
" Important day"

As Anaya and Ria raced down the main highway on Anaya's sleek sports bike, the exhilarating rush of speed filled their senses. The wind whipped around them, tousling their hair and bringing color to their cheeks as they leaned into the curves of the road.

Anaya: *shouting over the roar of the engine* "How's the ride back there, Ria?"

Ria: *grinning with excitement* "It's incredible, Anaya! I feel like I'm flying!"

Anaya's heart swelled with pride at Ria's enthusiasm, her own exhilaration mirrored in her bright smile.

Anaya: *voice filled with adrenaline* "Hang on tight, Ria! We're just getting started!"

Ria: *laughing with pure joy* "I'm not going anywhere, Anaya! This is amazing!"

Anaya's focus was solely on the road ahead, her body instinctively responding to the twists and turns of the highway. She felt alive, every nerve tingling with the thrill of the ride and the companionship of her best friend.

Anaya: *calling back to Ria* "You doing okay back there?"

Ria: *grinning from ear to ear* "Better than okay, Anaya! This is the most fun I've had in ages!"

Anaya's heart swelled with happiness at Ria's words, her own laughter mingling with the roar of the engine. In that moment, she felt a deep sense of connection with Ria, as if they were sharing an experience that transcended words.

Anaya: *gesturing ahead* "Look at that view, Ria! Isn't it breathtaking?"

Ria: *gazing out with wonder* "Absolutely stunning, Anaya! I feel like I'm on top of the world!"

Anaya nodded in agreement, a sense of freedom washing over her as she reveled in the beauty of the open road. In that moment, there was no past or future, only the exhilarating present and the bond between two friends.

Anaya: *smiling at Ria* "Thanks for joining me on this adventure, Ria. It wouldn't be the same without you."

Ria: *grinning back* "Anytime, Anaya! We make a pretty awesome team, don't we?"

With a shared laugh and a renewed sense of camaraderie, Anaya and Ria continued their journey down the highway, the wind in their hair and the thrill of the ride fueling their spirits.

After dropping Ria off at her office, Anaya revved up her bike and headed towards her own workplace. As she pulled into the office parking lot, she noticed Kunal, a colleague from work, heading towards the elevator.

Anaya: *calling out* "Hey, Kunal!"

Kunal turned around, a friendly smile spreading across his face as he spotted Anaya approaching on her bike.

Kunal: *cheerfully* "Hey, Anaya! Need to open the door for you young lady?"

Anaya smiled gratefully, appreciating the offer.

Anaya: *nodding* "Thanks, Kunal! That would be great." But lady!?.

Kunal held the elevator door open for her, gesturing for her to step inside before he pressed the button to close it. Anaya parked her bike quickly and joined him in the elevator, grateful for the chance to catch up.

Kunal: *as the elevator doors closed*by the way " Good morning". And lady uhh because you are young and beautiful..

Anaya: *smiling* good morning. "Not too bad, thanks. Just had an adventurous start to the morning, thanks to Ria."

Kunal chuckled, nodding in understanding.

Kunal: "Ah, I can imagine! She always knows how to spice things up." She is your bestie?.

Anaya: *grinning* "That's for sure." Yes she is..

As the elevator ascended to their floor, Anaya felt a sense of camaraderie with Kunal, grateful for his friendly presence. When the doors opened, they stepped out together, exchanging casual conversation as they made their way to their respective offices.

Anaya: *with a smile* "Thanks again for holding the elevator, Kunal. I appreciate it."

Kunal: *grinning* "No problem at all, Anaya. Anytime you need a lift, just let me know."

With a friendly wave, they parted ways, each heading off to tackle their tasks for the day with renewed energy and camaraderie.

Anaya couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected kindness of her colleague, a reminder that even in the busy hustle of office life, there was always room for small acts of friendship and support.

As the elevator doors slid open on Anaya's floor, she stepped out into the bustling office environment. Her eyes immediately sought out Rudra, who was striding purposefully towards the meeting hall. Anaya's heart skipped a beat at the sight of him, her curiosity piqued by his determined demeanor.

Anaya's attire was professional yet stylish, a tailored blouse paired with sleek trousers and heels, exuding confidence and sophistication. She stood tall, her posture poised and her expression a mix of curiosity and apprehension as she watched Rudra's retreating figure.

Anaya: *softly to herself, with a furrowed brow* "What's he doing and with that women..? She is client?.

Anaya longed to call out to Rudra, to confront him about his absence and the unanswered questions swirling in her mind. But a sense of restraint held her back, and she remained rooted to the spot, her gaze fixed on him as he disappeared into the meeting hall.

Anaya's lips formed a thin line, betraying the turmoil of emotions churning inside her. She felt a pang of disappointment at Rudra's apparent disregard for their special day, mingled with a gnawing sense of uncertainty about the state of their relationship.

With a resigned sigh, Anaya tore her gaze away from Rudra and forced herself to focus on the tasks at hand. She moved gracefully through the bustling office, her steps purposeful yet weighed down by the weight of her unspoken concerns.

Anaya reached her desk and sank into her chair, her thoughts still consumed by Rudra's unexpected appearance. She busied herself with her work, her movements precise and efficient, but her mind remained preoccupied with questions that demanded answers.

As the day wore on, Anaya couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within her. She knew that she needed to address the situation with Rudra, but for now, all she could do was wait and hope that clarity would come in time.

** To Be Continue**