
Forged In Darkness

**Prologue: The Rise of a New Era** In a realm where magic intertwines with adventure, individuals are bestowed with extraordinary powers to combat the forces of darkness. Among them, one man stood out, his name echoing through the annals of history: Williams Hunter. Renowned for his valor and unwavering spirit, he emerged as the epitome of courage, earning the title of the greatest knight the world had ever known. However, the tranquility was shattered when Emrys, the Demon Lord reigning from the depths of the underworld, unleashed the flames of war upon the land. Embracing his duty, Williams, with his stalwart companions, marched forth to confront the encroaching darkness. Alas, fate proved merciless, claiming their lives amidst the chaos of battle. With Williams' fall, a pall of despair descended upon the realm, leaving its denizens bereft of both guardian and hope. Yet, amidst the ashes of tragedy, a flicker of promise lingered on the horizon. In the aftermath of the conflict, Williams' widow, burdened with the legacy of his sacrifice, bore a son, a beacon of hope in a world shrouded by turmoil. Tragically, she departed this realm shortly after bringing forth new life, leaving the child orphaned and alone. Fate, however, had ordained a guardian for the young heir. His grandfather, embracing the mantle of protector, raised the boy with tender care, nurturing within him the seeds of destiny. As the world descended into chaos, demons prowled the land, claiming innocent lives with impunity. Yet, amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged. A fellowship of kindred spirits united, embarking on a noble endeavor to establish a sanctuary of knowledge and valor—a school where the flame of courage would be kindled anew. Here, the young and the passionate would be honed into formidable knights, destined to rise and restore hope to a world besieged by darkness. Thus begins the saga of a new era, where the legacy of Williams Hunter lives on, and the promise of redemption beckons forth a new generation of heroes.

Jeremy2bry_1 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The Night Everything Changed

[Benbrok a little town in Zone 18, the people here are friendly and life here is a little tough but they do their small jobs to make a living. In this very town, a 10 year old boy and his grandfather live on the hills. No one really cares about them but still love their stay there. The only problem was the little boy who stubborn in every way. He usually pick pockets and the people are not happy about it. Well today was a wrong day for him]

Liam : Don't this people get tired, they've been chasing me for sometime now

[Liam took something but this time he is being chased by an angry mob]

Liam : Well i have to lose them fast or I'm dead...aha this turn leads to a dead end but I can escape leaving them behind

[he leads them to a dead end where only he can escape. They follow him blindly and fall in his trap, as Liam got he performed a crazy stunt to clim the building ahead. He got to the roof the the building and looked down on the people ]

Liam : Sorry my dear friends we'll try this some other time ok?


[ Liam dashed of to the hills to get home]

Woman : Officer Eugene don't you think we should go after him?

Officer Eugene: Don't worry that's not needed, his grandfather will take care of this

[meanwhile, Liam was on his way back home ]

Liam : Dark forest? where is that even? well those people must be crazy cause there's no dark forest in Zone 18. Well whatever, i have to get home fast.

But there's no need to run though.

[Liam decided to walk. As he walked at some point he heard a sound which was loud]

Liam : what was that?

[growling ]

Liam : What the hell is making that soun-

[before he could finish talking he saw a huge dark demon wolf which was just in front of him. This wolf was about 20 feet in height and 19 or 18 feet in length]

Liam(thoughts) :   whoa! this is huge I've never seen one before. Anyways i think it is planing of making me lunch but that can't happen. But I'm confused though.

Liam : hey wolfy! in this situation who is in trouble and likely to survive....you or me?

[the wolf was surprised but it still growled and was ready to attack but Liam placed his hand on it's mouth]

Liam : hey be quiet I'm trying to figure something out here.

[while Liam was trying to figure out whatever he was trying to figure out, the demon got angry and gave a growl which brought Liam out of his thoughts and realize what was going to happen]

Liam : Oh hey! I'm sorry big guy my bad lemme remove my hand then... I think i will get going now.

[ Liam turned around and started running for his life. He went as fast as he could but the wolf demon was just too fast but still he kept running]

Liam(Thoughts) : Damn this  thing is big. I don't think i will survive if i keep running, eventually i will get eaten. Ahhhhh.....that's not gonna happen. There.... the tree will be useful.

[ Liam ran as fast as he could and climbed the tree and got to the top]


Liam : Wow, that was close. I would have  been lunch, i think i will stay here a little longer, besides it can't get me from here.

[ All of a sudden Liam felt the treee move ]

Liam  : What?.....is it trying to cut the tree down?Hey! hey!! WAIT WAAAIT

[ The demon using it's mouth, it tossed the tree very high with Liam on it]

Liam(Thoughts) : Whoaaa!...wait is that our house damn it looks more beautiful from this view. And am i flying? I'm flying  I'm really flying.

[ Just like that Liam started falling which made him realize he wasn't flying after all]

Liam : Naah wait! I'm falling aren't I?...AAHHHH

Liam(Thoughts) : Whoaaaa! look at those teeth...they are huge and sharp.

[ Liam fell right into the demon's jaws.....Just when the demon was about eating him, it felt a force preventing it from closing it's mouth completely. Liam was laying flat on the demon's tongue and using his legs to push the upper jaw to prevent getting eaten]

Liam  : I'm not going to be demon lunch today YOU HEAR ME!

[While Liam was trying to survive, someone beheaded the demon with Liam still in it's mouth ]

Liam : Ouch...yep that hurt

[ Eventually the carcass of the demon disappeared into thin air leaving behind a shine metal]

??? : You know, despite your inability to fight you never die huh?

Liam : Thats because most of the time you come saving my ass Grandpa

Grandpa Billy : Well thats true....so tell me Liam, what did you take from the people this time?

Liam : Ohhh....hehe nothin

Grandpa Billy : Don't lie to me Liam

Liam : Okay fine...food to eat and cream puffs too

Grandpa Billy : Ahhh...well I'm just going pay for those stuff. Well now let's go home and also congratulations you are going to get a sword.

Liam : A sword? for What? and i thought you were going to do that when you get a demon metal.

Grandpa Billy :  Yeah

Liam : Is that one?

Grandpa Billy : Yep i got it when the carcass of the demon disappeared .

Liam : I see

Grandpa Billy : But this one is much harder and different than the ones I have come in contract with. All the same you are still going to get a sword.

Liam : Alright

Grandpa Billy: I think we should go home now.

Liam: Yeah you right

[5 minutes later they reached their house]

Grandpa Billy: Hey! I'm staving. How about you?

Liam: Yeah me too...well we can eat the food I brought. [Suggesting ]

Grandpa Billy: Of course...besides i will pay for them later.

[They finished eating and Liam decided to rest on top of a tree while Grandpa Billy was gone to his workshop to get started with Liam's sword]

Liam(Thoughts): I'm exhausted...like I got away from angry mob and got rescued by my grandfather from a demon wolf which was needed but I'm glad he came. Also what did those people mean by dark forest anyway?

Liam: I think i should ask grandpa...yhp

[ He gets down and rushes to Grandpa Billy's workshop]

Liam: Grandpa?...whoa! You are actually done with the sword already?

Grandpa Billy: Yep...impressive right?

Liam: Yeah you right

Grandpa Billy: So what did you before you saw my finest work?

Liam: Hahaha yeah right... anyways I wanted to ask if you know anything about the dark forest?

Grandpa Billy: Yes i do, but why do you ask?

Liam: Oh nothing really, it's just that back at the town the people said "next they get their hands on me they will throw me in there"

Grandpa Billy: Hahaha...looks like they are fed up with you son. Anyways as the name is said the dark forest also know as the forest of Kyrell which is located in the eastern side of zone 14,is a very dark place which no one is surpose to go. Because, people say entering this forest is like entering a whole different world full with horror and terror.

Liam: Phew! So they were just bluffing

Grandpa Billy: Yes they were. Our ancestors made the rule which prevent anyone from going there. All the same I think a knight should go there as a final challenge. Even you can go there Liam.

Liam: Huh?! Hell no! Not gonna happen.  You know I'm afraid of the dark right?

Grandpa Billy: Listen Liam! No one is afraid of the dark but they are afraid of what's in it.

Liam: I see, but why do you think knight should go there anyway?

Grandpa Billy: Well you see, the dark is a place for strong souls and it the dark you become stronger than ever. This is because the pain and torture you go through will make you unrecognized when you make it out alive. But the worst outcome is losing yourself turning into something worse...yet still when you stare at the abyss, the abyss stares right back at you.

Liam: I see now but do you think I'm strong enough?

Grandpa Billy: Of course! You are stronger than you think son.

Liam: Alright old man i will try my absolute best to go there one day

Grandpa Billy: I know you will. Emm, don't you have a festival to get ready for?

Liam: Festival? Ohh yes yes, the Haven Festival. I should get ready

[ Liam went to get ready for the fest. After he finished he went back to his grandfather]

Liam: Won't you go?

Grandpa Billy: I will, i just have to take care of somethings here...I'm right behind you.

Liam: Alright see you there...byeee

[Ran off to the fest ]

Grandpa Billy: That's really some kid... I hope that smile doesn't fade away.

Liam: Wow! Looks at these decorations. Look at that too...wooooo this is gonna funn hahaa. [Excited]

[Liam went off enjoying himself with all sort of things meanwhile back at Liam's house, Grandpa Billy was getting ready to leave and get to the fest but as he got out of the house he met three demons and one was at the back sit on the rock]

Grandpa Billy( Thoughts): What! Grade X demons? But how? Thank the gods Liam is gone. Wait the at the back, I sense a different energy from him. He might be a Grade Z. That doesn't matter right now.

Grandpa Billy: Well you should have ambushed me instead of waiting for me to come out.

Grade Z demon: Nah, that would be boring. I wanted to see you die slowly, where are my manners? I am Sanguis Ruler of the blood demons and you are the great knight: Billy Hunter.

Grandpa Billy: So i see you are here to kill me then.

Sanguis: Yep! Not because we want to but we have to. You see we are on a mission to kill all dark magic users and you happen to be the last one.

Grandpa Billy (Thoughts): What? Wait that means they don't know he has dark magic as well. Good, if I'm to die, I have to make sure they don't touch him.

Grandpa Billy: Well then lets get STARTED!!!

[ Grandpa Billy took Liam's  sword to fight. The three grade X demons were fighting him while Sanguis was just watching. Back at the fest Liam was still enjoying himself when he finally realized]

Liam: Hey! I haven't seen the old man anywhere, hope he is good. Lemme just look from him.

[Liam looked for some couple of minutes but still didn't find his grandfather]

Liam: Haah, where is he? [Devastated]

[He stood there he saw a lady rushing down from the hill]


[Liam looked up the hill and saw smoke coming from where his house is]

Liam: No!

[He ran up the hill as fast he could meanwhile Grandpa Billy had been beaten and was now laying on the ground half dead]

Sanguis: I've gotta hand it to you, you are really tough for someone your age but still did you think you had a chance against three Grade X  demons... hahaahaa, pathetic and now you d-

Sanguis( Thoughts): Someone is coming, really fast but i can't sense any energy or dark  magic. He is completely harmless.

[Suddenly Liam jumped out of the woods and directed his fist towards one  the grade X demons but he dodged it. Just when he was about attacking back, Sanguis gave an order]

Sanguis: Don't waste your time on him, killing him will be a waste of your precious time, power and energy. Let's go, besides the old man is still gonna die anyway.

Liam: You bastards!!! I will kill you all. Get back here.

Sanguis: Bye old man! See you in hell

[Liam tried following but they used the blood power to disappear. So he decided to rush to his grandpa]

Liam: Hey!hey!!...look at me, look at me your are not gonna die.....HELP! HELP ME PLEASE, ANYBODY PLEASE!

Grandpa Billy: Liam!...is gonna be okay


Grandpa Billy: This is the end of the road for me... listen carefully! I want you to keep being a good child and pursue your dreams. Yeah and i want to you to enroll at the Dark Knight Academy went you are of age. Can you do that for me?

Liam: Y-es i can [crying]

Grandpa Billy: That's my boy

Liam: Grandpa! GRANDPAAA!!

[ Grandpa Billy died and Liam cried the whole night. The next morning he buried his grandfather and took a bag with some stuff in it along with the sword his grandfather made for him. He couldn't stay there any longer because the house was burnt. He left benbrok and not to ever return. He left by jumping onto a moving train which was heading north. He got off went it reached zone 14 and walked on to the eastern side. After 3 days he reached his destination" the forest of Kyrell"]

Liam: This is the place huh? Well i guess i don't need this bag anymore then.

[He took off the bag a took his sword and looked deep into the forest. As his grandfather said it was nothing but darkness]


Grandpa Billy:...no one is afraid of the dark but they are afraid of what's in it

Liam: Well grandfather, I'm going to conquer my fears

[He walked into the forest and disappeared ]