
Forever And A Day

Her mom dies and then she is forced to stay away from the one person that matters, the only person on earth that gives her a reason to be alive each day. What is the worst thing that could happen? She finds out her dad is responsible for the major problems in their lives, She has fallen in love with her best friend without even realizing it... Have you ever felt like your life was slipping out of your fingers slowly? And you try to stop it or control it but you can't? You can't stop the ache... Can't control it... Blood is thicker than water but in Ruby's life, nothing is thicker than hatred and betrayal.

Theodora_Igbokwe · Teen
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10 Chs

Chapter one

Hey AB wait up... damn! You run too fast", I almost screamed out my lungs. We were on our way to school. Dad always said Kings College was one of the best schools in Abuja and yes I agree.

Abraham or AB, as I call him, is a childhood friend of mine, a close

friend... Closer than a ... What... Friend, brother, boyfriend... Name it. We attended the same school and we lived on the same street, just a few blocks apart. So we were always together... Sundays included.

We were already in the school's compound.

"Hey Ruby, take care of yourself, don't sleep in class, and... If someone dares challenge you, I'm only one call away"

"Yes Mr. Mike Tyson"', we laughed. Then he smile, gave me a peck on my forehead and I went into class. I didn't turn to look back but I knew he was still standing there, and he'd be there watching till I had gone into class and settled down. It was like a ritual.

I liked it. I have always wanted a brother and AB was the best person that filled the space.

I got into class and waved. He winked, I smiled and then he blew me a kiss and went away.

I come from a very religious family. My dad and mom held high positions in the church. They were also well-to-do. Dad was the general manager of an agricultural firm that imported and exported agro-products. And mom... Mom was a nurse.

Money was never a problem and that's why I was privileged to attend one of the best schools.

I am an only child. When mom was about to give birth to me, she had some complications and it took the grace of God to keep mother and child alive. So after my birth, the doctor warned against trying to make another child. Her womb was slightly damaged so there was no other way another child could come, except miraculously of course.

Our family was always a happy one and our neighbors envied us. They hid it well though. Old couples used dad and mom as examples when advising singles. And young couples were always eager to learn from them.

I was the pride of my parents. I look just like my mom, slim, tall, dark, and beautiful. Whenever we went out shopping, someone would always say to mom, "what a lovely sister you've got". And mom would laugh and say "oh she's my daughter, my biological daughter". And they'd be like... mouth hanging open and eyes so wide.

At school, the boys always gave me crazy looks. But they were all scared of AB. He was in senior class so they all respected him.

Well, our family was a happy one, like I said earlier, till one day... The day the shadows began to chase us, the beginning of my nightmares, my dark days. I was just fourteen years old but the pain had no respect for my age or gender. It didn't spare me. It pulled me down till I could barely get back up on my feet.