
In The Beginning...

In the great ancient times, there existed a kingdom by name Cos-Agar. The citizens of this great kingdom solely placed their leadership in the hands of their gods but time came when the gods placed their leadership in a sceptre. For every cycle of rulership, all the eligible men in the kingdom would assemble and individually raise the sceptre, whomever gets the scepter to glow becomes king of Cos-Agar, and if any tragedy befalls him, his children have no right to the throne instead the sceptre will choose again. In the era of king Richard, there existed a great warrior by name Trisodor; tall, light skinned, long golden hair locks and very muscly. He was not just famous for his extraordinary fighting skills but for his irresistible charms and gorgeously light blue eyes. All the maidens of Cos-Agar admired him and yearned earnestly for his attention but he only had interest in a duchess by name Marian who was betrothed from birth to the Minister's son, Hector. Hector loved Marian but Marian saw being with him as her duty. From whence she was little to the fully developed and beautiful woman she is now, was forced to like and see Hector as her future husband, therefore has no clue on the matters of true love. On the other hand, as a peace advocate, she despises Trisodor for being a trained killer regardless of her knowledge of his feelings for her.

King Richard had a son by name Prince Ralph who had little or no respect for the ancient traditions of the sceptre and had started plotting on how to be crowned the king after his father's demise. Few months went by and the King passed away, prince Ralph tried everything in his power to convince the council of elders to overlook their superstitious traditions and crown him king but all to no avail rather he was asked to lift the sceptre as required by the tradition, unfortunately for him it didn't glow. Eligible Youths all over the kingdom tried but the sceptre didn't glow, all except Trisodor. one of the council elders met with him and urged him to go to the palace but he refused on the excuse that he simply wasn't interested in leadership. Weeks went by and Cos-Agar was without a ruler, one faithful day Trisodor was at the market when he saw the duchess, Marian and her friends. He drew closer to catch a better glance only to overhear Marian talk about how disappointed she was that Hector failed. she spoke on how poor Late King Richard's reign was and how much changes she would have made, how she would have reduced tax rates and provide their people with their basic needs. Trisodor was moved by what he heard and marched straight to the palace. on arriving at the palace, the royal hall was completely filled with people who have come from all the corners of Cos-Agar to lift the sceptre. they were astonished to see him there because news had spread about his declarations about the throne. As the hall went cold with silence, he walked through to the sceptre and lifted it, nothing happened. At the same time, duchess Marian walked in with her friends. She saw him lifting the sceptre, Trisodor felt so embarrassed and as people mocked him, he reached down to drop the sceptre and immediately it started glowing uncontrollably. As the council of elders immediately declared him, King Trisodor of Cos-Agar, all were made to bow down and worship him including duchess Marian who was just as astonished and disgusted at the same time. unknowingly to trisodor, prince Ralph vowed that he wouldn't rest until the throne was his even if it meant the death of Trisodor.

After several weeks of the royal ceremonials, as traditions demand it, a newly crowned king would choose a maiden of his choice to become his queen provided the maiden accepts him for it is law in Cos-Agar that no one can be forced into marriage. the council of elders met with King Trisodor on the issue and they summoned the royal town crier to announce that within a fortnight that all eligible and single maidens should assemble at the palace so that king Trisodor could choose a bride. few days to the event, king Trisodor was introduced to his royal security chain known as Deathrix, they were the most feared men and women in the kingdom and their leader was a woman named Cara who would be the King's right hand. later that night, cara came and offered up herself for his pleasure as expected but surprisingly, he turned her down and told her that he would never demand such from her, unknowingly to him, gained her undying loyalty and admiration. the day of the event came and maidens came in their numbers, all looking so breathtakingly beautiful that even a god could not resist them. King Trisodor asked Cara to ensure duchess Marian was in their midst but she returned and said she wasn't. He sent her to bring Marian to the palace even if it was against her will. cara arrived at the duchess mansion and asked Marian to come with her. the duchess tried fighting her off but to no avail for she was no match for deadly cara. cara succeeded in bringing her to the palace, she then signalled king Trisodor. the music was stopped as king Trisodor came down to the hall in his grace. He then announced that his bride was none other than duchess Marian. some of the maidens boost in tears as they had so much hope and expectation that it would be either of them while some envied and congratulated the duchess who looked furious and disgusted. She tried leaving but cara stopped her and even locked her up in a room. king Trisodor came to see his bride to be later in the night. the duchess told him that even if she wasn't betrothed to Hector that she would rather die than marry him. he said nothing and left.

Hector reported king Trisodor to the council of elders that the duchess was already betrothed to him and that based on their customs, the consent of the girl was needed and that he would swear that Marian would never agree to marry Trisodor, a date was fixed to resolve the matter. in the dead of night, cara requested an audience with the king, at which she told him some secrets she got on the duchess and her family. king Trisodor immediately went to the room the duchess was locked in and presented her with a proposal, either marry him or watch her father executed for aiding the resistance launch an attack on late king Richard. Marian was dumbfounded on how he got hold of such delicate information. King Trisodor released her and ordered cara to take her home. Marian on arriving saw her parents, hugged them and wept bitterly for only she knew the sacrifice she was about to make. the reconciliation day came with king Trisodor, hector, Marian and council of elders present. after hector tabled his complaints, king Trisodor then said that if Marian refuses to marry him that he would leave her be. the council of elders called her up to speak. she said, " I hereby renounce my betrothment to Hector and I give my permission to be a wife and queen to our noble king, Trisodor ". after her pronouncement, the council of elders finally agreed to the union of king Trisodor and duchess Marian. as the meeting was adjourned, Marian left in a hurry but hector pursued her and demanded for an explanation. she told him the truth and then said, " Trisodor thinks he has won but not knowing he had just made the worst mistake of his life, i will destroy him, this I swear" .