
Chapter 3 : “Wandering Through The Misfortune II”

Arc 1 : Reincarnated Memories

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There, a white clothes figure with silk-black hair stood before him. As his robes gently glided with the flows of the wind. Truly a ertheral sight, as the figure turned around to face the dead-like corpse of a child.

"Who..Who are you?!?!" The group of children yelled, a gust of wind blew in their face, pushing them miles back as they cowardly ran away from the two individuals.

Yongyuan eyes, paled and voided of any emotion. As he fully turned around to have a better look of the child, he gave a reassuring faint smile as he bent down. One knee down on the ground as he softly spoke out. "It's okay now, no need to worry anymore."

Cold dead dark eyes could only follow Yongyuan around, staring coldly as the beat up child layer there frozen. The dead-like body could only stare back at Yongyuan. Not even having the strength to move a single limb, muscle, anything. The teenager could only lay there motionless with a black bruised face. Yongyuan softened his voice even more, sounding like light wind churns as he asked.

"Why did that group of children come after you?"

"Because they think I'm the reason for their problems." The teenager responded quickly and empty. No hint of anything in his tone as slight colors of blood bleed through his mouth and tongue.

No words came out of Yongyuan. This time he was also staring back at the laying dead teenager. As his fingers moved towards the sleeves of his outer robe, aka the one Bai Lian gave him, he pulled it down, revealing the thin inner robe. As he ripped and tore the piece of the inner robe apart, as he clumped it up into a ball and placed onto the gaping wounds the teenager bled out. Soaking in the gashes of blood the teenager bled out, turning from pure snow-white to the horrid color of ashen red. As Yongyuan pressed down harder onto the open gaps wounds, as softly as he can, the teenager managed to have tears streaming down his face, characteristics because of the lack of emotion he had on his face.

Coughing up mouthfuls of blood as Yongyuan could only wear a pained expression on his face. As he released the built up pressure, his hand gilded towards the forehead of the teenager. Stroking away his bangs, mixed with blood from the relentless beatings he took from the group of children around his age, or slightly younger or older. Who knows for crying out. Feeling the severely bruised skin of the teenager, his expression of pain worsened as Yongyuan got up to walk to a nearby river. As he laid the outer robe he carried along, he dunked the robe into the chill water of the river streams, clearing away the gray tones of red to a tone of white instead.

As he walked back to the bloody area with the dead-like teenager, laying there with his eyes shut tight. On top of him was a straw hat, the same straw hat Yongyuan put over as protection while he was gone. The teenager's eyes weren't shut tight enough where he could hear the faint and light footsteps Yongyuan had. Walking over with a damped robe as he gently clumped it up again to ease the wounding pain somehow.

"I'm sorry, this is the best I can do for now." Yongyuan said as lightly pressed the robe onto the bruised body of the teenager. The teenager's body flinched from the cold water trapped inside of the damped robe. In the corner of Yongyuan's eyes, he could see the teenager try to month out something. Trying to mouth out words but instead noises and stuttering was made.

"Don't try to speak too much. Try to rest as much as possible for now. I'll take care of everything else." Yongyuan replied to the stuttering noises the teenager made. It was a clear struggle for the teenager to even properly breathe without having any trouble, nevertheless even trying to talk. The seemingly broken crushed ribes the group of children kicked in was not something you would bat your eye at and then turn around and act like nothing happened.

The teenager could only slightly nod as another way of communication instead of just babbling and yapping noises. As the warm sunset breezed on Yongyuan and the teenager's skin, they shared a moment of quiet solitude peace. The cool water trickled down the aching skin, now numb, from the water. The shared moment was cut short as blaring sounds and mixed voices of the same group of children could be heard from not too far away. Yongyuan managed to sense it first, even in a mortal body his six senses still stayed the same as his primordial body.

A somewhat tall figure stood in front of them, huffing and puffing. The teenager wasn't exactly tall, just above average as the other members cowardly behind.

"It's him! It's that madman and the Devil Misfortunes himself, Bu Chongyao!" The other teenager screamed out. Veins popped through his skin as he gritted his teeth. Yongyuan could only feel internal pity for the teenager who had such a name. Who even named their kid Bu Chongyao was mentally ill in some way. [1]

Yongyuan and Bu Chongyao could only look up, confused as the crowds of angered people raise their nonexistent pitchforks as they kept yelling nonsense after nonsense. The one who screamed out in a very much offended and personal tone, It's him! It's that madman and the Devil Misfortunes himself, Bu Chongyao! (Aka the one who held up his hair) Was charging towards helpless Bu Chongyao. Who was lying dead cold on the grassy ground. With a bruised face, (maybe) broken ribes, a split lip, blood bleeding through everything. Bu Chongyao rolled his eyes, mentally and physically preparing himself for another beat down from the sobbing, snot-crying teenager.

"What are you even doing on the Devil Side? Don't you know what pain and suffering he caused for everyone?!" He screamed, surprisingly this time it was towards Yongyuan and not Bu Chongyao. "This Devil is just a beaten up child from what I see. From your unreasonable hatred towards him maybe you're the Devil Misfortunes." Yongyuan nonchalantly replied to the pissed off teenager.

As the teenager gritted his teeth so much the front tooth cracked and his eyes bloodshot red, he charged again towards the two individuals, unlucky for him and everyone else, Yongyuan had fast reflexes. He grabbed the straw hat that was laying on Bu Chongyao and swung it through the air. Causing gusts of wind to literally blow away the whole ass group. Blasting through with the speed of light, the one who was holding on was the determined one who seemed to hate Bu Chongyao more then the rest. It was pointless to even hold on because even with all his effort, it only took one lift of Yongyuan finger to blow away him. As he flew away with everyone Yongyuan sharply turned towards Bu Chongyao.

He was still injured and only slightly better. The sheer thought of leaving Bu Chongyao alone, beaten up, and the group coming back for third times the charm kinda thing filled him with worry. God knows what would happen to Bu Chongyao if he left him alone again with the group of teenagers. He gently picked up the kid, but as quickly as he could. If Bu Chongyao wasn't so beaten up to oblivion, a bloody pulp, beaten to the point of death was a much better end for him, Yongyuan could've just thrown him up on his back and run away. But he wasn't. He was beaten up to oblivion, a bloody pulp, beaten to the point of death was a much better end for him. So he gently threw Bu Chongyao his back, running away with Bu Chongyao face full of confusion.


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[1] Bu Chongyao name meaning:

-卜崇耀, meaning 'unimportant'