
Foreigners--Elder Race and Younger Race Meet Light-years Away

Nessa is a half Green, half Blue from Akron. When her home-world is in crisis, she is sent to Earth. An obvious foreigner there, she doesn't expect to meet another--and he could be the hope of their home-world. Side note: WebNovel automatically classed this as romance. There is none in here.

Anastasia_Faith · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
54 Chs

Chapter 39

Nessa could smell cheap floral fragrances from some of the female humans. She wanted to cough, but she dared not. From her hiding spot, she listened.

"Where'd it go?" Zane asked.

"It?" A boy, who was less mature than the other guards and had red bumps all over his face, asked.

"The alien, Jonathan," Zane snapped.

Several guards flicked on beams of white light, and they moved them around. Nessa inched into the darkness. She tried to see through the gaps between the guards.

"It couldn't have gone far," a woman with almond eyes and a thin face chimed in. "We took its ship to Level 8."

Nessa searched her memory. When did they take my ship?

It had never occurred to her; she'd been so focused on watching Jamison and his family and spending time with Jamison in her own captivity. She scanned the ceiling. Balconies stacked on each other and ascended to a transparent rotunda. Hallways wrapped around each level. Each hallway had an attached balcony.

The white lights enabled her to see a platform. She waited until the light beams flooded toward the hallway the guards had come from. Then she dashed and tumbled onto the platform.

It wobbled, but the floor and the holding unit got farther away.

"There!" The almond-eyed woman shouted

The guards aimed their beams at Nessa.

"Hurry up!" She snapped at the platform.

It hovered at Level 2 and climbed one Level 2 barricade. She watched the other Level 2 balcony for movement. Level 2 stretched into a spiral staircase.

Voices echoed, and she gasped at the security guards on her heels. She took two stairs at a time, even though it made her dizzy.

Her body strained from the climb, but the security guards were two stairs behind her.

The stairs stopped at a landing. The label reads "Level 3". Five more to go. Nessa's energy lessened every second, and she hung on to adrenaline to finish the climb.

Up she went. Level 3. Level 4. Level 5. Now the security guards' energy seemed to be waning. Level 6. Level 7. The balcony for Level 8 wrapped around the dome and into a landing bay. She could see inside. That was definitely her ship.

A form blocked her view. Jonathan. She scanned for gaps to get around him. A foot landed behind her. Zane. The almond-eyed lady was near Jonathan. Nessa noticed the railing. She hoisted herself up and tumbled over. The security guards peeked over the rail. She grasped the bars. Her upper body throbbed. She searched for the next bar and swung over. Minutes dragged on, prolonging her agony. Until she reached for the next bar and found a horizontal surface.

She grasped it and hoisted herself up with numb arms and a weak upper body. She glanced at the guards.

"It's gone," Jonathan said, peering into Level One again. "There's no way it could've survived that fall."

They filed back through, puffing.

"We'll take the elevator," Almond Eyes said.

Nessa let herself breathe. She stood on trembling legs and stared into the blackness of the landing bay.