

" Good evening Mrs Rhodes!" Maxwell said and Ria's eyes widened in surprise.

Maxwell chuckled at her expression.

" What is it that you're surprised about now Mrs Rhodes, you claimed it yourself today that you are my girlfriend, and who am I to refuse that, princess?" Maxwell kept on teasing her.

Ria nervously shifted her gaze to look around incase anyone was watching them and indeed a few eyes had their attention on them.

" Umm, I can explain, I didn't intend to claim that I'm your girlfriend, I was just trying to kill someone's pride." Ria tried to explain herself.

Maxwell was about to speak when Ria placed a finger on his lips to shush him. Maxwell looked into her eyes surprised by her action.

" Yemi is coming this way, you have to act up. You are my boyfriend remember!" Ria ordered and Maxwell was just amused by what she was doing. So, she did all this to make Yemi feel bad and he thought it wasn't a bad idea from his side too. He hates when girls swoon over him and throwing themselves at him forcefully, maybe this act of having a fake girlfriend would lessen that. Especially if the girlfriend 8s as fierce as Ria Rays. Other girls would be scared to get to him from today onwards, Maxwell thought and smiled. Ria snapped her finger Infront of him so that she could listen to what she was saying.

" Yes?" Maxwell said.

" Were you even listening?" Ria said glaring at him.

" I'm sorry, I was just watching as Joe, and the others were coming." Maxwell led even though he was partly true. Joe, Jade, Garry, Simon, Liam and Nick had just walked to the pitch and were now staring at the fake couple standing so close to each other.

Joe and Jade swallowed hard as Ria bent over to whisper something Maxwell's ear. On the others eyes, they seem like they were doing something romantic and many had envied that and others were even jealous that it was Ria who had Maxwell in her tips.

" Just look at how she's deliberately acting clingy on him. She is such a shameless girl!" Nana scoffed after saying her words.

" No, I can't watch her snatch Maxwell away from me. I don't believe that Maxwell has fallen head over heels in love with her, she just came here the other day!" Yemi said angrily.

" And she's already more famous around here. Now she feels like she can have everything she wants!" Kate said bitterly thinking of how she had snatched Joe away from her already.

" I don't understand what's so special about her that all men are head over heels for her." Another girl Susan said.

" Honestly speaking, can't you see that she is perfectly beautiful! One would thought that she is an angel who lost her way in heaven and accidentally landed here." Another girl, Sofia said dreamily and the other girls glared at her.

" You're also carried away by her beauty! Stupid!" Yemi said but she knew very well it's not Sofia's fault that she finds Ria extraordinarily beautiful. Sofia is much into girls than boys. Not that she sorted in her heart that she also admires Ria's beauty.

Yemi started walking towards Ria and Maxwell where they had stood. That is why Ria asked Maxwell to play along.

Maxwell was already fond of Ria and he was more than happy to do this acting even though chances of her feeling anything for him are almost zero. Ria didn't even show an act of interest in him and that fact made him quite frustrated and depressed. I mean, if perfectly moulded man was real then Maxwell would have been a god. No wonder women won't stop drooling over him with exception of Ria Rays.

Maxwell abruptly hugged Ria which took her by surprise. Since she wasn't stable, she leaned very close to him that she could feel his heart beat in hers as one.

" I love you so much Ria, and you've made me feel things I never thought I would after a long time." Maxwell said these words gently and very audible that Yemi who happened to be just a metre away heard him claim his love for Ria. This really hurt her a lot. She didn't want to believe at first and that is why she wanted to ask Maxwell herself but after hearing him claim his love so openly, her hurt was shattered into pieces. She stood there and didn't realize that her tears were now flowing down her cheeks until the salty wetness due to the action reached her lips. Her eyes became more blurry, she couldn't stand them anymore, especially when Maxwell kissed her cheek and forehead.

Yemi ran away from the pitch to avoid embarrassing herself even more.

All these things Maxwell did, he wa doing them sincerely, and he meant it when he said those words to her.

Ria was left speechless, that act was almost real to her but she shook her head to clear that thought. She told herself it's just the effect of his gentle voice and gesture, she shouldn't take it seriously. 

Little did she know that Maxwell was indeed in love with her.

Maxwell had realized that feeling since yesterday while he suddenly felt the urge of drawing a painting of her. He drew her perfectly as he could remember with his eyes closed. If someone was there watching him, he would claim that it was magical. How could he draw someone so perfectly with his eyes closed?

If it wasn't for the already existing talent of art that Maxwell already had, he too would have believed that there might have been magic involved.

Joe walked to them. He was also so fade up with their lovey dovey act in such a public place.

" Hi Ria!" Joe greeted a bit loudly and made both Ria and Maxwell to part from each other and turn to him.

" Oh, Joe, hi!" Ria greeted back.

" I saw you doing a certain movie yesterday and I was impressed, can we practice it together? I would really wish to know it if you don't mind!" Joe said and Ria smiled.

" Of course, I would be glad to be your coach on that! There is totally no problem." Ria said that, one to get away from Maxwell because she was afraid she would lose her mind. She was beginning to feel like there were butterflies in her stomach. And secondly, she was always excited while someone asked her to help them with something knowledgeable because she is always ready to share whatever she had learnt.

Joe looked back and smirked at Maxwell as he walked away with Ria side by side. Actually he really didn't want to learn any move, he just wanted to have Ria's attention and also get her away from his love rival, Maxwell.

Maxwell gave Joe a hard glare before turning to leave so that he can start the training. All the players were now present.

Joe and Ria didn't join them as there were to basket ball pitches and Ria had requested Maxwell so that she could go and help Joe learn a few moves.

Since Maxwell didn't want Ria to be mad at him if he refuses, he allowed them. Liam waved at her sister for a greeting before joining the others for training. Yemi didn't come back after leaving earlier and somehow, Ria was relieved because that meant, she won't be there during matching up and she would have a peaceful moment to enjoy playing that evening.

After training, Ria told her brother that she won't drive home with him as she has somewhere else to be. Liam had already known of her schedule and Ria was going for some dancing exercise before heading home.

" But the studio is on the way home, I could still drop you by." Liam said.

" No thanks I have a ride!" Ria said quickly and Liam looked at her surprised.

" Really, you do have a ride or it's just a cab that you want board?" Liam asked. He is always very insecured when her sister is all alone. especially when night is almost. He loves her sister a lot that he is always worried about her.

" Not a cab, a friend had offered to drive me wherever. So he would drop me by the studio because he leave close by too." Ria said.

" Maxwell Rhodes?" Liam asked.

" Yes." Ria agreed with a straight face that it was indeed Maxwell.

" Okay, I just want you to be careful out there. I don't know if your claims were true but I want you to take it slow, okay? I don't mean that Maxwell is a bad guy but you've hardly know each other." Liam said.

" Okay bro, I got that. Now bye! Maxwell just texted me, he is waiting at the parking lot. See you at home later on!" Ria said and left.