
Chapter 245 Help, Sir!_2

The worst part was, Ange had no idea, he just had this kind of personality that irritated people.

Ange chose Magic Rice; this was the crop he was most familiar with. Why was he so familiar with it?

Because at the Fallen Dragon Lake, he conducted experiments repetitively, using Magic Rice as the mother plant and cross-bred it with other varieties of Saline Grass for tens of thousands of times.

Keep in mind, any plot of land on the farm that has been farmed for thousands of years, even if the same crop is planted, will not be planted more than a thousand times. But he had done tens of thousands of cross-breeding experiments. No other crop could be as familiar to him as Magic Rice.

The original Magic Rice already had a high yield, even the Great Druid Spring Breeze could grow more than 1,000 pounds per acre. However, he was not interested in fame, so he was too lazy to go back and participate in the Grain Contest; otherwise, there would be no chance for Dobinki.