
Forever meant to be

calmila_ · Teen
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11 Chs

Chapter 7

Days had passed since the magical festival, and the memories of that magical night were still fresh in my mind. Little did I know that the days ahead would reveal hidden truths and cast a shadow over our budding romance.

One afternoon, as Jasmine and I walked through the streets of Rome, she whispered something surprising and concerning. Her eyes widened as she told me, "Valentina, I saw something shocking. Alessandro's family owns the café where he works, and he never told you!"

I felt a mix of surprise and confusion. How could Alessandro keep such an important thing from me? I wondered what else he might be hiding. I wanted to find out the truth, so we decided to confront him.

That evening, we found ourselves in the cozy café where Alessandro worked. When he saw us, his expression softened, but when Jasmine approached him with her worries, he dismissed them with a wave of his hand. His response gave me a chill, and I began to question what else he might be hiding.

Summoning my courage, I cautiously approached Alessandro. My voice trembled as I asked, "Alessandro, why did you keep your family's café a secret from me? Are there other secrets you've been keeping?"

For a moment, he seemed unsure, then he let out a sigh and dropped his guard. "Valentina, I didn't want to burden you with my problems. My family's café is struggling financially, and I've been working here to support them."

His words hung in the air, revealing a deeper layer of his life. He shared stories of the challenges he faced and the sacrifices he made for his family. I felt a mixture of sympathy and admiration. Alessandro's guarded nature suddenly made sense. I understood the reasons behind his secrecy, and a new connection formed between us.

Jasmine, frustrated by the lack of answers, tried to press Alessandro for more information. But he remained firm, unwilling to share further details about his past. The tension grew, adding uncertainty to the situation.

At that moment, I made a choice. I chose to stand by Alessandro, offering him my unwavering support and love. The secrets that had once threatened to come between us now became a bridge of understanding. But amidst the chaos, I held onto the belief that our connection was strong enough to weather any storm.