world."

Naruto's eyebrows furrowed as he considered Madara's words. "But why me? Why do you want to help me?"

Madara's eyes seemed to glint with a hidden purpose. "I see great potential in you, Naruto. You possess a unique spirit and determination that few others have. With my guidance, you could become a true force to be reckoned with."

Naruto remained skeptical, still unsure if he could trust this man. "But how can I be sure that you're telling the truth? And why are you only telling me this now?"

Madara leaned forward, his voice lowering to a whisper. "Your father, Minato Namikaze, was my son. I sent him away to be raised in secret and he was later adopted by the Namikaze clan. That's why you have the Uzumaki surname. However, you inherited the Sharingan from my side of the family."

Naruto's eyes widened in shock at the revelation. "What? How can that be possible? My parents were both from the Uzumaki and Namikaze clans, not the Uchiha."

Madara's expression remained serious. "Your mother was from the Uzumaki clan, but your father was actually my son. I sent him away to Konoha to be raised in secret, to protect him from those who would seek to use him for their own purposes."

Naruto's mind raced as he tried to process the information. He couldn't believe that his father was actually a member of the Uchiha clan, and that he had been kept in the dark about it for so long. But despite his shock, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of excitement at the prospect of finally unlocking his full potential with Madara's guidance.

After a moment of silence, Naruto spoke up. "Okay. I'll trust you, Madara. But what kind of training do you have in mind for me?"

Madara's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as Naruto expressed his trust. He leaned back in his chair, a contemplative look on his face. "Very well, Naruto. The training I have in mind for you is intense and demanding. We will focus on several key aspects to help you unlock your full potential and become a formidable shinobi."

Naruto's gaze locked onto Madara's, determination burning in his eyes. He was ready to push himself to the limit, to endure whatever challenges awaited him. "Tell me what I need to do," he said, his voice filled with unwavering resolve.

Madara nodded, his tone becoming more serious. "First and foremost, we will work on mastering the use of your Sharingan. It is a powerful tool that grants you enhanced perception, predictive abilities, and the potential to copy and mimic your opponents' techniques. I will teach you how to activate and control the Sharingan, and we will delve into its various stages and abilities."

Naruto listened attentively, absorbing every word. The prospect of fully harnessing the potential of his Sharingan excited him. He knew that it would give him an edge in battle, enabling him to analyze his opponents' moves and react accordingly.

Madara continued, his voice carrying a note of caution. "However, unlocking the true potential of the Sharingan requires mental fortitude and a deep connection to your emotions. We will explore the depths of your emotions and teach you how to channel them effectively, without losing control. This will enable you to tap into the true power of the Sharingan."

Naruto nodded, understanding the importance of emotional control. He knew that his emotions had often driven him in battle, but he had also seen how they could cloud his judgment. Mastering his emotions would not only benefit his Sharingan abilities but also make him a more balanced and strategic fighter.

"But that's not all," Madara continued, his gaze piercing. "To truly become exceptional, we will integrate your existing skills with the knowledge and experience of past warriors. Through mental training and deep meditation, you will tap into the wisdom and combat techniques of ancient shinobi, blending them with your own style to create something unique and powerful."

Naruto's excitement grew. The idea of combining his own skills with the knowledge of legendary warriors sparked a fire within him. He imagined himself wielding the strength and prowess of those who came before him, forging a path unlike any other.

Madara's tone turned grave as he added, "However, I must warn you, Naruto. This training will push you to your limits, and there will be moments of extreme physical and mental strain. You may face pain, adversity, and even the risk of death. But it is through these trials that you will grow stronger and unlock your true potential."

Naruto's determination hardened. He had faced countless challenges and setbacks throughout his life, and he was no stranger to pain and hardship. He knew that achieving greatness required sacrifices and pushing beyond one's limits.

"I'm ready," Naruto declared, his voice resolute. "I will do whatever it takes to become stronger and fulfill my dreams."

Madara's eyes glimmered with pride. "Good, Naruto. Your training starts tomorrow. Be prepared to face challenges that will test your resolve, but remember, I will be there to guide you every step of the way."

As Naruto's consciousness slipped into the realm of dreams, he found himself standing in the familiar darkness of his mindscape. The air crackled with an electric energy, and a low growl reverberated through the void. Naruto's heart pounded as he sensed the presence of the fearsome Nine-Tails nearby.

Suddenly, a pair of glowing red eyes materialized in the darkness, fixating upon Naruto. The Nine-Tails' gaze burned with a mixture of malice and curiosity. Its voice boomed, laced with an undertone of hatred.

"So, it appears you are the descendant of that wretched Uchiha," the Nine-Tails snarled, its voice dripping with disdain. "To think that the blood of Madara courses through your veins. You're nothing more than an abomination."

Naruto stood tall, his resolve unshaken by the Nine-Tails' hostility. "I am Naruto Uzumaki, but... perhaps there's more to my name than I realized. If I carry the Uchiha blood within me, then I embrace that too. I am Naruto Uchiha."

The Nine-Tails' eyes widened in surprise, momentarily caught off guard by Naruto's declaration. "You dare to claim that name? The name of a clan steeped in darkness and tragedy?"

Naruto's voice rang with conviction. "Yes, the Uchiha clan has a painful history, but it doesn't define me. I will honor both my Uzumaki and Uchiha heritage, forging a new path that transcends hatred and destruction."

The Nine-Tails glared at Naruto, its skepticism evident. "You're naïve, boy. You think you can overcome the weight of your lineage?"

Naruto's gaze remained unwavering. "I may be naïve, but I believe in the power of change. I will prove that the Uchiha name can be associated with compassion, strength, and the will to protect. I won't be consumed by the mistakes of the past."

The Nine-Tails regarded Naruto for a moment, its piercing gaze filled with a mix of begrudging admiration and lingering resentment. "You speak with such determination, Naruto Uchiha. Let us see if you can truly walk the path you claim."

With those words, the Nine-Tails unleashed a surge of chakra, challenging Naruto to face its power head-on. Naruto braced himself, drawing upon the strength within him, fueled by the conviction to transcend the burdens of his lineage.

As the battle between Naruto's unwavering spirit and the Nine-Tails' deep-rooted animosity raged on, Naruto stood firm, refusing to be defined solely by his heritage. In that moment, he glimpsed the potential to reshape the Uchiha legacy, to carve a new narrative that would honor his ancestors while breaking the cycle of darkness.

Slowly, the Nine-Tails' resistance began to wane, as if gradually acknowledging Naruto's unwavering resolve and the potential for change that flickered within him.

"I despise your connection to Madara, but your unwavering determination is undeniably admirable," the Nine-Tails grumbled, its voice laced with a begrudging acknowledgment. "Prove to me that the Uchiha name can rise above its tainted past."

Naruto met the Nine-Tails' fiery gaze with renewed determination. "I will, I promise. I'll forge a new path, guided by understanding and compassion."

With those words, Naruto's mindscape began to fade, and he awoke in the physical world

Naruto found himself lying on the cold ground of the cave. The remnants of the intense encounter with the Nine-Tails lingered in his mind.

Naruto struggled to stand up

"It starts now," Madara said, his voice cold and determined. "You will have to endure for 140 hours straight."

Naruto's eyes widened in shock. 140 hours? How was that even possible? But before he could say anything, Madara put him in a genjutsu, and the world around Naruto began to warp and twist.

He felt a sharp pain in his side, and as he looked down, he saw Madara's hand piercing through his body. Naruto screamed out in agony, his body convulsing from the intense pain.

But Madara showed no mercy, continuing to push his hand deeper into Naruto's flesh."This is necessary," Madara said, his voice echoing in Naruto's mind. "If you are to be captured and tortured, you must be able to bear it. Try not to break."Naruto gritted his teeth, trying to withstand the unbearable pain.

But as the hours ticked by, the pain only grew more intense. Every second felt like an eternity, and Naruto's screams echoed through the cave.Despite the agony, Naruto refused to break.

Naruto's body writhed in agony as the seconds turned into minutes, and the minutes stretched into hours. The pain intensified with each passing moment, coursing through every fiber of his being. Sweat dripped from his brow, mixing with his tears of anguish.

His mind teetered on the edge of breaking, the excruciating torment threatening to shatter his resolve. But Naruto clenched his fists, fighting against the overwhelming suffering. He summoned every ounce of strength within him, refusing to succumb to the torment.

His screams echoed through the hollow cave, reverberating off the walls as if amplifying his agony. Each cry was a testament to his resilience, a declaration that he would not be defeated by pain alone. It felt like an eternity, the longest and most harrowing moments of his life.

As the seconds turned into hours, Naruto's body trembled with exhaustion. Beads of sweat coated his face, his breathing ragged and labored. His muscles quivered, pushed to their limits, but still, he held on.

As Naruto's body collapsed to the ground, gasping for air, Madara observed him with a critical eye. Impressive, you made it past the 72-hour mark," he remarked, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. Naruto's eyes widened in shock, unable to comprehend how he had endured such a grueling trial.

But before he could process his accomplishment, Madara pressed the sword deeper into Naruto's neck. Agonizing pain shot through his body, and he let out a piercing scream. No words came out, only a guttural cry of anguish.

Naruto's mind spiraled, his determination waning. The pain was overwhelming, threatening to engulf him entirely. His body screamed for release, for respite from the torment. In that moment, he wanted to give up, to succumb to the overwhelming agony.

But Madara's voice cut through the haze of suffering, commanding and resolute. "It's too early to give up now, Naruto," he shouted, his words reverberating in the cavernous space. "This pain can be your strength, a trigger that propels you forward in battle. Embrace it as a way to overcome your limits and push beyond what others would deem possible."

Madara grunted, his gaze unwavering. "Hn, you will need this tolerance for pain after this training. It will serve you well in the trials that lie ahead."

Naruto, despite the indescribable torment, found a flicker of resolve reigniting within him. He realized that this pain, as unbearable as it was, held the potential to be his greatest weapon. It could become a shield against distractions, allowing him to remain focused and steadfast in the heat of battle.

Naruto clung to the remnants of his dwindling strength. Though his screams were silenced, his eyes burned with an unwavering determination. He would not allow the pain to break him.

Madara watched him closely, his Sharingan tracking Naruto's every move.

For hours, Naruto had endured the unrelenting pain of the training, pushing himself beyond his limits. Madara had been impressed by his resilience, but he knew that the final hours of the training would be the most challenging.

As the clock ticked down, Naruto's body began to tremble, and his eyes started to glaze over. His breathing became shallow and erratic, and Madara knew that he was on the brink of collapse.

Madara stepped forward, his face expressionless. He raised his hand and placed it on Naruto's forehead, feeling the heat emanating from his body.

"You have made it past the 72-hour mark," Madara said, his voice low. "Impressive."

Naruto's eyes widened in shock, and Madara pushed the sword deeper into his neck. Naruto screamed, but no words came out. He wanted to give up, but Madara shouted, "It's too early to give up now. You can use this as a way to develop a battle trigger. When you're in a fight, you can use this as a way to not get drawn back from the pain while fighting. This doesn't mean that you will be immune to pain, just super tolerant."

Madara grunted. "You will need it after this training."

68-hours later~

Naruto's body went numb, and he felt like he was floating. The pain had become a dull ache, and he could barely feel it. Madara smiled as Naruto completely stopped screaming and slumped forward. Madara caught him before he fell to the ground.

"You've done well, my grandson," Madara said with a wide smile.

Naruto smiled back weakly and said, "I did it, grandpa."

Madara nodded and asked a Zetsu clone to pick up Naruto and put him on his bed. He made his way back to his throne to sleep.

Naruto slept for five hours straight before waking up. He smelled his favorite ramen and saw four big bowls of miso pork ramen and eggs in front of him, filled to the brim. There was a note that said, "You did well, my grandson. Here's your reward," with a smiley face.

Naruto smiled gently, knowing that this was the first time he felt this love. He took up one bowl and said, "Itadakimasu" before eating it down. Then he went to have a bath before making his way to the clearing, where he saw his grandpa sleeping on a stone throne.

He went up and gently woke him up, shouting, "Morning gigi!"

Madara fell off the throne, and Naruto began to laugh. Madara bonked him on the head, and Naruto turned around with a tick mark and said, "What was that for?"

Madara got a tick mark and said, "I was sleeping, you brat!"

They argued comically before Madara cut it off and said, "It's time for your next training."

Naruto got a tick mark and said, "Come on, I just woke up!"

Madara said, "You've got no time to rest." He explained that he would be doing combat training now and would need to combine all the warriors' fighting styles into one to create his own style.

Madara looked to his left and called a Zetsu to go and get the Uchiha fighting technique. The Zetsu nodded and ran to get the technique. Madara handed it to Naruto, instructing him to comprehend the katas in the technique and attempt to combine them with the rest of the warrior techniques he had learned.

Naruto eagerly accepted the scroll, His eye filled with excitement He unfurled it, revealing the ancient Uchiha fighting techniques passed down through generations. As he studied the intricate movements and forms, Naruto's mind began to piece together the potential connections with the other styles he had mastered.

Time ticked away as Naruto delved into the Uchiha fighting technique. With his sharp instincts and keen observation skills, he quickly grasped the essence of the katas, understanding their principles and nuances. He absorbed the knowledge like a sponge, merging it with the hand-to-hand combat techniques, spear techniques, nun chucks techniques, and sword techniques he had previously acquired.

Hours passed as Naruto meticulously practiced and refined his movements. Sweat glistened on his brow as he focused on each transition and strike, aiming to harmonize the different styles into a seamless whole. He adapted the Uchiha techniques to his own unique fighting style, infusing them with his indomitable will and flair.


note: he also received all the alchemy technique of all the alchemy master of the past which was the final pushing point for the reaction next ok bye~.


As Naruto honed his skills, a massive surge of energy erupted from within him, engulfing the clearing in a blinding light. The earth trembled beneath the raw power that radiated from his being. The shockwaves of the energy ripple traveled far and wide, causing buildings to shake and crumble in both Konohagakure and Kirigakure.

In Konohagakure, the towering Hokage monument quivered as dust and debris cascaded down. Citizens hurriedly sought shelter, their eyes wide with alarm as they felt the force of the disturbance. Meanwhile, in Kirigakure, the graceful architecture of the village was rattled, causing water droplets to rain down from the mist-filled air.

The shockwave continued to reverberate, creating a temporary state of chaos in both villages. Shinobi and civilians alike stood in awe and trepidation, uncertain of the source of such immense power. The magnitude of Naruto's growth had reached a level that surpassed anyone's expectations.

Within the clearing, Naruto stood at the epicenter of the energy storm. His eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity, the culmination of his tireless training and unwavering determination. The fusion of styles had granted him a newfound power, transcending the boundaries of individual techniques.

Madara, who had been observing the spectacle with a mix of surprise and satisfaction, approached Naruto. His gaze met Naruto's, and a knowing smile crept across his face. He had witnessed the birth of a warrior who had united diverse combat forms into a cohesive whole, forging a style uniquely his own.

"Naruto," Madara said, his voice filled with a blend of admiration and wisdom. "You have become the Man of Many Hands, embodying the convergence of countless warriors' techniques. But remember, true strength comes not only from skill, but from the indomitable spirit that resides within."

Naruto nodded, acknowledging the profound truth in Madara's words. He understood that his Training was far from over, and that true mastery required not just physical prowess, but also the nurturing of his mind and spirit.

authors note: yall are probable wondering what naruto looks like hey he's 9 lol ok I have pictures I changed his appearance a lot hahaha just warning



how well I also have a image of how he looks when he is 15-16 too but i'll add it when it's time

ok now bye bye~

dang the webnovel writing space is more comfortable than the wattpad one

zkrbanditcreators' thoughts