
Forced To Marry The Devil : A Crazy Love Saga

Today was the worst afternoon that Kizy had ever faced in her entire life. She had never been this tremendously anxious ever. And the lone cause for her trouble was the man sitting beside her, her husband to be in the coming few minutes, Markus. Kizy and Markus, If there was anything they felt towards each other, then that was pure hatred. They had been sworn enemies since their childhood, but she had no way out. Hence she was sitting in his house at eleven, ready to sell off whatever little property she had to Markus in order to save her dying mom. She had decided to give all the money she could gather to him in exchange for saving her mom. But the thing she least expected had happened. Markus agreed to save her mother using his connections. And the best part was he did not expected even a single cent from her. But happiness never lasts long. He demanded that his only condition to save her mom would be - TO MARRY HER. And thats where the trouble began. What will happen when these two people who can not tolerate each others's presence for even a moment are tied with the marital knot for the rest of there life? Let's witness a crazy love saga unfold between Kizy and Markus filled with loads of action, drama, unseen twists and turns and off course a whole lot of romance. *Book Cover : credits to the original owner, it does not belongs to me. If it is your work, please dm me.* Instagram : go_kizy Discord : go_kizy#9468

go_kizy · Urban
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346 Chs

26. Punishment

Markus left the room after changing. Kizy had a bath and got ready in half an hour. By the time she climbed down the stairs, Markus was nowhere to be see.

"Where is Markus?" She asked the butler while drinking a milk prepared for her.

"Young Master left ten minutes ago." Butler replied.

"Shit." Kizy cursed knowing very well that Markus did this on purpose.

"Has he left any message or may be driver for me?" Kizy asked hopefully.

"Yes, Young Master said that you are supposed to reach the office on time. And no driver is available at the moment." Butler said respectfully.

"Jerk!" Kizy said.

But the main issue right now was to reach office in time. She was well aware that no public vehicle or cabs were available in this area. Thus she hurriedly walked out of the house, almost running in her high heels.

Finally she removed her heels and ran barefoot till the main road, which was almost one kilometer away from home.

Finally she hailed a cab and sighed in relief. But her foot was covered in minor cuts from running barefoot. She shook her head before wearing those heels back.

'Is this the punishment he said? If yes, then he is succeeded in punishing me i guess.' Kizy thought to herself.

The cab stopped outside the gate and Kizy quickly paid the driver before hurrying inside the building.

"Miss Kizy." She saw Joel waving at her from the reception.

"Boss will be starting a meeting at 10 am. Its 9.58 now and you as his PA are supposed to attend it. Go to meeting room on 28th floor. Be quick and don't be late." Joel said in one breath.

Kizy who hardly got a breather instantly ran towards the elevator pressing for 28th floor. She checked her look in the mirror, which was a little ruined due to all the running, but overall she still looked presentable.

The moment elevator reached 28th floor, she dashed out towards the meeting room. Markus had just entered the meeting room signalled for closing the door to meeting room.

"Wait a minute!" Kizy shouted before rapidly entering the room.

"Miss Kizy you are ten second late." Markus said while glancing at his unnecessarily expensive wristwatch.

"Sorry boss." Kizy said while bowing a little.

"Don't make others waste there time now. Start the meeting." Markus ordered and the person responsible immediately started with his presentation.

Kizy sat beside Markus and started taking notes from the presentation.

But Markus felt a little irritated watching her calm demeanour while working. He had tried every single mean to make it harder for her, even going at the length of scolding her in front of his employees. And what did she do? She was completely unaffected, taking down notes composedly.

Thus a pissed Markus pointed every minute mistake, terrifying all those higher ups and employees. By the end of meeting, none of them were spared from his rage.

"Redo the entire presentation and i want no mistakes." Markus ordered.

"Miss Kizy, you will make sure that i recieve the presentation document by 4pm in evening. If the document is still not on my table, you included with all of them won't recieve your payments for this month." Markus shouted on Kizy before leaving the room.

'What the hell! Why am I getting punished?' Kizy frustatedly thought before leaving behind him.

"I want a list of all our ongoing projects, the documents for deals we are about to sign in upcoming month as well as my schedule for this entire week by afternoon." Markus ordered Kizy as soon they entered his office.

"How am i supposed to compile all this by afternoon? This is pure bullying Markus." Kizy said irritatedly.

"Do you not want your salary Kizy. If I am not wrong, you haven't purchased those gifts yet. And i won't remind you twice, this is my office and i am your Boss. So how do you address me Kizy?" Markus said in a chilly voice.

"Boss." Kizy said unwillingly.

"Louder." Markus said.

"Boss!!" Kizy shouted before going back to her desk, which was brought in this office yesterday. Not only she had to tolerate his torture, she was forced to face him 24×7 now.

The entire day Kizy kept running to and fro from her desk to Joel's office for asking details. On top of that, Markus kept making her run for his personal errands.

"Kizy I want coffee."

"Kizy this coffee has cooled down, bring me another one."

"Kizy where is my red file."

"Kizy go bring me something to eat from canteen."

"Who told you to bring pancake? I want pastry right now."

Thus Kizy could hardly breathe properly for a minute. She had been standing and running entire day. By afternoon, she handed him the required document even after an entire morning full of his stupid demands.

And as if her day wasn't tiring enough, all the employees passed there document to Kizy.

"Miss Kizy, I have some urgent work, will you please get this document signed."

"Miss Kizy is Boss still in an awful mood?"

"Miss Kizy i have emotional disorder. I can not tolerate Boss's harsh words. Please pass this USB to him."

"Miss Kizy, Boss already scolded me a lot in morning. Will you please get this folder reviewed from him?"

And this way she got to witness her no-rest-only-work-punishment-day.

"I asked for a parcel. Go bring that from reception to my office." Markus said after signing one the document brought by Kizy.

'What a devil' Kizy thought before going to the reception area.

"Boss said that his parcel arrived, where is it?" Kizy asked the receptionist politely.

One had to agree that Kizy was a workaholic through and through. No matter how much unreasonable Markus was, she completed all his demands. Even after all the employees passed on there work to Kizy, she didn't complain and kept a proffessional attitude.

"Miss Kizy that's the parcel." Receptionist pointed towards a box which almost reached above her waist in height.

Kizy widened her eyes at that abnormally huge so called parcel before trying to pick it up. But as expected, the box wasn't only huge but heavy as well.

'How the hell am i supposed to carry this till his office?' she cursed Markus for the Nth time today.


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- Kizy