
Forever you: cold boss' true love

"You are mine now". That was the conversation that began this unexpected journey. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined being with him. *** "Nadia, listen to me, you are going to have to do this for your family. You do know that if you don't go with them, I will be killed and soon after, they will kill your mother too". "And what about me huh? All this while, you have never thought of me. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm really your child. I..." "Enough!! You will go to him and that is it". I wanted to cry but I had already forgotten how to. I'm sure you must be guessing what is happening, well... My father is a gambler, and he has been living in debt for over four years now unfortunately, he borrowed money from the wrong people and now, he wants to sell me to their boss who is known to be ruthless, and monstrous.

Secrecy_x · Urban
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92 Chs

You are paying

The people who were currently standing with a bag of money in front of them had their eyes open wide as they were not expecting this turn of events. They had secretly had meetings on how to get rid of Jason and take over his company but it didn't seem to be working right now.

 "I know all your plans and I know all about your secret meetings. I'll keep it simple, I don't need people like you investing in my business so I have decided to get rid of the pests in my company. You can sue me if you want". 

Jason then went back to his seat after saying what he said. 

Some people tried to explain themselves as they saw that the event was not going in their favor. They tried to get back on Jason's good side but it was obviously too late as he was not in the mood to listen to any excuses.

 He had his bodyguards chase them out of the company and created a ban that said they would not be allowed into any of his companies ever again and their memberships were taken away from them too. Soon enough, the meeting was over and we were on our way back to his office.

"What is next on my schedule"?

 He asked and I was about to answer when my tummy suddenly gave a loud grumble making Jason turn to look at me. 

I was a bit embarrassed by the sound but I couldn't help it. I was so hungry as I hadn't eaten anything throughout the day and the meeting took way longer than I had expected. 

He turned to the direction opposite from his office and began heading for the elevator. I rushed towards him and so did Miguel.

"Where are you going Sir"?

"We have to get your tummy something".

He said and then looked at me as I was behind him in the elevator.

"Don't you think"?

I think it was because I was thinking about food but my heart actually skipped a beat. 

"I... well... uhhh..."

"It's fine, you don't have to say anything".

The rest of the ride was pretty quiet and we soon got to a restaurant. I've never been to such a restaurant before. It looked so glamorous, I could stare all day. 

"What would you like to eat"?

He asked as we made ourselves comfortable and took the menu. I looked at the dishes that were available on the menu and then, I looked at the price. My eyes opened wide at the ridiculously expensive price of dishes that I was very sure would not satisfy me.

I immediately dropped the menu and smiled at my boss.

Jason raised a brow as he was not expecting her to smile at him all of a sudden. He then knew her smile was fake but he didn't know why she was smiling like that.

"Do you need something"?

He asked.

"Uhmm Sir"?

I tried to move a bit closer and then, I used my hand and tried to tell him to come closer. He looked like he didn't understand at first but then, he came closer. 

"Can we go somewhere else"?

I asked and then, he immediately moved back to his normal position. 

"Why? Do you not find this place appealing"?

He asked and I began shaking my head vigorously letting him know that that wasn't the reason why. 

"No, that's not the reason why. To be honest, I just think these meals are too expensive".

He kept looking at me without saying a word.

"I know a really nice place, trust me".

Jason didn't look convinced but I was really hoping he'd agree. He then raised his hand a little and a waiter came over to our table. 

"We'll have the special set number one".

Jason said and my eyes closed as I knew I had failed to convince him.

"Don't worry, we'll go to this place of yours next time".

I just smiled and nodded my head. Soon enough, the meal was served. It didn't look much but it looked exceptionally satisfying. 

I bowed and thanked him for the food but just as I was about to start eating, I heard him speak again.

"You are paying".

The pasta was about to go right into my mouth when I heard him and I immediately dropped down the spoon and sat back properly.

"Hehehe, I suddenly feel so full".

I said and for the first time, I actually saw him laugh. It wasn't loud at all, as a matter of fact, I could hardly hear any sound coming out of his mouth but his eyes looked like they were about to close completely, and his lips were raised completely. He looked like a different version of himself and in this version too, he still looked mesmerizing.

'Uuu Nadia, snap out of it'.

"You really think I'd let you pay"?

I heard him say and I just kept looking at him smile. This time around, he had his hand over his mouth. 

'Damn, this man is good-looking'.

"Eat up, I was only joking. I apologize if it wasn't funny".

He had stopped smiling now but he didn't look cold or emotionless at all. I ate to my fill but he only had so little. After we were done, we left and went back to the car.

"You have a golf outing with the chairman of Valery".

He took a sit at the back of his car and said.

"Cancel it".


That was the only thing that could come out of my mouth.

"I'm not ready to meet him. Besides, I have somewhere else to be".

As soon as he said this, the car began moving and before I could say anything, we were standing in front of a hospital.

I didn't ask any questions as we kept going up the elevator. I just quietly followed him. We finally got to a room and a man who was standing as a guard opened the door for him to enter. 

I walked in with him and when I saw who was on the bed, I was surprised. I thought she had died or something and most importantly, I didn't know that he had his men rush her to the hospital since he just drove away that day. 

Yes, it was the woman who was hit by his car. He stood looking at the unconscious woman and so did I.

"She tried to kill my brother".