
Forces Within Us

Each one of us is uniquely made Made different from one another Our fingerprints ,our minds With each person there is a force that lies within them Unexplainable but strong It explains all the movies and stories written about magic ,powers and the supernatural A force within us drives us to do certain things When those forces are united An unexplainable powerful power is made All it needs is for us to put our thoughts and minds together Forces Within Us

AnonymousNJ · Fantasy
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24 Chs

His Past

Ambrose Liam Hemsworth

A tiny 4 year old boy ..grew up with only a mother...not just your typical loving mothers but a mother who believed in tough love...she believed that tough love would instill good values into liam and she will raise a son worthy to be called a man in the eyes of many he shall meet ...she knew that once he became a man he would discover more about himself and he will discover a gift that could be powerful if the holder was disciplined and worthy

Rosia, Liam's mother,had come from a party with the neighbours when she discovered that her son had badly injured the son of a neighbour,mariam,she was infuriated and she knew that it was all because of one thing ...she rushed into the house ready to weep him but she knew she could never do that to her beloved son ..so she had to find other means to punish him

'Liam!!...i wonder where this stupid boy is ...'

The tiny little boy walked towards the woman with fear ...he stood in front of her with fear instilled in his eyes ...he had never seen his mother so angry she was full of fury,her cheeks were turning pink.

'Liam..i wonder what curse was laid upon me to have birthed such a son ...you hit the neighbour's child with your stupid bat ...what did i tell you about behaviour' shouted the woman with a pink face

'Get out ..you will spend the night out side ...get outta here!!!' she screamed stomping her feet on the wooden floor

The little liam ran out of the house ...tears had welled up in his eyes and he was just so ready to burst into an audible cry He sat outside on the grass with his head on his knees ..the moon was out shining ...as he was crying he heard a baby's cry..he rose his head with the intention to see where the baby's cry was originating from...he looked around but nothing..he found nothing

He kept hearing the baby's cry but he failed to understand what was happening .. his eyes turned red and he grew hair on his jaw line...he felt itchy and when he raised his palm intending to scratch ,his nails were long and brittle ..he screamed in panic but Rosia Hemsworth was too unbothered ..thinking it was one of his pranks ...that night his gift was activated ....