



Heathrow, London, England.]

London is in the dry season in July with very little rainfall, but this day was all the more different. The dark sky, the dark clouds, the thunder, and the gusts of wind swept down like black dragons roaring and rolling. The pouring rain washed down, and the raindrops hit the ground with a pitter-patter sound.

Pedestrians came and went, putting their hands on their heads as umbrellas.

Heathrow Airport was a noisy scene. Perhaps the sudden rain broke people's plans, and their moods were not beautiful. There had even been a clash in the taxi boarding area not far away, one of which has risen to a physical conflict. The two that fought had been taken away by airport security personnel. This goes to show the general mood at the airport.

A young man, Le Kai, stood quietly at the exit of the airport, looking at the scenery of people coming and going around, a helpless and wry smile appeared on his face. A black sportswear set could be seen on his slender figure, and his black hair was being blown up and down by the strong winds. He was also pulling a suitcase in his right hand, and carrying a sports messenger bag on his back.

The bad weather made Kai's mood extremely depressed. He stared blankly at the passing vehicles around and sighed helplessly.

"Where's the person who picks me up?"

Why? Because this is Le Kai's first visit to London.

He originally played for Sporting Lisbon F.C. In a warm-up match last season, he was valued by his opponent Arsenal and transferred to Arsenal for 800,000 euros.

Le Kai himself didn't know why the other party valued him, but that's how the transfer invitation came.

Although many people complained about The Gunners being passed their prime, who will turn down an invitation from Arsenal without serious consideration.

For Arsenal's call, both Le Kai and Sporting Lisbon readily agreed, and after various transfer discussions, he appeared in London.

Originally, someone should be here to pick him up, but Le Kai waited at the airport for nearly two hours without even seeing a single person.

Has Arsenal forgotten their little transferee from Portugal?

"Do I have to get there myself?" smiled bitterly and thought, "What am I thinking of? I don't even know where Arsenal's training base is."

The unfamiliar place with the heavy downpour made Le Kai more helpless.

Touching his pocket, there were about a thousand euros in cash, which was all his assets. Although he saved some when he played football in Portugal, most of them were sent back to my hometown so he didn't keep much money.

But did the English use euros?  

Shaking his head, Le Kai turned around and walked into the airport, he needed to exchange for pounds.

But just as he turned around, a black commercial car stopped in front of him, and a muscular man stepped out of the car. In the strong wind, he held the door and shouted, "Mr. Kai from Sporting Lisbon F.C.?"

Adrian turned around; his eyes full of exhaustion.


After confirmation, the man motioned his head at Le Kai, signaling him to come over.

Adrian hurriedly dragged his suitcase and trotted over.

The buff man came over, took Lucky's suitcase, opened the trunk, and threw it in roughly performing this sequence.

After finishing, immediately shouted at Kai. "Get in the car!"

Le Kai quickly got into the front passenger seat whilst his favorability for the club dropped. The burly also entered the main driving seat.

After the burly man entered, Le Kai looked at the man waiting for a reason for his tardiness.

The burly man had a bald head and his muscles were bulging all over. He was wearing tight short sleeves and a black vest with the Arsenal team logo in the center. The were tattoos spiraling along both arms. The man had the typical European appearance, but he did not seem to be in a good mood, and his face is extremely gloomy.

Kai wanted to engage in a conversation to express his dissatisfaction, but seeing that the other party didn't want to communicate, so he gave up.

The man put on his seat belt and cursed.

"Shi...y weather! F…k!!"

Le Kai"..."

The man turned on the radio, and a gentle female voice through.

<Former Arsenal captain Cesc Fabregas has joined Barcelona for 40 million euros. This move sees him go back to the club where his footballing journey started.>


The man scolded again, feeling unhappy, and couldn't help but add, "Damn traitor!"


The man scolded like this for two minutes, then took a few deep breaths to ease his emotions, turned to him, and apologetically said, "I'm very sorry for being late and for the emotional outburst, but you should know that recently, we have experienced very bad things."

Kai showed an understanding smile.

The man continued, "My name is Martin Hughes, and I hate a s…t named Francesc Fabregas!"

After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Adrian with a hint of encouragement in his eyes, as if hoping that the other party would agree with his words.

Lucky was silent for a moment and said, "My name is Le Kai, I hate disloyal people."

"Very good!" Martin Hughes' expression softened slightly and started to start the vehicle.

The vehicle was heading towards London during the storm.

The outside world was noisy, and the inside of the car was not quiet either.

Martin Hughes' mouth never stopped, swear words like 'traitors be damned', 'son of a bi…h', and more were used to describe a certain traitor.

Adrian didn't interrupt him; he could understand from the other party's words how angry the Arsenal fanbase and management were at this time.

Francesc Fabregas, a player who joined Arsenal at an early and wore the Arsenal captain's armband at the age of 21. With the help of Arsenal, Cesc Fabregas became one of the world's top midfielders. But it was such a midfielder that they had groomed who chose to betray them, which angered Arsenal people a lot. The Arsenal captain Cesc Fabregas made a transfer application to the club and wanted to join Barcelona.

To prevent the captain's departure, Arsenal management tried many methods, but after many negotiations to no avail, only then did they report a transfer fee of 40 million euros. However, Barcelona was only willing to come up with 30 million euros, which made the negotiations between the two sides deadlocked.

But at this moment, a dramatic thing happened. Arsenal did so much for him, but in the end, what they got was a blatant humiliation and betrayal. They did receive a transfer fee of 40 million euros. But their captain had taken money from his pocket to supplant some of the fees to leave them, which was simply unbelievable.

After the initial disbelief, Arsenal fans were filled with extreme shame and anger. The entire city of London was ignited. They wished to engrave the word 'traitor' on the face of the Spaniard. Now Cesc Fabregas, the captain they once loved has become the public enemy of the whole of London.  

[Arsenal Training Centre.]

This is Arsenal's training base, covering an area of ​​143 acres, including 45 acres of forest and 27,000 trees, located in Hertfordshire, a 45-minute drive from the Emirates Stadium.

The view full of greenery should have brought a relaxing atmosphere. But in the heavy downpour, the entire training base was particularly gloomy. The wind was howling, thunder was booming, and in the empty stadium, there was a sense of oppression.

In this environment, Le Kai walked into the office building with a suitcase, his face full of worry about the future.

Led by Martin Hughes, he passed through six floors to an office area and stopped at the door of an office.

" This is the Professor's office, let's knock first!"

Martin Hughes said and immediately started knocking on the door.

Le Kai also took a deep breath, he was about to meet the world-famous coach, Arsene Wenger.

Dong Dong!

After he knocked on the door, Martin Hughes slowly opened the door.

There was a sudden roar from inside the office.

"Bi..h! That traitor, you just let him go? We should have kept him and let him say goodbye to football by watching from the bench. That ba…d, he only brought us shame!"

"Calm down, Patrice", said a voice calmly.

" Calm down. How can I calm down?!"

Martin Hughes closed the door silently, pondering for a moment; "Let's wait for them to finish arguing!"

Le Kai nodded.

After about ten minutes, the office door opened again. An old man wearing an Arsenal coaching uniform came out aggressively.

Lucky noticed that the moment he saw the old man, Martin Hughes bent slightly and shouted, "Coach!"

The old man snorted angrily, then left.

Martin Hughes: "…"

Le Kai turned his head and said, "I didn't see anything."

Martin Hughes smiled bitterly and said, "He is the assistant coach, Patrice, and my former coach. He has a stinky temper, but he is very responsible. You will find out later, although he likes to shout a lot, he really does love everybody at Arsenal"

After that, he knocked on the door again and said, "Let's go in."

Le Kai quickly followed.

The two walked into the office, and only then did Le Kai see the figure in front of the desk with his back facing them. A tall, thin man in a black suit with gray hair.

Hearing the knock on the door, Wenger also turned around. He first waved to Martin Hughes, signalling him to leave. He also waved to Lucky to let him come over. Lucky stepped forward and the two sat on the reception sofa.

Wenger was an elegant old man, even in the face of this kind of situation, he still maintains his demeanor. But the wrinkles on his forehead had become deeper, and there was a hint of loss in his expression.

Cesc Fabregas' departure broke the old man's heart.