
Forever Meant To Be

Renée falls in love with a guy who puts a gun to her head. Her sister falls in love with a surfer dude. It's all fun and games as they live their lives wondering what's gonna come next.

Renee666 · Fantasy
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Chapter 12: Move In

When it got around 4:00pm I helped them take the tent down and put the stuff away. Then I said goodbye to everyone. 

"You're welcome to visit every now and then." Nana said. "Yeah, and make dinner while you're here." Dad said. I rolled my eyes, "Ok Dad, I love you too." I said sarcastically. 

When I was done with my goodbyes I loaded the rest of my stuff in my truck and got in the driver's seat. Then I texted Nathan.

    R: Is now a good time to come over?

    N: Visit or move in?

    R: Move in.

    N: Now is a great time.

    R: I'm on my way.

    N: See you soon.

I turned up the music and started to drive to Nathan's apartment. I jammed out to Slipknot the entire way there. I was screaming the lyrics and even head banging a little at red lights.

When I got to his apartment I turned the music down then turned off my truck. I got out of my truck and knocked on his door. It opened almost immediately and he pulled me into his apartment and then into his arms.

He brought his lips to mine in a powerful, breathtaking kiss. I kissed him back with the same amount of energy. When we were done I said, "What's gotten into you?" I asked. He shrugged, "I missed you." I smiled, "Will you help me unload my truck?" He gave me a mischievous smile, "Sure, after this." He pushed me against the wall and kissed me again. It was a long passionate kiss. Damn, he really did miss me. I thought.

He backed away and took my hand, leading me outside like what we just did was completely normal. He grabbed my book boxes like it was nothing and I grabbed a few boxes as well. We went back twice more to get the remaining boxes. 

We put all the boxes in the living room and then we sat on the couch to discuss the rules. "Ok, rule 1: the first one up in the morning makes a pot of coffee." he said. I smiled, "I love coffee." He laughed, "I know. Rule 2: no bringing a pet home until after you tell me about it. Rule 3 is the same thing as rule 2 but for people. Also, if you're gonna live here I'll need some help around the apartment." he said.

"I don't mind helping you around your apartment." I said. He shook his head and grabbed my hand, "Our apartment." I smiled at those words. "I also wanna pay half the bills." I said. He shook his head, "That would be great. I wasn't gonna make you help pay them right away, though." he said. I shook my head, "If I'm gonna live here, I've gotta be helpful."

He stood up and grabbed my book boxes, "Come on." he said. I followed him to his room and he set the boxes next to a book shelf that was not here last time I was here. "Nathan, did you buy me a bookshelf?" I asked. He shrugged, "You needed one." 

I shook my head and faced him. I reached up and held his face between my hands. I then stood up on my tiptoes and gave him a kiss. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back. Then he ended the kiss, "Don't you wanna put up your books?" I gave him a hug, "Thank you Nathan." 

I organized my books in alphabetical order while keeping the series together. My books took up the whole bookshelf and I even had room to place my glass rock collection on top of it. 

When I was done with my books, Nathan showed me where I could put my clothes. I put all my shirts and stuff in the closet next to his. Then I put all my other clothing in a dresser I brought from my old house. 

I put some of my stuffed animals in my closet and some of them went in the corner of Nathan's room. I placed all of my hygiene stuff in the bathroom. Nathan let me hang up some pictures around the apartment. 

By the time I had finished unpacking, it was 9:00pm and we still hadn't eaten dinner. "I can make something if you want." I told Nathan. He stretched his arms above his head, "You can make whatever you want. I'm not a picky eater, well unless it's seafood." I nodded, "I don't like seafood either. I'll see what I can make."

I went to the kitchen and found all the stuff for chicken alfredo. I put a pot of water on the stove to boil while I baked some chicken. I added the penne noodles to the boiling water and pulled the chicken out of the oven when it was ready. When it was time to drain the noodles I cleared the sink and put a colander in it. 

I put the noodles back in the pot and stirred in some alfredo sauce. Then I stirred in the chicken. When I was done with that I put some of the chicken alfredo into two bowls and brought one to Nathan.

"Here you go." I said as I gave it to him. His eyes lit up like a childs on Christmas morning when he saw the food. "Thank you, I'm so hungry. I haven't eaten all day." I glared at him, "How often do you do that?" He looked up from his food, "Not too often." he lied. "Nathan." I warned. He sighed, "Fine, it happens a lot." I smacked his shoulder, "New rule: no more eating only one meal a day." 

He took a bite of his food and smiled his gorgeous smile. The smile only I ever got to see.