
Chapter 48: The Clearing's Visitor

The entire clearing goes still at Riann’s announcement. Shock litters Lilli and Daniel's face, staring at her as if she’s a complete stranger. In a way, Freya supposes, Riann is.

Hiding her true self for all of these years, locked inside a prison of pretending to be someone else. The iciness, the anger that rages inside Freya that rages against Riann melts.

But then, Freya sees Rory freeze. His back to her, still in a position to protect her, but his flames extinguish. His shoulders slump, and Freya takes the final steps to close the gap between them.

Standing beside him, she places a comforting hand on his back as she searches his eyes. Forgetting entirely that Merlyn is right there next to her.

Rory’s eyes are fixed on Riann, hers are a mirror to his. Rory’s face crumples slightly, his brows knit together. “You’re...my half-sister?”

“Older half-sister, yes,” Riann confirms with the same calmness that alerts an incoming storm.