
Forever Immortal

Jake is a normal guy who got lucky to find a magical being who gave him 1 wish. He didn’t think much about it before instantly asking for immortality! Now he has to deal with that choice in the middle of a black hole taking him to who knows where! This is a book about cultivators and mythical beings in a new place called Nexus. Join Jake in his adventure to the top of the cultivation world! This is my first book ever written so please send feedback and possibly ideas ^^ I would love to see what you guys can come up with! I plan on trying to be as detailed as I can with the way cultivation works. Also I don’t know how to use some of the features on the app but I plan on putting one or two of those tabs before the chapters to introduce the pictures for the characters along with the cultivation levels.

Killerspider · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
85 Chs

Jake VS Shen Yuan (Part 2- Last)

Both figures made their way to the arena, the spectators making way for them as they walk before finally meeting in the center.

Shen Yuan stood just slightly shorter then Jake at 6'0, his hair was a light brown almost orange while his eyes are pure blue. He looked to be about 18-19 years old. His hair longer then most as it was pulled back into a ponytail looking like a traditional cultivator with a katana blade in his hand.

Shen: "Don't think they fight is going to be easy. Everyone you have fought so far are amateurs when it comes to hand to hand combat. Especially when fighting against a cultivator who uses flames as their ally. Be warned your tricks will not help you this time, you best be on your guard cause I won't give you a second to recover"

Shen Yuan had a sharp gaze like a sword, it was very apparent that he was a swordsman.

Jake: "I don't underestimate anyone, even if I am hundreds of times stronger then them. Arrogance leads to death, I will accept your challenge and try my best to defeat you."

Jake had a determined look in his eyes, his plan wasn't to come here and lose.

Mai: "If both of you are ready then start the count down!"

The screen in the sky changed into the number 3 before counting down slowly till finally hitting 0.

The moment the clock hit zero both of the fighters lunges at each other! Shen Yuan brandishing his sword while Jake rushed at him in a low stance keeping himself ready for anything.

To his surprise the moment he saw the flash of the sword a aura exploded from Shen Yuans body! Wit felt like Jake was completely surrounded by swords from each side as the blade comes flying towards him.

Jake broke out in a cold sweat the moment he felt danger coming from the blade. This is the first time since immortality that he has felt threatened from just a regular blade!

His instincts screamed for him to dodge as Sebastian took over instantly before pulling his body to the side before striking Shen Yuan's leg with his fist at the same time the sword cut across his chest leaving a deep gash on his shoulder and collar bone.

Both fighters had been forced back sustaining injuries as they look at each other with astonishment.

No one in the crowed could properly see the fight besides the higher ups and those who are at a closer power level to the both of them.

At this moment the elders looked dumbfounded at Shen Yuan. Some of them were even shaking with excitement.

"I-I-Its sword aura! Shen Yuan has already comprehended the sword aura! Oh my god! He's only in the Qi Gathering realm and yet he's already cultivated his own sword aura!?"

"How is this possible!!! Even in the last competition he didn't show anything like this! Don't tell me he cultivated it in only a year!?"

"D-doesn't that mean… if he steps into the next realm and his soul is strengthened in the process he could directly acquire the [Sword Intent]!!"

The elders had gone back and forth yelling as if they were going crazy from discovering such a genius!

After all [Sword Intent] is incredibly difficult to achieve. It could take hundreds of years just for a swordsman to step into the realm of Swordmasters by acquiring the [Sword Intent]!

Every elder has been etching Shen Yuan's face into their memories each thinking about approaching him after the competition!

Going back to the fight Jake, Alex, and even Sebastian was shocked beyond belief. The wound on their shoulder had been constantly gushing blood with no signs of healing!

After being cut with that sword aura something happened to them that made them unable to heal!

This made alarms ring in their heads, each of them was in the middle of their own thoughts before Alex slapped the back of Jakes head trying to calm him down for a second.

Alex: "Let's think about this… while Sebastian is fighting let's examine our body and see what's truly going on. We are immortal no doubt about that… I can still feel our blood constantly being reproduced to fill in for the blood we are losing. This may be a situation similar to the [Soul Cutter Spirit Sword] maybe it's cut our soul or maybe it's left something in our bodies forcing us to stop healing?"

Jake took a second to breath in and out trying to calm himself down before looking to Alex and giving him a nod.

Both of them had closed their eyes and began to focus purely on examining themselves.

Sebastian: "…What did you do."

Those were the only words that came out of his mouth as he looked at Shen Yuan. A murderous intent filling the air as his gaze turned into sharp slits like a animals.

Shen: "Wow you weren't kidding when you said you don't underestimate anyone. I thought you were going to just let me cut you there, oh well it's more fun this way.

Anyways why would I tell you what I did to you? This is a competition not a spar, but I didn't think you would instantly go for my leg at the same time I cut you.

That was a good move if I hadn't used my Qi to block the brunt of the blow you would have broken my leg."

Shen Yuan recovered quickly, a small smirk on his face as he gets into a fighting stance preparing for the next exchange.

Sebastian: "…Fine you want to go all out then I will. Try your best not to die"

At the end of his words he grit his teeth as he gathered the Yang Qi powering his cells and instantly released their power in a massive burst of flames.

These flames weren't the typical ones he used to fight cannon fodder. No these flames were concentrated like a blow torch ramping up the heat in the arena in a instant!

His body was constantly breaking down, his flesh burning off and flaking away revealing the skeleton underneath before being covered by skin again in the next second. He had upped the flames to the point that he could barely resist it.

This burst of power was constantly draining his stamina, almost like something was sapping it from him he quickly launched himself at ashen Yuan.

To Sebastian's surprise during his set up for his flames to reach the peak his body could handle Shen Yuan had been manipulating his sword aura to draw makeshift runes onto his sword before coating his whole body in Qi and sword aura.

Of course the array he made wasn't nearly as powerful as a normal array using the soul, but that wasn't his plan. He had specifically studied a few runes just to give him a higher chance of beating Jake!

His sword was covered in fire resistance runes and sharpness runes making it a deadly weapon! With the protection from his Qi and sword aura he rushed out to clash with Sebastian.

With their power increase they zipped across the battle field clashing again and again as the arena was physically melting from the flames! Only to be cut into piece the next second, it was a very destructive fight against a 7th level body cultivator and a 10th level Qi Gathering realm Swordsman!

With each clash the wounds increased on both of their bodies. Sebastian using every move he has to keep up! Muay Thai, Kick Boxing, CQC, Boxing, Tiquando, Mixed Martial Arts, Kung Fu, you name it he was putting in 200% effort to win!

With each surprising style change he would inflict heavy wounds on Shun Yuan only to be given them back 10 fold when Shun Yuan got used to his new pace!

He was a close combat monster but for some reason, Sebastian had a massive smile on his face!

He has never felt like he had to use everything he could to fight this one man in front of him! He couldn't allow himself to go all out or he would destroy everything! Ever since he had been made he was forced to hold back.

Not anymore, this man in front of him could take it! He felt it in his bones that if anyone at his level had fought him in this moment they would lose 100% of the time no matter what!

Now he found someone who could match him and even beat him at his own game! With each punch with each slash the battle became more intense!

After about 10 minutes of constant battling they finally broke away from each other. Each heavily panting as the techniques on their bodies flicker out letting Sebastian regenerate his body. At least what hadn't been hit by the sword.

Both of them had big smiles on their faces, they could only be described as battle junkies who enjoyed every second of the fight.

One bleeding heavily from almost every part of his body while the other was heavily bruised with cracked bones in almost every part of their body.

Sebastian: "Hey, I don't know how long you can keep going but I'm almost out of energy to continue. If we don't wrap this up soon I might collapse from exhaustion"

Shen Yuan took a second to examine his own condition and with a sigh looked at Sebastian with regret.

Shen: "Unfortunately… I can't go on anymore. If I take one more step my body will collapse from all the cracks and fractures you have inflicted on me."

Sebastian looked at him realizing the situation as he also let out a sigh of regret.

Sebastian: "Fine, we will fight again in the future that's a promise! I don't care how long it takes get better so we can fight again! My name is Jake and I will not lose to you in this life time! From today on you are now my friend and rival!"

Sebastian yelled out those words for everyone to hear. This made everyone give him a word look, honestly he looked worse then Shen Yuan! He was covered head to toe in deep gashes! It was honestly shocking for them to see him talking like that while looking like a fountain of blood.

Shen Yuan was quiet for a second as he looked up at Sebastian then at the matriarch.

Shen: "I surrender. Please call for the medical team to take me away."

It didn't take long for Mai to announce Sebastian's win to the whole arena.

Mai: "Next contestants get ready for your fight! We will quickly repair the stage and then it will be your turn!"

Shen waved Sebastian over without saying a word. Sebastian didn't even take a second to start heading over, he unconsciously trusted this man after their fight. It was almost like they knew each other their whole lives after trading blows.

Shen quickly brought his hand up to swipe over Sebastian's body taking back his sword aura. His little trick was placing strands of sword aura inside Sebastian's body making it impossible for him to heal. Even if by some miracle the healing continued the aura would have just destroyed it in a matter of milliseconds.

The instant the sword aura left his body his wounds began to constantly heal closing themselves almost in a instant making him look perfect once again, minus the fact he is completely drenched in his own blood.

Sebastian: "Thanks for that, it would have been annoying trying to figure out why my body wouldn't heal even after the fight."

Shen: "Don't mention it, I only did it so we can have another proper fight like this in the future.

They both got off the stadium quickly, one by stretcher the other just casually walking back to the stands. He switched back to Jake before Jake made a new pair of robes that he instantly changed into.

Once Jake looked into the stands he smiled at Yuki and Kas who up until now had worried expressions on their faces. That was until a figure in a dark cloak with blonde hair and blue eyes stood up a couple seats behind them. A devilish smile on his face as he instantly removed his cloak.


Instantly after the man yelled that out his cloak dropped revealing his body covered in red array marks. His body burst into flames as a massive burst of these strangely very powerful flames even stronger then Jake's flashed out to erase half the arena.

At the last second before the blast Kas had grabbed Yuki trying to jump towards Jake before a sudden talisman came flying out of her clothes.

Jake couldn't see what happened with them and that talisman before the flash swallowed him and everyone around that man.

Jake: "YUKI!!!!! KAS!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!"

Those were the last words he could say before he was completely vaporized the next second.