

Due to the colonization of various western countries, our country; an Asian one, is only one of the few that have to concur to the demands of the higher-ups. One being, an official Herculean Tournament is to be implemented in each country. A tournament that determines who is the strongest and most powerful amongst a peer group. However, unlike any other tournament, ours was a little more competitive, more deadly, more heartbreaking, and far more sacrificial. And me? I'm only one of those people... Those people who will be sacrificial pawns for the sake of entertainment of those chauvinist pigs who run our country now. But, I do not want to stand by the sidelines and do nothing. If standing up against them means death. If freedom means losing everything I have, then I would embrace it widely.

XycieMae16 · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Chapter 52: Clean

"Is it done?"

Maki paced back and forth in front of her sister who was busy sketching.

"Ate is it done"

"Arghh Maki shut up for a second"

Maia glared at her younger brother before she continued sketching. Her session with Dione had just ended and as soon as she opened her eyes, besides Damian, Maki was there too.

She immediately asked for her sketchbook and pen.

It was their routine after every session with Dione. Maia had a natural talent when it came to drawing that was why she chose this way to convey what and who she saw in her memories.

Since most of her memories were muted in her mind. She could not make out what they were saying but she could see them clearly. Dione had explained that such a thing is possible since Maia underwent more than three times of memory removal.

It is especially hard for her to tap on the memories of her childhood because of the experiment that the Zareal project had done to her constitution.

As Maia was finishing up her sketches, the door flew open and Khel, Sol and Helios walked inside the room.

"Dad, Grandma, Uncle"

"Any new memories Maia"

Maia nodded before placing all of her sketches on the table one by one. She started with the room, the hallway, the exit before placing the sketches of the person she saw. The twins, the baby, the other two children, and the older blonde male who seemingly protected them until the end of her memory.

She had a feeling that these people were their siblings but an assurance is still better than a speculation.

"This is the man who introduced himself as Magnus back at Lido Town"

Damian pointed at the older blonde male. Maki and Maia looked at him before turning their gaze towards Khel, Sol and Helios.

Khel rearranged the sketches of the person that Maia drew and starting from Magnus, to the twins to the two children and the baby, Khel introduced them.

"Magnus, Maddox, Maddin, Marvyll, Makoto and Maki"

"Wait, this is Maki?"

Maia unbelievably pointed at the baby she drew. Khel only nodded while Sol picked up the sketches of Marvyll and Makoto.

"You were all so young, I am ashamed that we had forgotten everyone. If only we didn't then we would have searched for them early on"

Maki whose gaze was transfixed on the younger picture of Magnus, unconsciously murmured.

"So he really was our brother. Do you think he didn't know too?"

"Only one way to find out Maki. We need to find him"

Maki turned his gaze towards Maia and Damian. He felt himself sunk on the chair he was sitting at. He couldn't believe he was this small when everything happened. When their mother decided to just experiment on them.

He had wondered what happened to his siblings. Where were they and are they well. Maki wanted to know a lot of things. He wanted to find everyone quickly.

"It's a lead then, let's go to the meeting room. The three of you should be there too."

Damian, Maia and Maki looked at Sol who had spoken.

"The elders and commanders had laid out the plan"

Maia's eyes fixed on Sol whose eyes were now seething with regret and pain. It was the same for Khel, there she knew that whatever happened before pinned them down up until now. It wasn't just some stranger who was lost but family.

They followed the three elder out of Maia's room and into the meeting room where several people had already gathered.

The pentagon redesigned and reformed the SDC's factions and plans with careful considerations. This had lead to a more organized hierarchy of commanders and leaders.

At the top were The Elder's Covenant.

Consist of the seven elders who came from different cities but have enough experience and knowledge in warfare. Arthur and Palamedes from H City, Lamorak from Lido Town, Kay from the ruins of Cujo Village, Bedivere and Bors from Lithuinia, the province where the arena for the Herculean Tournament that was previously held and Sol who came from the Seven City and lived in H City.

"I see you brought the children Sol"

Palamedes smiled at the three as soon as they step foot in the meeting room. Maia, Maki and Damian knew him and Arthur as they grew up around them too.

"We had identified the children, we can now proceed with the plan"

Maia roamed her eyes and immediately landed on the raven haired tall man waving his hand on them. Damian and Maki also noticed him so they decided to go and sit right next to him.

"So cousin do you remember me now?"

Maia does remember but his question made her irritated. She pulled his hair before scowling at his cousin.

"Kuya Percival, you really should stop teasing Ate"

Maki chuckled while he sat more comfortable beside Damian who was sitting next tO Maia.

"It's a greeting Maia, you do know that I missed you cousin"

"I wished you didn't though"

Percival laughed silently while he stared at Maia's irritated face. Percival is the first born son of Helios as well as the commander of the Polaris faction.

The pentagon systematized the former four factions of the SDC and made them into five.

The Polaris Faction which is the military and warfare faction headed by Percival and Helios.

The Pleiades Faction which is the most important and largest faction. They handle the inventory of weapons, foods and necessities. This faction is headed by Sei and his cousin Gawain.

The Pollux Faction is the security and technical faction of the pentagon. It is headed by Arthur's first born, Tristan and Khel. They are responsible for the security of the pentagon as well as the technology that runs it.

The Procyon Faction is the faction responsible for the medical facilities as well as research. It is headed by Galahad, a former commander from the SDC and Ren, Iavan's father. Dione is also in this faction but he is still under strict observation.

And the last faction is the Pearson Faction, responsible for the intell reports and recons it is headed by Gareth another former commander of SDC and Aunt Eos.

"Before we begin, there's something I'd like everyone to watch."

Eos who was standing in front of everyone had a different look in her eyes, and Maia noticed that instantly.

Her Aunt Eos was someone who was warm and was always full of positivity but the one standing in front of them was someone barely recognizable.

Maia felt chills run down her spine. There was only one reason for her aunt to change like that.

It meant that the real war was starting.