
forge by the worlds flames

in a world were the innocent are often victims, a young lady named Gaelle Brown finds herself on a receiving end of a cold twist of fate. Born into a loving and wealthy family she is slowly casted aside after the death of her mother and her father's remarrying merissa. Her step mother and sister treated her with nothing but hatred manipulating her father into favouring them and leaving Gaelle feeling unloved and unwanted. As Gaelle grew older the constant mistreatment hardened her heart as she armored herself with the same manipulative skills she had learned from her step mother. No longer a victim, Gaelle embraced her manipulative and deceptive nature vowing never to be the victim again. with a cunning and manipulative heart she walked her way to the top of the social ladder bringing down CEOs Mafia bosses and billionaires on the way. lost in her quest for fame power and influence she left a trail of broken hearts seeking for revenge. soon everyone knew not to mess or mingle with her. she found herself alone with power and influence but no true allies or family she could count on. it is at that time that jamale her childhood friend showed up again in her life and vowed to make her human again as loving and caring as her mother was. but the trail of broken hearts and deceived individual would not let her escape so easily...

sinash123 · Urban
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6 Chs

chapter 1

Marilyn's kitchen was always a haven of delightful aromas, and today was no exception. The scent of her freshly cooked meal lingered enticingly in the air as she bustled about, wiping down surfaces and tidying up with an urgency born of necessity. Today, she had a **Parents Teachers Association meeting** at her daughter's school, and time was of the essence.

Robert, her husband, had initially planned to attend, but his work consumed him, leaving little room for personal time or family engagements. His dedication was unwavering, driven by a singular goal: to provide his family with every conceivable comfort and necessity. His hard work was a prove to this commitment.

As Marilyn completed her cleaning spree, a homemade pie caught the eye, neatly wrapped in aluminum foil on the table, undoubtedly destined for the school meeting. Moments later, Marilyn emerged from the bathroom, a towel draped over her, ensuring the kitchen was left in immaculate order before retreating to her room. There, she transformed from homemaker to attendee in under half an hour.

With the pies securely packed in her car, Marilyn opened the gate and set off. Despite her husband's wealth and influence, she was fiercely independent in her domestic life, managing their home with a deft hand that needed no assistance. Yet, as she drove away, a sudden realization struck her—Gaelle's gift was still tucked away in the cupboard.

In a flurry, she returned home, retrieved the key from her bedroom drawer, and opened the cupboard. Inside, a pair of ballerina shoes glowed, evoking a sense of nostalgia. "I can't believe Robert found a pair identical to the ones I wore for my first dance at nursing school graduation," she thought, her heart swelling with a mother's love.

With the gift now in tow, Marilyn headed back to the car, this time certain nothing was left behind. The school meeting was yet to commence, and the children were still in their classrooms. Seizing the opportunity, Marilyn decided to visit Robert's office. She hoped to persuade him to attend their daughter's upcoming graduation—a milestone he couldn't miss, even if he had skipped the PTA meeting. Her determination was clear; this was a moment they should all cherish together.

Marilyn returned to her car, her mind at ease knowing she had remembered everything this time. The school meeting was still some time away, and the children were tucked away in their classrooms. A thought struck her; she could use this window of opportunity to visit Robert's office. It was crucial to convince him to attend their daughter's graduation, especially since he was missing the PTA meeting. Surely, he wouldn't want to miss another significant event in their daughter's life.

Upon arriving at Robert's office, Marilyn greeted Becky, the receptionist, with her usual warmth and grace. "Hello, Miss Becky, may I see Mr. Robert Brown?" she inquired, her voice soothing and calm. Becky looked up, her face breaking into a smile at the sight of Marilyn, who was known for her kindness and the treats she often brought for the staff during her visits.

"Is Robert available? I need just a moment of his time," Marilyn continued, her smile unwavering. Becky responded with a polite nod, "Of course, ma'am. You're always welcome to see Mr. Brown, but he's currently in the midst of finalizing a deal he's been working on for quite some time. Would you mind waiting for a little while?"

Marilyn took a seat, but restlessness soon got the better of her. "I'll be back in five minutes," she announced, stepping out into the bustling street. She darted into a nearby shop to pick up an assortment of snacks and drinks, a gesture of goodwill for the office staff.

At the checkout, Marilyn witnessed a distressing scene. A man, having just finished his meal at the shop's restaurant, was struggling with a payment issue. His credit card wasn't working, and he didn't have enough cash to cover the bill. He tried to explain, but the cashier was adamant, threatening to call the police as other customers chimed in with their support. It was a common scam, they believed, and they weren't going to be fooled.

Marilyn watched the man's humble demeanor and wondered if his plight was genuine. Acting on a hunch, she stepped forward and addressed the cashier, "Please, let's not be hasty. This gentleman is a friend of mine, and I'll cover his bill." Her intervention diffused the tension, and with a grateful nod from the man, Marilyn paid for his meal, leaving the shop with a sense of quiet satisfaction. She had made a difference, however small, and now it was time to return to Robert's office, snacks in hand, ready to make her case for their daughter's graduation.

Clement Palmar, his day already marred by misfortune, found himself at the crossroads of frustration and gratitude. The kind stranger who had just rescued him from an embarrassing situation was none other than Marilyn—a name that carried with it an aura of warmth and goodwill. Her smile, like a sunbeam breaking through storm clouds, transformed Clement's face into a canvas of appreciation.

"Miss... uh, ma'am," Clement stammered, "I truly thank you for your act of kindness just now. My name is Clement Palmar. I've been having a rough day, but you've made it considerably better."

Marilyn's response was as soothing as a healing balm. "You're welcome, Mr. Palmar. I believe in doing what's right, and not everyone is a thief or a scammer. May your day only improve from here."

As they stepped out of the shop, Marilyn juggled the bags of snacks and drinks she had purchased for the office workers. Clement, oblivious to her internal struggle, offered assistance. "I was actually on my way to seal a deal at Robert Pharmacorp," he confessed, disappointment etching his features. "But given how the day has unfolded, I'm beginning to doubt its auspiciousness."

"Oh, I'm heading there too," Marilyn replied, concern knitting her brow. "These treats are for the workers." She hesitated, then added, "I don't work there, but—"

Before she could finish, they arrived at the reception room. Becky, the receptionist, greeted them. "Dr. Palmar, we've been expecting you. Please follow me." Her eyes flickered to Robert Brown, who had just emerged from his office. "Oh, Mr. Brown, you're back. Did you come with Dr. Palmar?"

The situation hung in the air, charged with unspoken tension. Clement withdrew his hand from Marilyn's, silently following Becky into the conference room. Meanwhile, Robert approached Marilyn, his anxiety palpable. "Marilyn," he said urgently, "what are you doing here? You were supposed to be at Gaelle's school. Did something happen?"

Marilyn's gaze softened. "Oh, my love," she replied, "I just wanted a moment to discuss Gaelle's graduation. But now isn't the right time. I'll head to the school shortly."