
Forever you: cold boss' true love

"You are mine now". That was the conversation that began this unexpected journey. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined being with him. *** "Nadia, listen to me, you are going to have to do this for your family. You do know that if you don't go with them, I will be killed and soon after, they will kill your mother too". "And what about me huh? All this while, you have never thought of me. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm really your child. I..." "Enough!! You will go to him and that is it". I wanted to cry but I had already forgotten how to. I'm sure you must be guessing what is happening, well... My father is a gambler, and he has been living in debt for over four years now unfortunately, he borrowed money from the wrong people and now, he wants to sell me to their boss who is known to be ruthless, and monstrous.

Secrecy_x · Urban
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92 Chs

I won

"Good morning beautiful".

His voice was so husky and bold that I could not help but smile. His voice was definitely the best thing to hear first thing in the morning. It's no wonder the daughter of a prime minister wanted him so badly.

I could still not believe that a prime minister could be willing to go so far for his daughter. Even though it made the man look so little, and it made him look like someone with power, It still made me envy their relationship. It was something I never had but it wasn't something I wanted to think about right now.

I kept looking at Jason. He had spoken but his eyes were still closed and he was still holding me tightly.

He was wearing a singlet but I could see his arm and then, I saw the tattoo on his arm. It looked like a cross but it had very tiny-looking writing under it. I could not read it but I loved how it was written so I tried to get my hand to reach his tattoo. I traced his tattoo with my hand it looked really beautiful and then, I traced the writing as though that would help me figure out what he wrote.

"Do you like it that much"?

He asked and I immediately removed my hand from his tattoo. I heard him chuckle lightly and with the attempt to hide my face, I dug my face deeper into his chest.

He held me closer and said

"I can't remember the last time I slept this well".

He said and I smiled.

"I should get ready for the day now".

I said but he wasn't letting go. I tried to free myself from his grip but to no avail.

"Mr Jason? You should let me go".

I said but he kept pretending not to have heard anything. I tried to push him away again but it still wasn't working. I knew I had to get off the bed so I looked for a better excuse.

"Mr Jason"?

I called his name and he answered with a hmm

"I really need to use the restroom".

I said and without waiting for me to say anything else, he released me so I could go to the restroom. I chuckled lightly as it was obviously a lie to get away from him.

I went into the restroom to clean up before leaving the room. When I came out, he was still lying down with his eyes closed so I assumed he was sleeping. Gently, I walked out of the room. When I got downstairs, I noticed that Kay and Derrick were sitting in the living room, and playing video games. I went over to say hello and they were polite enough to offer me a sit or at least, Derrick was.

"Did you sleep well"?

He asked with his face focused on the game.

"Mnn, I did. Thanks for asking".

I responded but I heard Kay laugh. Derrick stretched out one of his hands and hit Kay on the back of his head.

"What's so funny"?

He asked while Kay tried to soothe his hurting head. Kay looked at his uncle with blazing eyes and then suddenly, Derrick yelled.

"Yeah!!!! I won!!!"

He yelled and that was when we finally turned back just to see that he had won the game.

I rolled my eyes, shook my head, and smiled at his childish behavior.


Kay yelled as he jumped up from the chair he was sitting on, making all of us quite shocked.

"Goodness gracious, you startled me".

Derrick said as he held his chest with his hand.

"That's cheating".

Kay yelled.

"Awch, you are going to destroy my eardrums with this yelling of yours".

Derrick replied.

"Listen, nephew, we didn't make any rules. All we said, was one of us must win, period. Why are you making it a big deal"?

Derrick feigned ignorance, pretending not to have done anything wrong. Kay felt offended and began walking away. I could tell that he didn't like it when people tried to cheat him.

He suddenly paused and looked at me.

"Would you like to play video games? I don't want to play with my uncle".

He said loud enough for his uncle to hear.

"Uhm... yeah sure... I guess".

I said. And then, he collected the game controller from his uncle and gave it to me.

"Here, you can select your character first".

He said totally ignoring his uncle. We were about to play the Mortal Kombat game and he asked me to pick my character first. Though I didn't know how to play much because I didn't get the opportunity to do so before, it felt like fun. Finally, I chose Sonia while he chose subzero.

We started fighting and he beat me up for about five rounds. I had changed my character twice already. At first, I chose Lui Cain, then I changed him and chose Kitana but he still kept winning so I went back to Sonia.

I began fighting him as though my life depended on it. I was trying so hard to win, I even stood up from the chair I was sitting on. Derrick was supporting me as he kept yelling my name and cheering me on. Finally, I won and both I and Derrick were jumping and jubilating.

"I won!!"

I yelled in excitement. We were still rejoicing when we heard someone clear his throat. We turned and when I saw that it was Grandpa O'Brien, I composed myself but still had a smile on my face.

Kay ran over to give him a hug.


He yelled as he went over.

"I see you are all enjoying yourselves".

Grandpa said.

"Grandpa, they are both ganging up against me".

Kay reported us to Grandpa but I just smiled as I placed my head down.

"I see, they are going against my grandson huh"?

"We'll see who is boss. Let's play again. This time around, it'll be two against two".

We played a couple more rounds with Derrick supporting me and Grandpa supporting Kay. Kay only won once while I won three times.

"Okay, that's enough".

Grandpa O'Brien said and then looked at me.


He called, drawing my attention to himself.

"I'd like to see you, privately".