
Forever My Love...

He didn't believe in love... But the old woman said" when you see her, you will definitely fall for her"..... Let's see, who possess that kind of magic ....He said with full of confidence. Little did he know that, he was going to turn down the entire world for her...... For her love, he sacrificed everything.. The story between the two begin here........ The first time he saw her, his heart betrayed him.....Yes.... Love is blind... No one can predict when it happens....Just follow your heart.....He did the same......But she was different......She was hurt because of love....He swore to wait for her to accept his love untill his end and after that...... Let's see how the story goes..........

Divya_Steven · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Meeting again in the palace...

Cassandra was brought back to her senses. She was really breathless. She tried to push him away. But, she couldn't. He was like an iron wall. Arthur felt like , he was on the verge of explosion. His entire body got stiffened..He was craving for her. He didn't want to seperate from her even for a second. He was immersed in the kiss

Suddenly, Cassandra kicked him on his crotch

" Ouch"

Arthur groaned in pain. ' When did the cute obedient cat turned into a fierce tigeress??'

" Are you planning to make your man impotent, my lady???"

" My man!!!!! My foot!!! You!!! keep on dreaming pervert..."

" You really don't know me dear. Once I have decided to make something or someone as mine, I will definitely make sure of that. So, be ready to accept me as your man. You can't escape from me."

" We will see". Cassandra left the place . She was angry because she let a strange man to touch her. Arthur chuckled after seeing her angry face. He found out that she was really cute.

Even though she was angry, her heart was happy as if it had found out it's real owner. She didn't know why her heart betrayed her for an unknown man.

" Hey Cassy, Why are you angry???"

" I didn't believe that the earth is too small, until I met that pervert again."

" Pervert??? Who???" Asked Amanda.

" Leave it. I don't want to spoil my mood again"

" Ok. Then, I have a good news to you".

" Oh!! Really!!! Tell me dear sis???"

" I met my prince charming today".

" Huh!!? That's really a good news. I am so happy for you."

" By the way, who's that Lucky man???"

" You will see him soon Cassy".

" Again suspense??? I will be die of curiosity"

" Ha ha haa. Keep patience my dear Cassy. You can't easily meet your future brother in law. ".

' First , I have to make him fall for me. It will take time sis' she thought to herself.

Amanda left in a hurry. ' Prince Arthur might be returned to his room' thought Amanda. She was excited to meet him.

Cassandra was really in a bad mood. Whenever, she was in a bad mood, she would practice sword fighting. It was one of her passion.

Cassandra was practicing sword fighting. She was a born fighter. Her way of holding and swaying the sword, will make every one skip a beat. Even if, the famous knights and kings were nothing compared to her fighting skill. But, nobody knew that this skill was already present in her blood from birth itself.

Both Damian and Arthur saw the scene infront of them.

" Who is that??? " They didn't recognise her. Her hair was tied and face was covered. Only a pair of eyes were visible for them. She was fighting with the commander of Zordom. She defeated him with a few moves.. He bowed to her and left.

" Hey, I haven't seen such a sword fighting in my entire life. You are a good fighter. Are you the Chief commander of the army of Zordom???" asked Damian. Before , she could answer to Damian, Arthur interrupted her.

" Hey brother, I can understand that you are impressed by his fighting. But, I can defeat him easily" said Arthur.

" Defeat me???..Are you overestimating yourself my lord???" said Cassandra.

" Let's decide that later". Arthur replied

' They didn't realise that I am a lady. They have such a poor observation after all . I can easily defeat him.' She thought.

Arthur came forward.

' Omg!!! Why him again??? ' She felt nervous all of a sudden. Arthur saw her nervousness.

" Are you nervous??? I haven't started the fighting yet??? His tone was full of sarcasm.

Cassandra's blood boiled. If anyone touch her pride, she won't let him go easily. He pulled out the sword from its sheath and held it out infront of her.

" Clang" The sounds of metal touching with metal was filled in the air. Arthur's method of fighting was different.He moved his sword laterally, and kept on moving his sword. Cassandra slapped his blade aside and thrust Arthur parried and counter -thrust, only for them to meet face to face, arms and swords high, each surprised. But, none of them admitted their defeat.

Arthur wondered about the other party's skill of fighting. He didn't met a strong opponent until now. Cassandra also felt the same..Her eyes were furious, as if she was really pissed of something.

He felt that, he had already seen those eyes , somewhere.

He accidentally cut off her tie with which her hair was tied. Her golden hair fell down, which was upto her waist. She became furious and accidentally hurt Arthur.

' Omg!!! What Beautiful scene!!!! How can a Royal lady fight like a knightess???'

"Long live the King ". They heard the sound and looked at that direction.

" Are you really heartless?? How can you hurt your man,my vixen ?? He continued .." I know it's you beneath the mask... I don't want to expose you because I don't want some one see your beauty other than myself.By the way, what are you doing in the palace??? You said you were from a village. Did you lie to me??"

He asked a lot of questions in a single breath.

" I am asking the same question to you . Why did you come here??? I know that you didn't belong to Zordom."

" I am the Royal guest of King Zordom. I am the...


" Arthur, Have you seen the beautiful places of Zordom??".

" Yes, My king. The places are really beautiful. But, the women of Zordom are more beautiful . Some of them are really firerce, always ready to pick a fight." He took a glance of Cassandra.

" Is that so??? Who is that lady, who tried to offend you???

" She was a wild cat. I will definitely pull out her claws and will make her an obedient one."

" Ok, then both of you come with me. You have to attend the Royal banquet after some time."

" You were awesome my lady. "

Damian praised her. He wanted to see the beautiful face beneath the mask, who had already stolen his heart at first sight. But, the king was here. So, he suppressed his feelings ,so did Arthur.

Both of them left the place reluctantly...

" Hope, I can see you in the banquet" Arthur whispered to her before leaving...