
Forever you: cold boss' true love

"You are mine now". That was the conversation that began this unexpected journey. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined being with him. *** "Nadia, listen to me, you are going to have to do this for your family. You do know that if you don't go with them, I will be killed and soon after, they will kill your mother too". "And what about me huh? All this while, you have never thought of me. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm really your child. I..." "Enough!! You will go to him and that is it". I wanted to cry but I had already forgotten how to. I'm sure you must be guessing what is happening, well... My father is a gambler, and he has been living in debt for over four years now unfortunately, he borrowed money from the wrong people and now, he wants to sell me to their boss who is known to be ruthless, and monstrous.

Secrecy_x · Urban
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92 Chs

You have a girlfriend

I looked at him surprised as I wasn't expecting him to say that. He then looked at me with a serious face and said.

"No one tries to hurt my family and gets away with it".

I knew he meant what he said and the look on his face looked scary but I wasn't scared as I knew he wasn't referring to me. 

"I know she was threatened to do it. Someone had sent her to kill my younger brother. I just don't know who it is yet".

I knew this man wasn't one to trust someone so quickly so why he was telling me all this was still a mystery in my mind.

"Why... are you telling me this"?

"Because I don't want you to be scared of me. I know you wouldn't hurt my family so you have nothing to be afraid of".

I was glad that the woman wasn't dead and was receiving treatment. We got to the house pretty late as Jason had so much work to do in the office.

When I got home, I said to myself that I'd just go to my room and sleep off but then, Jason held my hand by the door and said.

"Go freshen up and come downstairs to eat".

"Huh? Eat? I'm not Hun..."


My tummy grumbled so loudly even I did not believe it was my tummy. He let go of my hand and began walking away and the next thing I heard was.

"I'll be waiting for you".

I got to my room and just fell on the bed. I was so tired that I didn't want to listen to my pleading tummy. Just then, Kanada came in. 

"And... what do you think you are doing"?

She asked but I didn't respond and just kept lying face down on my bed with my eyes closed. 

"You know, it's funny how I know that you are very much awake and just do not want to answer me".

I grumbled a little and then turned around.

"Can't I just sleep, huh"?

I asked with pleading eyes. 

"The boss will be waiting for you. I'm sure you do not know but when the boss says he'll wait, he can wait till tomorrow".

"Oh come on Kanada, you are just exaggerating".

"I wish I was, but it's the truth. When he says he'll wait, it means that he'll wait. So even if you are tired, just try and manage to go for dinner".

She said and after some time, I finally went in to take a shower and then went downstairs for dinner. 

Just like Kanada said, I actually met him waiting. His food was served but he just sat there, doing nothing but wait. 

"Why aren't you eating yet Sir"?

I asked and he said

"I was waiting for you. You are here now, let's eat".

He said with a smile and I couldn't help but smile as well.

"I really do not think it is right to eat with you, Sir".

I said as I sat on the chair next to him. 

"I like sitting with you and talking to you. So let's eat together from now on".

My eyes blinked countless times as I wasn't expecting that. They served my dinner and we both ate. After dinner, I felt a bit more awake, probably because I had taken a shower and eaten. 

We both sat at the dining table without any of us showing any interest in leaving. 

"Do you enjoy staying here"?

He asked out of nowhere which made me look at him. 


"Is this place suitable and convenient enough for you"?

"Yes... I mean, yes Sir. You have been treating me so well ever since I came here. I wasn't even expecting to be this well treated".

I said what came into my mind without any filter and I saw him smile lightly.

"I'm glad then. It means I shouldn't be worried about you wanting to leave".

"You don't have to worry Sir. It's not like I have a chance of leaving anyways. So I will do my best and work hard for you, for as long as I can".

His facial expression changed and it was back to being empty. I didn't know if I had said something wrong or if he just wanted to look like that. 

He stood up in a calm yet commanding manner. 

"You should go to bed, it's going to be another hectic day tomorrow".

After saying this, he walked away. I could see the difference in his mood but I couldn't picture what it was that made it change so drastically.

Jason walked to his room feeling a little bit disheartened. He felt she would at least begin to warm up to him already as he was trying all he could to get her to feel more comfortable but it seems she was only trying to be comfortable because she didn't have a choice. 

It felt like if given a choice, she leave him without thinking twice or looking back. Thinking about this made him feel really bad but then again, it has just been a week plus since she started living with him. Maybe he was just being too impatient. 

There were two pill bottles on the side stool close to his bed, he opened both, one at a time, and took two pills out of both bottles. When he was done, he closed his eyes and hoped that he would be able to get some sleep. 

It was so early the next day, that I sluggishly came out of my bed and got ready for work. I heard a few ruckus by my door but I ignored it and went into the walk-in closet to take my bag. 

Mr Jason had warned me not to dress plainly or without class so today, I put on a flowery yellow dress that was a little bit above my knee. It was flay and had a turtle neck but it still looked very mature and beautiful. I took a bag that wasn't too big but wasn't small at all and it was grey in color.

I finally stepped out of the room, only to see about three maids by my door, doing only God knows what. I bowed lightly and they bowed to me like I was their boss. I noticed the had changed but I didn't know why. 

I got downstairs but he wasn't at the dining room so I just walked out and went straight to the car. He was already inside so I apologized for being late. 

He didn't reply as his phone began to ring.

"What is it, Derrick"?

He asked 


His brother screamed so loudly that he had to remove the phone from his ear. 

"If you yell like that, I'm going to have to end the call".

His brother didn't seem to listen to him at all as he yelled again.

"You have a girlfriend!!"