

Due to the colonization of various western countries, our country; an Asian one, is only one of the few that have to concur to the demands of the higher-ups. One being, an official Herculean Tournament is to be implemented in each country. A tournament that determines who is the strongest and most powerful amongst a peer group. However, unlike any other tournament, ours was a little more competitive, more deadly, more heartbreaking, and far more sacrificial. And me? I'm only one of those people... Those people who will be sacrificial pawns for the sake of entertainment of those chauvinist pigs who run our country now. But, I do not want to stand by the sidelines and do nothing. If standing up against them means death. If freedom means losing everything I have, then I would embrace it widely.

XycieMae16 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
65 Chs

Chapter 21: Holy Ground

Life is full of surprises.

Sometimes they're good, and they make you want to believe in miracles and chances.

But most of the time, it comes so surprisingly that you don't know how to handle it.

This is one of those moments where everything else slows down. I could feel the pain flowing through my head. I could see the images that were being released out on the open one by one. I stared at her, gun still aimed at her figure that is now standing still.

Her hair and eye color were nowhere near what it was like before. She looked so different, act so different, and feel so different. But, it was her. I know it is.

I want to drop the gun that I was aiming at her. She is my Maia but something has changed.



I could hear Maki's soft grunts and the disbelief in his tone. I guess we both chose Maia as our keyword.

While the two of us were standing in front of her, she on the other hand only stared at us. Eyes void of any recollection nor expression. She showed no emotion.

"Maia, it's us, don't you remember us?"

However, instead of answering me, all she did was grab the gun I was holding and twist my arm.

I grunted when I felt my arm-twist but instead of letting go, I grabbed her arm and circled behind her. I caged her in my arms. Her struggles were no light but we need to do this.

I nodded at Maki and he knew exactly what to do. He fumbled in the pockets of his backpack and swiftly took out a syringe.

We have one of these on hand for safety precautions. The syringe has sleep serum in it. If I do remember correctly, Iavan and Miisa were the ones who gave it to us before we got our memories locked up.

"Maki, hurry up"

However, before Maki can even inject the serum. Maia's struggle became more powerful, she used her elbow to hit my stomach and delivered a powerful blow to my nose using the back of her head.

I knew instantly that I was already bleeding but the pain was enough for me to let go of her.

It was by sheer luck that while she was facing me, Maki was able to inject the syringe into her neck. Immediately she fell to her knees, and Maki held her by her arms.

"It's alright Ate, we're going out of here"

I coughed lightly before wiping the blood that was oozing out of my nose.

"You okay Kuya Damian?"


We both watch Maia as she lay limp in Maki's arms. The serum worked instantly however, I have this feeling that the serum may wear off instantly.

"Let's get out of here Maki"

As soon as I said that, we felt the whole floor shake.


We forgot about the bombs that we had laid. We originally only had a five-minute window. My gaze landed on the cold body of Commander Zeph. I grit my teeth and muttered my silent sorry before carrying the unconscious Maia on my shoulders.


Maki understood what kind of predicament we were currently in. We wasted no time running up the stairs.

It was hard with all the bombs going off simultaneously but we manage to reach the rooftop.

Just when we thought we would get out of it safely, another problem occurred.

The serum wore off.

What happened next was something both Maki and I did not expect. Rather than attacking both of us like what she did earlier. Maia who pushed me so that she will get out of my hands just stood silently.

For seconds she just stood still while the whole building that she was standing in was on the verge of collapse.

When we called her, she only grabbed both Maki and me by our arms and held us as we jumped off the collapsing front house.

I thought we were going to die however, Maia caught both Maki and me, so instead of the ground, we were carried by Maia.

It was superhuman strength. The ground which she stood from jumping off crumbled.

That was when I knew that they did something to her. She let both of us go, dropping both Maki and me on the ground.

She then turned her back on us and watched as the whole front house explode and crumble. We heard her light chuckle.

A chuckle that turned to a sinister laugh. She was laughing maniacally that it scared the hell out of us. I stood up to grab Maia by her shoulders.

"Stand your ground"

The simultaneous click of the guns and footsteps made us turn around.

The soldiers who were hurrying to the front house were now surrounding the three of us.

"Drop the weapons"



Maki who was still on the ground looked at me and nodded. We still have teargas in our pockets, if only we could reach it.


It was then that the soldiers upfront parted into two. The person walking in the middle was a middle-aged woman who was wearing what seems to be a lab coat.

"616, did you just jumped from the fronthouse to here?"

616? Maki and I confusedly stared at the woman but her gaze was not on us. She was staring at Maia who was also now facing her.

"Yes, creator"

Maia briefly answered which made the woman whom she called creator smile with glee.

"Fascinating, 616 you really are a wonder. Do you know just how far you jumped?"

What she was calling Maia ticked me off but my curiosity got the best of me. I glanced at the front house and back to where we were now standing.

It was at least four meters. The distance between the two points was four meters. Maia jumped from a four-story building with a four-meter distance while being able to carry both Maki and me.

"She's not an experiment"

I heard Maki mutter, I looked at him and saw him clenching his fist. He stood up and aimed his gun at the woman wearing the lab coat.

"My sister is not an animal. Don't call her as if she's just one of your experiments!!"


Before Maki could even pull the trigger, Maia swiftly blocked it and stood in front of the one she called creator.

She's protecting her, shielding her with her own body.

"Oh my, looks like I found another kin of yours, 616"

The woman's chuckle reverberated and soon some of the soldiers began laughing and grinning too.

"616 I'll like to take them as prisoners so will you please?"

Without even a nod and a small reply, Maia swiftly kicks out the gun from Maki's hands. She punched Maki by the stomach and then proceeded on delivering a huge blow to his face making him unconscious.

It was too fast for me to even have the time to react. By the time I did, it was all too late.

Maia had me already in her tight grip. Her arms locked around my neck making me gasp for air. No matter how much I tap on her arm or try to throw her off my back, it was all but futile.

I felt myself being void of air as seconds pass by but it looked as if Maia have no intention of letting me go.

I stared at her. In those blood-like eyes, there were no emotions.

She doesn't remember me. That was a fact.

As my closed eyes and my lungs ran out of air, there was only one word that I could mutter.
