
Forcefully married to a billionaire who needs me

A girl who never had a father figure find out that she had a billionaire father, but her happily ever after was cut short after she was married of by her father to a cold billionaire with erectile dysfunction. Would she ever get the fatherly loves she craves? Would she find love in the marriage and finally have a happily ever after? Find out.

Caramel_Tempz · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Interview

Jessica's POV

I woke up to the eye piercing sound of the alarm clock, feeling giddy. I checked the time which read 7:00am "I guess there was still time before my 10:00am interview " I thought.

I had to bath and put on my lucky straight black skirt and white shirt and my heeled shoe. I went downstairs and I was instantly hit by the smell of waffles. I went to the kitchen "good morning Mom" I said as I settled down on the kitchen counter as my mom gave me a serving of the waffles she had just made. After breakfast, l kissed my mom goodbye as I strode out of the house. I hailed a cab and got in. I highlighted at Delight Broadcasting company.

I walked towards the receptionist desk with a bright smile.

"Jessica Mary wesley, here for the interview" I said

"J..ee..si. ca" she drawled as she type on the keyboard " oh! Jessica Mary Wesley for the 10:00am interview. Please move to the third floor, it's the first door on the left" she said. " Thanks you" I said with a small smile.

I walked into the room and was motioned to sit by a man in a black blue suit. I looked around the room and saw a door "it probably the place where we will be interviewed" I thought to myself. I waited until I heard my name being called by a man who was probably the interviewer's assistant. I stood up and followed him into the office.

----------------Few Minutes Later--------------

"Congratulations miss Wesley, you got the job and you are to resume on Monday morning" Mr Derrick, the interviewer said as he motioned to his assistant to inform the other candidates that the interview had been called off

"Thank you sir" I said as he stood up and stretched out his hand for a handshake. I stood up too and accepted the handshake. "You would receive your ID card on Monday morning"he said as I stood up and left the office "okay sir" I said as l walked out and moved towards the second floor while receiving deadly glares from the other candidates.

I opened the door and walked out when a man in a suite collided with me making me drop off the credentials in my hand. I look up to see a middle-aged man with a cold face. I could see the anger burning in his eyes as he yelled

"Who the hell are you?" He said as I flinched, I opened my mouth to say " I'm Jessica Wesley l just got hired" I said as I trembled with fear. He looked like a powerful man and l was proven right when he yelled

"Well, you are fired"

My eye widened in shock as I let out a small gasp. My reverie was broken when I heard whispers from the onlookers

"Oh my gosh! He is the president Luther Maxwell of this company"a girl said as her friend replied "I can not believe she just fired few minutes she got hired"as she gave out a little chuckle

Luther Maxwell glared and left without remorse.Everything happen so suddenly. I hurriedly picked up my credentials that were scattered on the floor. I ran out bursting into tears as I cursed Mr Luther in my mind.

I took a cab to my friend's house as I could not face my mum in my present condition. "I have been cursed"I told Carie with with tears rolling down my face.

"Jess do not tell me, you didn't get employed" Carrie asked with a serious look. I narrated what happened to Carie amdist tears and dobs while she calmly listened and comforted me.

" Shit, who could ever imagine the president will be this heartless" she said as she moved toeards where I sat to console me.

"This is a minor set back to major come back, trust me" she assured me. "How am I going to explain this to my mom. She really wants me to have the job but my ill fate messed things up" I said

"Jess baby, the best you can do is to go back to New Orleans and apply to the DELIGHT branch over there" she reassured me. " Are you saying DELIGHT has a branch in my hometown" I asked in surprise. " Of course yes, Kyle's company dummy, I can't believe you don't know" she said

" It is not my fault, San Francisco has been my dream career city" I said with a sigh. "Jess, I thought you had changed" she said as she hit her forehead with her hand. "Jess you have to go back to the hostel and tell your mom the whole issue. Who could have thought he was the president of the company? " She paused for a soda from the fridge

"Have this, I should help you calm down" Carie said as she placed the soda on the table "we all have our ups and downs in life, this is yours and you have to let it pass. What am sure of is that you will come back to San Francisco after getting into a branch and then we get you a boyfriend" she grinned happily

"Really, relationship is what you're thinking of? I should get going. Thanks for the drinks" I said, stood up, hugged her and left before she could start talking about my love life.

------------- LUX HOTEL --------------

I sluggishly entered the room and saw my mom sitted waiting for me to announce my employment.

"I was not qualified" that all I said to prevent being scolded or pitted. I walked into my room, to get myself washed up.

"We will be leaving tomorrow" my mum said and left my room with a pitiful looking her face

"It will get better Jess" l told myself.