
Forcefully Kidnapped

Kenlynn_Thomas · Teen
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19 Chs

Chapter Fifteen

Waking up in a room with white interior is not the best. The ceiling was white, the linen curtains, the neatly decorated walls with butterfly printings was white too and even the bedding. Where am I? This certainly doesn't look like a hospital room.

"Thank god you awake." a voice on my right hand side says. As I turn my head I notice it's Cyrus sitting on a chair with a Scolding expression on his face. "What the hell were you thinking Ali." Aahh the nickname he gave me when we were little. For a moment I couldn't recall to what he was talking about but then flashes of the unforeseen event flashes through my mind. I was not prepared for the wave of emotions I am about to feel but here it is catching up to me, screaming my lungs dry as I cried. My tears just couldn't stop leaving from my eyes, it was like a waterfall. The pain was so unbearable that I felt the need to vomit.

James? Why did Cyrus leave James, did he not ever hear of the phrase 'no man gets left behind'. Perhaps he wasn't educated enough on friendship. "Stop crying" Cyrus comments looking at me sadly. He moves closer towards me and grabs me in a tight hug to calm me. Seriously doesn't he know that if one cry you should never hug them because they'd just keep at it although for some reason I actually stopped crying which was odd.

"James... his...his...dead!" I croaked, ripping the hair from my head in a way to inflict pain on the outside. It was like the pain I felt was not enough. I wanted to feel what I was feeling on the inside, outside as well. I wanted to experience every bit of feeling. "You left him." I screamed towards Cyrus while I began to hit him on the chest. Maybe taking my anger out on him would help, I just need someone to blame and why not Cyrus. He was the one that forced me to get into the car, to chaise me away from James and let him just lay there to die. "You...still think of nothing but yourself." I said, expressing the hatred I felt for him back in the past and now.

Back in the day when we were still kids and pretended that we did not know what's right and wrong Cyrus would always do things to satisfy him and cause havoc to others. He was a little rascal.

"For goodness sake stop the nagging and just listen." Cyrus demands pulling me by the shoulder. " No you...you murderer. You killed the guy I like." I said staring at Cyrus to say something but he doesn't reply. He stays quiet and doesn't even make a move. Apparently calling him a murderer hit a dark place in his thoughts. Well that was what I thought but then he started laughing. Yes again I say laughing. How could one possibly be this way. How could he continue laughing as if nothing dangerous had happened to us. He finds joy in the most dangerous of things.

"Damn first you confess your love and now you telling him you like me woman." A voice at the door says. I didn't want to believe it at first that it was the voice of the man I'd thought I'd never hear again. James walks up to me with a smirk on his face, well he was actually limping. "Well...uh...you see." I was at lost for words. I couldn't say a single word to him. I was dumbstruck.

James opens the blankets and pushes me a little further in the bed. "Wha...what are you doing?" I babbled, looking at James as if I've seen a ghost. "What does it look like I'm doing Alexis?" he questions grinning from ear to ear. James lift his body up onto the bed and cover's himself with the blankets fumbling around to get a comfortable position.

"Now you can continue with what you were about to say." He says lifting my head up to place his arm around me so that my head is layed on his chest. I haven't noticed that Cyrus left and he had not said good bye either which was strange. Cyrus has turned out to be a whole new person someone I hardly know. It feels as if we are strangers forced to get along.

"I forgot what I wanted to say." I said in return with a blank expression. Frankly not wanting James to either annoy me or tease me any further about my confessions.

Later that night, I woke up to a loud thrashing sound coming from the window. I haven't gotten this far to make a single movement. Neither am I so brave to see what it is. "You think you could get away so easily." A voice in the dark whispers. "I'm too clever for those fools." he said. I wonder what fools his talking about because Cyrus, Mitch and James are surly not fools. "Get out!" I yelled ontop of my lungs as he slithers his way across the room beside me."Don't come any closer.", I began screaming out of freight while he charges forward towards me.

"Just one Kiss." he whispered softly knowingly. This man doesn't know what danger is ahead of him and I'm surly not going to warn him about these dangers either. "Don't you dare touch me with those filthy hands." I spat distastefully. The guy growls with anger in response. "You're a feisty one aren't you."

He plays with the loose strands of my hair then grabs a handful and smells it like a dog that he is. I need James. I don't know how long can I hold up this end. "You slut." he slaps my left cheek with such force that it burns my skin. I was in so much pain already as I lay in bed, I wasn't able or given the opportunity to defend myself. "stand up and kneel." he demands grinning from ear to ear as if this was demand would gain him some power as if he achieved something greater.

Sometimes Family members are the stranger's in your life.

Kenlynn_Thomascreators' thoughts