
Chapter 770 You Insult Me!

Who knew silver coins could get so angry? In a rage, he said, "Robbery? Are you insulting me? You are the one insulting me! If I were to rob you, I'd have to beat you up first, but I just have to sit right here, and you'll bring the goods right to my doorstep. I'm a fraudster, why would I need to go out and rob?"

"That pisses me off, you insult me, and now I'm raising the price by twenty percent. Do you agree or not? If not, I'm leaving," said Silver Coin, as if he really was insulted by Abyssal Big Mouth, which left the latter somewhat perplexed.

"I... you... but these items are exclusively available from me, you won't find them anywhere else," stumbled Abyssal Big Mouth, finally managing to come up with a retort after a moment of confusion.

Silver Coin ran back to Ange, quietly asked for a few items, and then ran back.