
May You Rest In Peace Cal


Celeste come.


Kai, your manners.


Fuck that! It's dad, he..he..


One of you bring the doctor to the Count's chamber (says surprised in a hurry)

(Celeste and Kai runs to the chamber)




Come on, something happened.

(Libby's POV)

No shit, i could figure that out.

(Tyler and Libby runs to get a doctor)

(Back to Celeste and Kai)




He just collapsed..

(A while later)


You're wrong! Get someone with a brain!




No! He doesn't know what he's talking about! We need to get a real doctor!




Go get someone else!

(Lexa runs to Kai)


Kai, i just heard..i'm so sor..


You heard wrong!




My father is not dead! You heard wrong.





(Celeste's POV)

Shit, we might have to sedate him. He's gotten like this before and there's no calming him down.


You don't know what you're talking about! He is not dead!

(Two guards shows up)


I swear to God, if you touch me i'll break your necks.


It's fine, stand down for now.

(The guards stands out of the way)


Kai, please calm down.


Calm down? You want me to calm down!? Why don't you go calm your lover instead!? I bet Tyler is already waiting for you!


What (confused and surprised)

(Lexa's POV)

What the hell is that supposed to mean? He has never shown any signs of jealousy and then this comes?


Kai, don't go there.


Go where? I'm not going anywhere! She can run off with him and live a life outside the gates. Just..leave me alone.

(Kai runs out)


Go get him, pin him down and if necessary, sedate him. (she says to the guards)


Yes, Countess. (following their orders they run after him)


I'm really sorry, Countess.


You did everything you could.

(Doc leaves)


Is it true?


Yes, he..he was sick for a long time.


Oh my God..


Don't take Kai seriously right now. It'll take some time for him.




I'll train you and make sure you improve.


Are you..are you the Count now?


Countess, yes.


How can you be so..




He just passed away..


I know, but there's no time for me to grieve. Not right now. There's too much to deal with and Kai..well he's not ready yet.


Ready for what?


He didn't tell you? Kai is going to be the Count, once he's ready.


The Count? He's going to be the Count?


When it's time, yes.


What are you doing to him now?


When he gets like this, no one can calm him down. He's too overwhelmed and the only way is to sedate him, before he hurts someone or himself.


I can try to calm him, you don't have to sedate him.


Lexa, we can't risk it.


I can try. If you sedate him, won't that just make him angrier?


Yes but by the time he wakes up again he'll be restrained.


Please, let me try. Countess.


If anything goes wrong, you back away so they can get to him.



(They run to Kai)


Stand down.




I said, stand down.

(The guards back away)



(Lexa's POV)

Oh God, please work.

(Lexa hugs him tightly waiting for him to hug her back, which he does in a short amount of time)

(Celeste's POV)

He cares for her more than she realizes.

(Lexa lets go gently)




You can leave us.

(The guards leaves)


I'll leave you too.


No, stay.


He was sick for a very long time, Kai.


Why didn't i know?


He was going to tell you right before.. He wanted you to want to be the Count, not feel like you had to.


What if i don't want to be the Count?


I will be Countess, just like now, until i could find someone suitable for the position. We have it all on paperwork, you'll get to look over it later.


Why don't you want to stay the Countess?


I told you Kai, it's not for me. I'm satisfied with my position and i wouldn't want to change that. He was going to tell you today and the ceremony for you to be the Count would be tomorrow. If you're up for it, it'll happen. Otherwise it'll get postponed.




It's your rightful place and if you want it as soon as possible, it's yours.


I don't know.


Think about it. Are you in good shape to keep training Lexa? She's being watched and can't risk slacking.




You need to grieve.


We weren't even that close. Celeste was more of a parent than he was.


Perhaps, but he was still your father.


I'll train her from now on there are no punishments. During my time as Countess i won't have anyone get punished anymore.

(Lexa hugs Kai)


I'll go run some laps.

(She lets go of him)




I'll come watch you soon.

(Lexa goes to run some laps)

(Kai starts crying as soon as she's gone, and Celeste holds him)


You'll be fine and you'll make a great Count.


I didn't even like him.


Like she said, it doesn't matter, he was still your father.

(Celeste lets go of him)


Go rest for a while.


We'll do it tomorrow.


Then i'll set it up, don't worry about anything other than showing up. And wear one of your suits.



(Kai walks away)

(Celeste starts sobbing right away)

(Celeste's POV)

Damn you Cal for dying on me. Back to business. There are some things that has to be taken care of,


(Lexa's POV)

I still can't believe the Count is gone..it's not like i knew him or even liked him. But it doesn't matter, it's awful no matter who it is passing away, and i feel so sorry for Kai. I didn't see him for the rest of the day, which is understandable. Celeste joined me soon and then trained me. She's not only good in punishments, she's also a great teacher. I'm not surprised that she's better than Kai, because she's been training others a lot longer. She told me that i should be out of here in a day or two if we practiced a lot. Honestly, i don't want to leave Kai in the midst of everything. I want to be there for him. Celeste also told me that Kai was going to be the Count by the end of tomorrow. I would go see Kai later today, but he didn't want to see me, or anyone else for that matter. Yes. it hurts a bit but i understand. I locked myself in my room for days after my parents had died. The ceremony for Kai the next day was beautiful and he looked gorgeous in a suit, but he still didn't talk to me that day. And looking around. I saw that everyone wore the same face i did, a sad face. Even though is was a big thing for Kai to be the Count, no one was in the mood to celebrate. But that wasn't the worst part of the day. Neither was Cal's funeral, even though i shed more than one tear. Not even last night when Celeste had taken me out and i'd fed from a vein, which was hard but still i had succeeded, was the worst part. No, the worst part was the day after the ceremony when Kai had approved for me to be released and i went to his room to talk to him. I hadn't seen him or talked to him for nearly two days because..well, he was busy, apparently.

(Lexa walks into Kai's bedroom)


Oh God.

(Lexa's POV)

What the hell are they doing? They're not kissing at least.

(Lexa can't stand it she runs out and bumps into Celeste outside the gate)


All done?


Yes. Thank you for everything you've done for me these last couple of days.


Here are your things. I'm really proud of you Lexa.


Thank you.


Are you ready to leave?


Yes (she says taking a deep breath)

(Lexa's POV)

I went there to say goodbye to Kai, but he seemed too busy so..


Do you want me to come with you all the way?


I don't know, i don't want to trouble you.


Nonsense, come on.

(Lexa's POV)

Shit, it feels like i've been here for ages. I am a little bit sad about leaving. I've made good friends here and i hope to still see them sometime. Saying goodbye to Tyler and Libby was pretty hard. Libby began to cry, which made me cry too. Tyler kept a straight face, but i could see the struggle. He would miss me just as much i would miss him. God, so many emotions. Tyler is also being released in a few days. I am thrilled that i get to see Nicole though. I've missed her more than i could've imagined and the thought of us reuniting gave me butterflies in the stomach. Okay, let's get going. Celeste said she would check up on me from time to time, but was certain i would be fine out in the real world.. It kills me to leave Kai, it really does. But his father's death changed him, which is understandable. It would be strange if it didn't. What's hard, however, is the fact that he pushed me away. If it helps him recover than fine, that's a sacrifice i'm willing to make.

(Celeste and Lexa gets on the road)

(Lexa's POV)

I mentioned Nic's parents being rich, right? Since this is the result of it, a penthouse. Since they know the owner of the building we also got a discount on the rent.


Nice place you got.


Nic's parents managed to get it for us.

(Nicole in the background)

If i were you i'd leave! I have a gun!

(Lexa laughs)


I'm serious! I have a gen and i'm not afraid to use it.

(Nicole comes out of her hiding spot)



(She runs and gives Lexa a hug, and she hugs her back)


I've missed you so, so much! Where have you been, loca? You didn't return any of my calls and i was on the verge of going to the police.

(Lexa's POV)

God i've missed her and her over protective ways!

(Celeste's POV)

That's a good friend she has there.


I've missed you too.


Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?


No, i'm fine.

(Lexa's POV)

Celeste told me in the car that i was allowed to tell whoever i wanted about being a vampire. But the fewer who knew, the better.


Who's this?


Oh..um..this is Celeste. I met her while i was..away.


Hello. I was just making sure she got home. I'll leave you girls.


You don't have to go, you can stay..


Thank you but i'm really needed at the mansion. Good luck with everything Lexa.

(Lexa hugs Celeste, while she hugs her back)


Thank you, for everything.


Of course. If you ever need anything, give me a call.

(Lexa lets go)


Take care. It was nice meeting you.


You too.

(Celeste leaves back to the Mansion)


What was that all about?


I'll tell you everything some other day. I've missed you so much!


Don't you dare leave me again!


Never. Nic?




You're wearing my pants.


I really missed you and i needed something to remind me of you.

(They laugh together)