
Suppressing feelings

Amara Kaytlyn POV:

I've asked his servants if where can I find him. I need to talk to him.

I knocked at the front door for how many times but no one answered.

I decided to turn back and stride off my feet away but then I realized the need to talk to him.

So here I am again knocking and out of curiosity I reach the doorknob and luckily it opens.

The place is also full of luxury like on the 4th floor where he let me stay. I've checked two rooms already but those rooms were empty, now I am standing in front of the last room inside.

I push the inside door open since it is also not locked. There's one door inside the room which may be the bathroom. As I step closer I heard his moans. "Such a pervert" I hissed. Then I heard his baritone voice saying "good girl". So, he's with someone? My heart seems felt heavy and I don't understand myself because after he said that I felt angry and automatically my hand twists the bathroom knob which did not lock and push it open. My eyes widened as I see a naked woman kneeling in front of him, also naked licking his enormous thing.

"Oh, Shit!" he yelled pushing the woman.

My hand automatically forms a fist, and I think of betrayal. But then again I need to compose myself.

"Sorry, my bad! just continue your f*cking thing and prepare for a fake wedding tomorrow!" I said and put on a fake smile and turns back. I shut the main door with force. I don't care what he thinks at all.

As I entered the room on the 4th floor my eyes felt prick painfully, then a tear runs on my cheeks.

"I'm crying? really?" I said between my sobs not minding the servants whose staring at me.

I walk fast without glancing at them and to reach the bedroom and locked it.

My chest felt heavy and I can hardly breathe.

"This is not happening!" I scream and brush my hair using my fingertips.

"So? is this what they called love? I never thought that it's too painful?" I thought sobbing.

"Am I really in love with that *ssh*le?!" I asked myself.

"No! This can't be happening to me! I yelled my sorrow out.

Tears kept flowing down from my eyes and look like my stupid heart is now bleeding in pain.

I closed my eyes and tried hard to think when was I begin to fall for him.

"No! stupid heart! You've been cold for a very long time!" Don't let your training go to waste! I yelled again.

"You only have one goal! To search and find out your mother!" I thought clenching my hands.

"I'll have my revenge tomorrow Mr. Sean Gabriel Ford!" You'll see! I uttered.


I am still sitting inside my Rolls Royce Sweptail. Wearing my wedding gown. I admit that he really prepared the most elegant type, I am impressed with the way he prepared all things in such a short period of time. "He's really capable," I thought.

He also knew my body size, the gown fit in my body curves gorgeously.


I decided to call Hunter when suddenly his voice cut off, "Don't be a stubborn young lady!" I got tongue-tied, it was Chase.

"He's mad" I uttered.

Chase is the only one who can order me around. Sounds funny but I somewhat obey him. Maybe because I can see in him a good brother that I don't have.

I let out a deep sigh, I checked the time on my phone and got out of my car.

"Miss Anderson!" it's the man that always follows Mr. Ford.

"It's almost time Miss!" he said.

"I know!" Lead the way then?" I told him.

He's walking fast leading the way so I also walk fast behind. I gasped some air the moment I saw the altar full of beautiful roses but I need to calm my senses so I put on my poker face.

Staring straight at the man that soon to be my husband, his oozing masculinity, "Snap it!" I thought. I need to gain my composure back and not let myself be intimidated by his deadly handsome aura.

But my composure was rattled the moment he encircled his arms on my waist and gently pull me closer to him and at that moment I became stiff again, but what makes my mind troubled is his next move. He kissed me and "d*amn! that's my first kiss!" my mind yelled. But my body can't move, his lips were soft and his minty breath was intoxicating and I felt his tongue throbbing inside my mouth teasing my tongue and I can hardly breathe, then he stops kissing me and pulled me even closer to his embrace and whispered something that brings a tingling sensation down my spine. "What did he said?" I thought as my body still stiff and I felt someone grabs my hand and when that person taps my shoulder I came back to my senses-it was his mother smiling at me.


I am not in the mood to drive and I want to leave immediately, so I am now sitting in the backseat inside Chase's car while waiting for him.

Hunter at the driver's seat. "Are you in loved with him already?" Hunter said looking at the mirror.

"How can you say that?" I answered back.

"I saw a weak woman awhile ago, with eyes full of jealousy because you saw the love of your life making out with another woman!" he said slapping the steering wheel.

"No, I am not!" I yelled at Hunter, "And why you sound so angry?" I asked him.

But before he can respond to me I saw Chase's dark face walking fast in our direction.

"What was that Kaytlyn!" he yelled angrily as he opens his car and slams it closed and sits beside Hunter and turned his gaze at me.

"My place Hunter," he said while he is still staring at me angrily. Hunter drives the car away from that place.

"What!?" I said raising my two hands at him.

"You knew that you sounded like a pathetic nagging jealous wife awhile ago right?" he stated, with his calm voice.

"Thank you, Chase! Are you complimenting me or shaming me?" I hissed.

"Coming from the both of us! It's a compliment! We never thought that you have that side!" Hunter said sarcastically.

"You may look strong from other peoples' perspective but you can never fool us, young lady" it was Chase.

"You must hold on to your emotions, I saw you become stiffened," Chase said as he turns his head looking in front.

"Don't worry, Hunter already knew your case," he added.

Then I look at Hunter in the rearview mirror, he is smirking.

I gasped for some air and said "Thank you" to both of them. I know that these two people will take care of me no matter what.


As we entered inside the building owned by Chase where his clinic is located, he runs some tests for me.

My eyes felt heavy and somehow it draws me to close my eyes.


The emotion that I am feeling right now towards Mr. Ford, my arranged marriage billionaire husband must be suppressed and stops by all means.

I need to focus on finding my mother in order for me to be totally healed.

I told Chase and Hunter regarding what I have discovered with the Alpha's leader and they were both surprised and can't believe it.

"You're afraid of him, that's why your brain triggered and automatically your body responds, but as I have told you, young lady, you're okay! your case was not a kind of illness, you have been cured long ago! It was just thoughts playing on your imaginative mind!" Chase started looking at me frustrated.

"Your husband must be waiting for you now." Go home Kaytlyn! Your wedding dress really looks good on you, however, not suitable for you to be here wearing it." Chase stated while Hunter hissed.

I don't know what's happening to Hunter, it looks like he's annoyed or what.

"Talk to him regarding your organization's, both of you may have a strong base once the two groups merge," Chase said looking at me seriously as he hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"Why would I do that?" I said patting his broad shoulders.

"Let's go Kayt! I'll drive you home" Hunter said grabbing my elbow and pulling me out of Chase's embrace leading me outside.


He already registered my own fingerprints in his door the first time I entered so I have access to go inside his condo. I don't know how did he manage to do that because he never asked me about my fingerprints.

As I entered the room I immediately took off my wedding dress and my lower underwear. Walking totally naked towards the bathroom. I filled the bathtub and feels the cold water caressing my skin."UHM! it feels good! I moan and close my eyes feeling relieved. Yes, I really love luring my body in cold water.