
Foreign Land Reclamation By a Vegetable-growing Skeleton

A thousand years after the Undead Empire vanished, the little skeleton who used to farm was still tending to his fields, until the summoning portal reopened. "Are you guys hungry? I’ve been farming for a thousand years and have stored a tiny bit of food." "Have these fields been deserted? Can I plant things?" "The princess's city on the hill doesn’t allow farming? Then never mind, I won't go." "They want to tax me but won't let me farm? Wipe them out!"

Love eventually flows like water · Games
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Chapter 90 The Elf is Going Crazy Looking for You (Two in one) _3

Translator: 549690339

Could there be other angels who died here?

Under Negris's command, the Purple Skeleton Tribespeople continued their cleanup until all the rubble was dug up and a complete rock layer was exposed. Yet they didn't find Steadfast Locke's skeleton or any other angel wings.

"Either another angel died here, or the Six-winged Archangel only had one slot for his shoulder blade, and the other wings were attached to the first pair," Negris guessed.

"Roar!" Ange turned his head and shouted towards the pit. To find out the exact situation, they just needed to get the Angel Skeleton to examine its body; its wings belonged to a Six-winged archangel after all.

But after Ange called out, the Angel Skeleton was nowhere in sight for a long time.